Assuming the statistics are accurate, that the vast majority of gun violence is "black on black: compared to a much smaller percentage of "white on white."

My family came from England on my dad's side, not sure about my mom, but I have inherited the typical light skinned northern European physical characteristics. Most of the people I know and with whom I associate are like me and speak proper English. Besides having these light skinned European characteristics, we have jobs or own businesses which consume the vast majority of our time each week. We work five or six days a week, maybe seven when necessary to get the job done. Most of us go to church each Sunday, with our children. Most of the families have a mother and father, which in most cases, are the birth parents of the children in the family.

We spend alot of time and money on our children's activities. Most of us like to hunt and fish, and own several firearms. The neighborhoods in which we live are relatively quiet at night, because we are in bed resting, in anticipation of getting up early and going to work. We don't fear walking around amongst others of our kind, but we will make sure the car doors are locked if we stop at a street corner where there are "blacks" congregated.

For the most part, the men with whom I associate wear their trousers or shorts up around their waist and we keep our underwear out of sight in public.I don't know anyone who listens to rap music that calls women "ho's" and glorifies killing cops. I don't know any man who looks like me that goes around in public holding his crotch. I feel no great need to arm myself when I am in controlled situations with people who look like me. However, when I am forced to be in an area with a majority of "blacks" I feel a strong need to arm myself. With "whites" I feel relatively safe and non-threatened. With "blacks" I feel threatened and not safe at all.

It has been my life experience since the early 1960's that American "blacks" have a reputation of drinking, drugs, gambling, carousing, illicit sex, laziness, not working, hanging out in gangs, robbing, stealing, and talking Ebonics, lining up at the welfare office for a government check, and generally being a blight on a civil society.

Add to this picture, rampant gun violence. Is there any reason why a civil society should not fear these people? Why can't the "black" demoncraps see this?
This IS the great society.

It can't be bad as it is a dem creation. Its only problem is that we need to spend more money on it.
if you have to ask such a question, you are just plain out of touch with the reality of things in America.
Murder serves as retro active birth control in the black community. They seem find birth control is too much responsibility.

That b raciss and 100% accurate.
You can take the Monkey out of the jungle but you can't take the Jungle out of the Monkey
It is this way because we pay them to keep it so.
Originally Posted by OrangeOkie

It has been my life experience since the early 1960's that American "blacks" have a reputation of drinking, drugs, gambling, carousing, illicit sex, laziness, not working, hanging out in gangs, robbing, stealing, and talking Ebonics, lining up at the welfare office for a government check, and generally being a blight on a civil society.

Originally Posted by bea175
You can take the Monkey out of the jungle but you can't take the Jungle out of the Monkey

You be racis.
The truly sad thing is some people think all black people fit into that perspective, nothing could be further from the truth.
Does the name Ben Carson ring a bell? How about reading Meadowlark Lemon's obituary.

You are only shorting yourself by judging the masses by the actions of the few.
In many areas 90% of the crime is committed by 10% of the population.

When 90% of that 10% are of a particular demographic, it is very hard not to generalize.
proto archaic humans 1.0..........

who gives a fugg if they kill each other....

couple less I have to pay for with my tax dollars

im tired of groids...................
The problem is that the actions of the few are almost always seen as representative of the whole by those outside the group.

All groups have bad apples, but if someone identifies with that group and wants the group as a whole to prosper they need to point out the bad apples as exceptions and not accept bad behavior under any circumstances. Doesn't matter if it's black people, Masons, Jews, Muslims, Holy Rollers, Republicans or the Boy Scouts of America. If the many don't condemn the actions of the inevitable bad few among them then I call them guilty by association, as do most people.

I do see that condemnation among black people but it is the exception rather then the rule, at least that's the way it looks. There are a few videos of angry black women and well spoken (or not) black men calling spades spades and denouncing the behavior of violent thugs of dusky hue. But those stand out because they are the rare exception, not the rule.

The truth is that without black on black violent crime statistics folks would see America as a very peaceful place even with millions of firearms in private hands. I for one am sick of the actions of a minority within a minority giving gun owners - ME - a black eye, metaphorically speaking. I am sick of liberal reactions trying to pass restrictive laws that directly harm everyone to try to "fix" problems associated with a minority within a minority. I am sick to death of a portion of 12% of our country's population dragging the entire country down.

I am a blatant racist. If I meet a black person one on one then almost every time you find if you treat a person with normal courtesy they respond in kind. But I will not deny in the least that a black person has to prove more to me than a white person in a similar situation would. That's human nature. If I knew that XX% of the white people I wanted to hire were functionally illiterate even while holding a college degree I would hire nothing but Asians (or Jews). If I had an 80% chance of being attacked by white teenagers whenever I went out and about I'd feel the same way toward white teenagers.

Honest to God, I would love to see black people as part of the American melting pot more than you (black folks of all kinds) know. I long for the day when I see a group of black teenagers and don't check to make sure my carry piece is ready. I long for the day when I see a black face and it provokes no more emotional reaction in me than seeing an Italian (who would have loathed my Irish ancestors as much as they loathed him) or an Asian or a man with red hair.

I want to say to all black people right here and now I am sorry, really and truly sorry that some of my ancestors brought some of your ancestors over to this country and treated them worse than dogs. I honest to God wish it wasn't so. Slavery is a stain on our country's proud history and the reasons for its founding, and especially on a certain geographically situated group of white people who otherwise place a high value on personal honor.

But it happened. It's in the past and absolutely no one can change it. Whenever anything bad happens, all you can do is get up and go on. Sitting around blaming someone else for your problems does absolutely nothing to help anyone. And to be honest, nobody gives a flying f_ck about someone who sits around feeling sorry for themselves, that's another truism of human nature. In fact most openly sneer at people who refuse to help themselves. But start to help yourself and you'd be amazed how many helping hands of all colors are offered.

I can see why black people hate white people. I suppose if the roles were reversed I would hate white people too. And even 150 years after the fact, I can see how I would want revenge for something I wasn't even personally involved in. But a thirst for revenge, like any other form of hatred, simply destroys the person or persons who carry it. The person or persons you hate generally don't give a sh_t about your hatred of them.

So in parting, I would say to all people anywhere who feel like life gave them a bad hand:

"Living well is the best revenge."

I would love to see all black people live well. I truly would.

Living well is entirely within your reach but you, as a group, are blowing it really badly.
Why more black on black violence than white on white?

Because a higher percentage of black people are criminals and they live in the same areas. I don't think it's any more complicated than that.

Very well said. I think you speak for a lot of us.
you all need to do some research

the only blacks that are genetically similar to all the other races on the planet are the ones who have mated with other races after being removed from Africa

do some googling on Neanderthal dna
do some googling on the human genome and racial differences
do some googling on racial dna and skeletal differences
do some googling on racial iq scores and genetic brain differences
google synapse and neuron connection by race
google cranial brain volume by race
do some googling on college admission scores by race and credit giving by race for college admission

even when blacks design their own iq test
they score just as low by race
iq test are based on your ability to learn

the vast majority of this info is surpressed for obvious PC reasons, but it is their and is backed with hard science and research.

only 15-20% of blacks are human 2.0
and most of them are in north america
aborigines score even lower than blacks

groids aint the same type of human as the rest of the worlds races
at least the vast majority of them aint
Originally Posted by Bluemonday
Originally Posted by bea175
You can take the Monkey out of the jungle but you can't take the Jungle out of the Monkey

You be racis.

I try very,very, hard
Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho

Slavery is a stain on our country's proud history and the reasons for its founding, and especially on a certain geographically situated group of white people who otherwise place a high value on personal honor.

Southerners had plenty of help:

“Money was earned by Jewish communities in South America, partly through slavery, and went to Holland, where Jewish bankers handled it,” he said. “Non-Jews were also complicit, but so were we. I feel partly complicit.”

Though he holds no official position in the Dutch Jewish community, van de Kamp, 65, is among the best-known Orthodox rabbis in the Netherlands, a status earned through his several books on Dutch Jewry and frequent media appearances.

