...sometime back, don't have the energy to look it up, mebbe last spring? Winter? Anyhoo, the discussion devolved into stability issues for a....38-55(?) used for peegs and cheekuns sen'or...Al Nyhaus(or something close) linked a page the other day that provides a lot of insight into stability AND the effects of transition thru the transonic zone... check it out, and throw in some numbers, interesting and telling results to be had! For the unknowing, you need an SG mimimum of 1.1 to maintain stability to any degree in the real world, most CF BR folks buck up to 1.4 at launch from the 6PPC. Stability is stability, caliber/bullet matters not.


I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain