any one of the Republican Candidates are a hell of a lot better and more competent choice than Obama was, and Hillary will be..

The Democrats have nothing to offer beyond Hillary....

Hillary's big appeal is to moronic women ( who just have to have a woman in the White House), every welfare minority ( who doesn't want the gravy train to end, and actually have to take care of themelves), and DumbrocRATS who want the USA to be a communistic socialist welfare state...

bad health, a plane crash, car accident.... I don't care... the best thing for this country right now, is that there is no Hillary Alive at all by 2016...

This woman's only appeal is to the "its all about ME" crowd, who put themselves first long before they put this nation's future on any level of importance...

The " what do you mean I'm out of money??? I still have Checks in my checkbook" sort of crowd...or "the United States isn't Broke, we'll just print more money"....

and we won't even go to the " Radical Muslim Extremists have RIGHTS, by Christianity is dead" crowd...

as Hillary Says, " So Four People are Dead! What does it matter??"