According to the FBI solved homicide statistics for 2013, the rates of black on black (90.12%) and white on white (83.49%) are pretty close. Since these sample sizes are quite large, I would expect them to be a fairly accurate representation of the universe of violent crime in the U.S.
I am a Southerner, born and bred and proud of it. I live in Idaho now but that's for personal reasons, not because I wanted to get out of the South. I went to Camp Dixie for summer camp, in the heart of Rabun County, GA. My whole family, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were from the South, North Carolina to be exact. All of my friends were Southerners from Georgia and Alabama mostly. Ancestry.com tells me my genetic ancestry can be traced back to some people who lived in Georgia in the 1840's. I slept with a 3x5' Stars and Bars over my bed until I left home. The one undying truth in my life was that there ain't a Yankee alive fit to lick the mud off of Robert E. Lee's boots.

But we grow and change.

Slavery happened. Southerners were complicit. Doesn't matter if we had help or not. Saying "yeah, well they were part of it as well", whether "they" is Jews, Yankees or other blacks doesn't change my ancestors' complicitness one tiny iota.

My ancestors weren't any more inherently evil than anybody else before, during or after. They weren't evil any more than medieval physicians were when they bled their patients to death to cure a cold. Just the way people thought back then.

It happened. There was a war that happened as well. We lost.

The past is past. Oh well. Be proud of the good parts and just accept that there were also parts that weren't so good, same as in any society throughout history. And the lesson from history is to keep the good and lose the bad, keep the attitudes about personal honor, Keep the attitudes about chivalry and personal responsibility. Lose that 150 year old chip on the shoulder about the outcome of a long ago war. That's not my cross to bear and it only weighs down those who do.

The past is past. I only read about it, I wasn't there. I'm concentrating on living well in the here and now.
Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho

Slavery happened. Southerners were complicit. Doesn't matter if we had help or not. Saying "yeah, well they were part of it as well", whether "they" is Jews, Yankees or other blacks doesn't change my ancestors' complicitness one tiny iota.

My point is that chattel slavery was a worldwide phenomenon. American southerners didn't invent it. That is the way it is presented today to the masses.

Chattel slavery, like today's drug trade, had financiers. Who is really responsible?
Da reel reeson day bees a shootin one nuther bees da fac dat days madd at duh kolor blac cuz dat bee whut sole 'em ento slavre ta begen wif!!
Yes, I understand. Slavery is not an American invention.

My point is, who cares whose fault it was? We've been plowing this rocky soil for 150 years trying to find something, anything, to let us Southerners shift or share the blame. I would say that's fruitless toil and further, who cares?

I can't tell anyone what to do but can offer some advice to my fellow Southerners based on experiences in my own life.

Lose the guilt! It's not yours to carry.

People will rise up and indignantly say, "I don't feel guilty!". Bullshitt. Every time someone feels the need to defend anything, that comes from guilt or some kind of insecurity. Every time these threads come up people spend an inordinate amount of time proving that everybody was just as guilty as Southerners, the North is really all to blame, yada yada ad infinitum. Anything to shift, share or mitigate the "guilt" when there is no guilt at all except in someone's mind.

My Fellow Southerners, quit trying to defend our ancestors! They're dead. They don't care one way or the other any more.

And the thing is, other people point to something that happened long before we were born and try to make us, you, them, whoever, feel bad today about something we, those living today, had no part of. Speaking to the entire human race, no one can "make" us feel guilty about anything. Only we can do that to ourselves.

About 70 years ago our ancestors, men and women from both North and South, won a vicious all out war. During that same time they also imprisoned a few hundred thousand American citizens who had done no wrong. That was a bad thing and should not have happened. But it did and can't be changed now. I'm sorry it happened but I'm not personally ashamed. I wasn't there.

Look toward the future but live well now. Remember and learn from the past but carry no guilt from it, not ever. That's the best advice I can give anybody. Including black people which was what this thread was supposed to be about.

As some may have noticed, my inner preacher appears occasionally and I tend to veer way off thread course and get on these personal enrichment soap boxes from time to time. Oh well, at least I don't feel guilty about it. wink
How typical... Blacks commit crimes at an exorbitant rate all over the country and somehow it's all the fault of Southern white people... crazy
The main stream media is largely responsible for White guilt.

Who runs the media again?
Originally Posted by jimy
The truly sad thing is some people think all black people fit into that perspective, nothing could be further from the truth.
Does the name Ben Carson ring a bell? How about reading Meadowlark Lemon's obituary.

You are only shorting yourself by judging the masses by the actions of the few.

Always enjoy reading intelligent posts, so thank you.

