We have been blessed over the last two years to share in some very special moments with a young family we met here on the campfire. Now they are our family, and this Spring season we got to be a part of the joy when his Dad took the oldest who is 8yrs old, on his first turkey hunt. :):):):) His Dad is a pro at the turkey call and in short order this young man had his first tom, a triple beard. His weapon of choice was a 250-3000 !!! The pictures will tell it all.... don't know who had the biggest grin.

This old man got to sit on the porch, listening to the calling and then the shot ..... its as it should be. The new generation taking their place in the hunt and the older still getting to take part :):):):) What a thrill for me.
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If you don't like Robert E. Lee, you won't like it on this ranch. JGM