Well I don't NEED the government for anything. I hope to convince others of the same day by day. That's another story...

Voices of reason are seldom heard in the din of the marketing blitz even within the realm of outdoor sports products. When people begin to realize that you don't get hot chicks by drinking a particular brand of beer, or you don't feel satisfied by driving a particular make of vehicle, nor is anyone guaranteed hunting success by using a particular brand of bullet; only then will things change.

We really can come to conclusions on our own. Every single one of us. Through actual experience. I doubt there are many adults in America that don't understand the basics of the scientific method, or the nature of basic cause-effect relationships. We get it wrong, all of us, at one time or another, but it seems to be a core aspect of human reasoning that is hard-wired into us.

Those in marketing know this. Their jobs are based on it. They help us misidentify. Those high in government have known this for ages. They are experts at misapplication and misapprehension of the basic law of cause and effect. Their power depends on it.

Last edited by HuntnShoot; 05/17/15.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.