"Somebody needs to be held accountable" she says. Lookin' for someone to be accountable? How about a look-see in the mirror Ms. Welfare Queen? This goes on on a grand scale throughout this country. I see it every single day in the court system and on the street. Teenage girls pushing baby carriages full of kids---generation after generation---all on welfare. Its how they make a living and have 40 hours a week to sit on their asses to boot. I've long held that when CPS gets involved and they take the parent to court to remove the kids from the home, it'd be money well spent to offer them a few hundred cash to go get sterilized in exchange for giving them their kids back just one more time. Many (perhaps most) would jump on that offer. Then just go back and take the kids away two months later when they screw up again.

Last edited by RobJordan; 05/28/15.

Communists: I still hate them even after they changed their name to "liberals".

My boss asked why I wasn't working. I told him I was being a democrat for Halloween.