I've only ever heard good things about them, and mostly from guys using them for elk in some magnum. Never tried them, but kind of wishing I would have now.

Bummer. Everything changes, some at faster rates than others. Seems that the shooting world, which made few changes for decades, has changed much in the last 10 years. The next 10 may bring even greater change. If I had the moolah, I'd stockpile what I plan to use for the rest of my years, with a pile thrown in for the kids.

It only causes me concern when companies that also claim to be trustworthy sportsmen use the same PR tactics as every other soulless corporation does. What happened to integrity? We aren't talking about the limitations of one person here, but rather, a significant group of people, making decisions to mislead their customers. Not good.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.