You guys with pensions do realize that the only reason you have one is because the government bailed out wall street and the banking system. Otherwise you would have squat. Same for anyone who had money in the bank or has made money investing in this "recovery". In other words, pretty much everyone.

Point being, most people who think they love the "free market" are actually beholding to the govt in some form or fashion. If there would have been a free market in 2008-2009, 90% of us would have been broke and the 10% smart enough to bet against the system would have made a fortune....that the 90% of the other "free marketers" would likely have demanded be taxed away as ill gotten gains.

I am far from a liberal but as a financial type, I can tell you that pension holders, 401 K holders, mutual fund holders, stock investors, home owners, bank account holders....pretty much everyone with any form of savings, me included, has gotten their fair share of welfare in the last decade. The illusion of the "market" only allows us to look down our noses at the "hood rats".

I think you guys who are calling for a return to free markets best be careful what you wish for.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn