I made a few changes to my unaweep. I sewed the talon right to the packbag leaving the top open. I always use the talon so weight wasn't an issue, and now I have another pocket to shove stuff, as well as cutting down the fiddle factor with the talon. I also ran two 1" webbing straps from the metal buckles behind the back pad down to the bolts that hang the hip belt. I just used two metal buckles identical to the ones back there, and threaded the webbing through both. Then just pull the other end down tight and mark it for the hole. This transfers the weight to the node on the frame instead of pulling the middle of the backpad. Only really an issue when I pick it up by the straps and put it on.

Originally Posted by jackmountain
I’m not an organ donor. I don’t believe in an afterlife, but I’d rather cover my bases in case there is and I need everything. You just never know.