You reward bad behavior and you're apt to see more of it.

You can thank that azz hole LBJ and his great society for the results you're witnessing.

But he was correct when he said "I'll have those GD nig-gers voting dem forever"

Pretty close to what he said IIRC
Originally Posted by 4ager
How typical... Blacks commit crimes at an exorbitant rate all over the country and somehow it's all the fault of Southern white people... crazy

YES! They are also responsible for the mess in Haiti, Beelzebubba and HiLIARy are going to remedy all that though.
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
The main stream media is largely responsible for White guilt.

Who runs the media again?

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
Yes, I understand. Slavery is not an American invention.

No schit. How come it's only an excuse for black crime here?

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
My point is, who cares whose fault it was? We've been plowing this rocky soil for 150 years trying to find something, anything, to let us Southerners shift or share the blame. I would say that's fruitless toil and further, who cares?

Obviously, you care. You're the one trying to make it an excuse/justification, or at least relevant, to black violence when it is irrelevant to that and has nothing to do with it.

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
I can't tell anyone what to do but can offer some advice to my fellow Southerners based on experiences in my own life.

So, you don't want to tell anyone else what to do, and you're not Southern, and haven't any experiences that relate, but you're going to go right ahead and tell folks what to do anyway? Got it...

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
Lose the guilt! It's not yours to carry.

Only person thinking Southern whites are or should be guilt-ridden is you (oh, and blacks and democrats...). Figure that out.

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
People will rise up and indignantly say, "I don't feel guilty!". Bullshitt. Every time someone feels the need to defend anything, that comes from guilt or some kind of insecurity. Every time these threads come up people spend an inordinate amount of time proving that everybody was just as guilty as Southerners, the North is really all to blame, yada yada ad infinitum. Anything to shift, share or mitigate the "guilt" when there is no guilt at all except in someone's mind.

You mean people who are accused by folks like you ought not do silly things like bring up facts and actual history to prove that they don't have a damned thing to do with black violence? Silly people, what the Hell were they thinking?

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
My Fellow Southerners, quit trying to defend our ancestors! They're dead. They don't care one way or the other any more.

Now, you're Southern? Curious. As for defending ancestors, that's part of honoring a heritage. Happens every year on July 4, on Veteran's Day, on Memorial Day, and a host of other days. Done so in every museum, cemetery, historical center, park, etc. Reckon we should stop all that, too, eh?

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
And the thing is, other people point to something that happened long before we were born and try to make us, you, them, whoever, feel bad today about something we, those living today, had no part of. Speaking to the entire human race, no one can "make" us feel guilty about anything. Only we can do that to ourselves.

So, we should not do exactly what you are trying to do?

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
About 70 years ago our ancestors, men and women from both North and South, won a vicious all out war. During that same time they also imprisoned a few hundred thousand American citizens who had done no wrong. That was a bad thing and should not have happened. But it did and can't be changed now. I'm sorry it happened but I'm not personally ashamed. I wasn't there.

Thought we weren't supposed to care about our ancestors and heritage from your bit above? Also, I don't see Japanese Americans committing crimes at extraordinary rates; seems they didn't get the memo...

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
Look toward the future. Live well now. Remember and learn from the past but carry no guilt from it, not ever. That's the best advice I can give anybody. Including black people which was what this thread was supposed to be about.

How about actually dealing with problems in the present? Problems like the crime rate due to 12.5% of the population, which was the OP, for starters.

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
As some may have noticed, my inner preacher appears occasionally and I tend to veer way off thread course and get on these soap boxes from time to time. Oh well, at least I don't feel guilty about it. wink

We noticed. Sounds like the same schit many of us have heard from many others for years when they try to overlook, justify, and excuse the actions of blacks rather than deal with them.
I'll continue to honor my Confederate ancestors as will many more of us.
It's not really about race. It's culture. The Ghetto Gangster culture was created by LBJ's war on the poor. Giving welfare to those who are able to work is corrupting to the soul. Those blacks who belong to this culture commit over have of the crime in the USA.

The only solution is to end all forms of welfare for those who are able to work. Force them to find jobs and take responsiblity for their own lives instead. If we need to find unskilled jobs for these people we can hunt down the illegals and open up millions of jobs for out former welfare dependents.
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
According to the FBI solved homicide statistics for 2013, the rates of black on black (90.12%) and white on white (83.49%) are pretty close. Since these sample sizes are quite large, I would expect them to be a fairly accurate representation of the universe of violent crime in the U.S.

