So I've got Cabin-fever and went out for a drive . I pass a driveway and there I see a really impressive looking Bicycle which looks like a Mini-Chopper . Its got Chrome Wire Wheels , a bigger than normal front tire and an even bigger rear tire . It also has a bigger Motor than I have ever seen on the cheap Chinese putt-putt Motorized Bicycle imports . Guy is working on it in his driveway , so I stop and ask what the heck it is . Guy says it's a Kit which comes from ( wait for it ) .... Poland . I mentioned the big Motor and the guy says it will do zero to ..... get this ( 60 mph) in less than 4 seconds . Then he says his 12 year old son Races it on weekends . I should have asked " what kind of Races " , but did not . He said he was pretty busy , so I did not want to interfere . He also said it had no Gears or Brakes and cost about $2500 in Kit form . I don't think I would like doing 60 on a bike without Brakes ( probably even if it had Brakes ) , but maybe Brakes are accessories . Also , I did not have a Camera to take any pictures . Did a quick Search and could not find any info on it . Any member ever hear of anything like this ???