It is not uncommon for first, 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanic kids to be spoiled brats and the gangs are a plague. The influx of Mexican workers has driven down wages in many industries in the USA - those are the only negatives I have observed.

By and large the Hispanic folks in this country are hard working, generous, attend church at a higher rate than average hold family above almost everything and those folks here working sending money home make big sacrifices to do so.

Like every immigrant wave they start at the bottom and work up. Unlike other groups, in the Southwest they were here first. The fact that the culture is conservative by nature, faith, family, and hard work as core values and that they vote Democrat is an illustration of what a crappy job the republicans have done getting out their message.

If you just want to go after the bigot vote - you'll lose the fastest growing minority every time. Get the message out that hard work and family values are what all smart people should vote for and that everyone gets treated the same and votes will follow. Stay out of our pockets and personal lives, keep the country strong and jobs growing faster than the labor force, hand outs, and regulations.....why don't they get it?