This book was written in 2010 and is still pertinent. It was written by Marc Thiessen who is now a columnist for the Washington Post and previously was a speech writer for Pres. George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld. In this book Thiessen describes how the CIA kept America safe by its methods of 'information gathering' from captured terrorists. This includes methods that have been well described and documented. The book clearly points out how the president who followed Bush made those interrogation techniques illegal amid a lot of publicity and, thereby, put the U.S. at greater risk.

It's an interesting book for anyone who might have an interest in such things. Of course there are detractors of the book. And that is a separate issue.

Recommended for information. The book is 383 pages long with an additional 100 pages of appendices I, II, and III, notes, and index.

Retired cat herder.