Originally Posted by 12344mag
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Some here are walking a very slippery slope.

What happens when what you espouse is turned against you?

Come hell or high water every member of my family will get to that courtroom one way or another.......of course my family as well as I are productive members of society and make it a point to obey laws and not get involved in terrorist activities so the chances of it happening or close to none.

Time is coming when making comments such as those we on a subversive site such as this may get us charged with treason. At that point we will not likely have any of the luxuries you mention above.

The rule of law for all, even those who use it to kill us, is all we have if we hope to make it a couple more generations.

All this terrorism stuff is a shell game; a distraction. While our eyes watch that and look over seas to those our govt tell us are our enemies they @$$ rape us and we thank them for the protection.