Hey Roy, I seem to remember you taking some heat when you first came around for wanting to stuff Weird Boolitz into 99's, or something like that. If you check my registration date, I was accused of making an April "Fools" day joke. I just wanted to make a 38-55 switch barrel out of my 1926 303 F. Oh Well, life goes on. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at. Like the time my son and I did a 10 day wilderness hike in New Mexico. Getting supplies I told him to grab a box of Baby Wipes, thinking it would be nice to keep the exit hole from getting a little crusty. He said we had some at home and he would bring them. Turned out what we had at home were CLOROX kitchen towels. Talk about a wake up call, and a life changing experience. Butt, we survived that too, Joe.

I'm not greedy, I just want one of each.

Remember Ira Hayes
