Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by mohave_mauler1
Originally Posted by JoeBob
I read that he left the station sixteen minutes behind schedule. He was speeding to make up time. If the speed limit was 50 on that turn, like on a highway the turn probably could be taken in relative safety at 70 or 75 mph and in a pinch, it probably has been taken at 90 mph fairly regularly.

He just screwed up and was going too fast and then panicked. There was a retired Amtrak conductor on the radio last night who said that the train would have made that turn at 106 mph without too much problem except that he panicked and hit the emergency brakes. The brakes work from front to rear with the front cars slowing down first. Hitting the emergency brakes going that fast into a turn like that made all the back cars pile onto the front cars that had already slowed down first and caused the derailment.

It is like driving a car, the worst thing you can do is panic and lock up the breaks going into a turn.

No railroad curve is good for double the speed, even with relatively light passenger equipment. Maybe it would hold at +25ish. Nobody regularly takes curves or violates max speeds, especially not by more than 10mph over max speed. FRA takes their card for 30 days first offense and a couple more times and card can be gone for years.

Maybe, but nobody, unless he was having some sort of medical emergency suddenly decides to go 106 mph into a curve that is rated for 50 mph. He had been taking that curve way over the posted speed limit for a long time. Maybe the limit on that curve was artificially low or maybe he was a daredevil. Who knows? But you don't suddenly go from 50 or 60 mph to 106 mph. More likely he was going from 80 or 85 mph to a moment's inattention and being further down the track than he thought, and then entering it at 106 mph.

I get what you are saying, but that is what is SUPPOSED to happen. It obviously wasn't happening here because you don't go from 50 mph to 106 mph.

Dude fuct up. These aren't cars, you don't just take curves at way over speed on a regular basis if ever "because you know they are good for it". He may have gotten away with it a few times but if he made it a regular practice he would not have been working because the FRA would have pulled his card. I'm not sure what this idiot was doing, whether he was trying to kill himself and crash the train then chickened out at the last minute and tried to slow down or if he somehow defeated the crew alerter and fell asleep then woke up and threw the brakes on to late. Being able go go over 90mph is a big deal. Only very few trains on certain tracks, with certain locomotives can do it. If his train didn't qualify to do that speed he would have had to disable an over speed device that would have applied the brakes at +/- 94mph. I would like to know the max passenger speed for the subdivision he was operating on. Bottom line tho this guy screwed up in a big way.

Deserve's got nuthin to do with it- Willam H Munny