What are those percentages? 90% + 83% IS OVER 100%.
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
According to the FBI solved homicide statistics for 2013, the rates of black on black (90.12%) and white on white (83.49%) are pretty close. Since these sample sizes are quite large, I would expect them to be a fairly accurate representation of the universe of violent crime in the U.S.

What are those percentages? 90% + 83% IS OVER 100%.

Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
According to the FBI solved homicide statistics for 2013, the rates of black on black (90.12%) and white on white (83.49%) are pretty close. Since these sample sizes are quite large, I would expect them to be a fairly accurate representation of the universe of violent crime in the U.S.

What are those percentages? 90% + 83% IS OVER 100%.

Um, no. The FBI stats show that of all the black-on-black homicides, 90.12% were solved (meaning 9.88% were not). For white-on-white homicides, 83.49% were solved (meaning 16.51% were not). Clear thing up?
Originally Posted by ConradCA
It's not really about race. It's culture. The Ghetto Gangster culture was created by LBJ's war on the poor. Giving welfare to those who are able to work is corrupting to the soul. Those blacks who belong to this culture commit over have of the crime in the USA.

The only solution is to end all forms of welfare for those who are able to work. Force them to find jobs and take responsiblity for their own lives instead. If we need to find unskilled jobs for these people we can hunt down the illegals and open up millions of jobs for out former welfare dependents.

Nailed it.

Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
According to the FBI solved homicide statistics for 2013, the rates of black on black (90.12%) and white on white (83.49%) are pretty close. Since these sample sizes are quite large, I would expect them to be a fairly accurate representation of the universe of violent crime in the U.S.

What are those percentages? 90% + 83% IS OVER 100%.

Um, no. The FBI stats show that of all the black-on-black homicides, 90.12% were solved (meaning 9.88% were not). For white-on-white homicides, 83.49% were solved (meaning 16.51% were not). Clear thing up?

Ok, thanks.
Is this a trick question? Blacks commit more crimes than other groups. And since they live in the same areas they whack each other.
I was going to beat the hell out of a white dude once. Maybe even worse, then I realized how late it was and went home so I could get some sleep before getting up at 6AM and going to work.
I've never felt any obligation to feel any type of white guilt.

My dad picked cotton as a young boy in the fields of southeastern Missouri to survive during the depression. Then he joined the Army in October of 1941 (very bad timing) to have 3 meals a day and a roof over his head.

For a huge part of America, both black and white, the great depression was the great equalizer. It wiped the slate clean.

Whatever the families of the people who went through that have, they've earned.
Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
According to the FBI solved homicide statistics for 2013, the rates of black on black (90.12%) and white on white (83.49%) are pretty close. Since these sample sizes are quite large, I would expect them to be a fairly accurate representation of the universe of violent crime in the U.S.

What are those percentages? 90% + 83% IS OVER 100%.

Um, no. The FBI stats show that of all the black-on-black homicides, 90.12% were solved (meaning 9.88% were not). For white-on-white homicides, 83.49% were solved (meaning 16.51% were not). Clear thing up?

Talk about skewing statistics.....

I'm so tired of these simians that more black on black violence may be the solution to its own problem....
Originally Posted by ConradCA
It's not really about race. It's culture. The Ghetto Gangster culture was created by LBJ's war on the poor. Giving welfare to those who are able to work is corrupting to the soul. Those blacks who belong to this culture commit over have of the crime in the USA.

The only solution is to end all forms of welfare for those who are able to work. Force them to find jobs and take responsiblity for their own lives instead. If we need to find unskilled jobs for these people we can hunt down the illegals and open up millions of jobs for out former welfare dependents.

Here's a question:

Of all the people on welfare, what percent are black? And how does that compare with the overall percent of the population?

And how has it changed over time?

Originally Posted by Pharmseller
Originally Posted by ConradCA
It's not really about race. It's culture. The Ghetto Gangster culture was created by LBJ's war on the poor. Giving welfare to those who are able to work is corrupting to the soul. Those blacks who belong to this culture commit over have of the crime in the USA.

The only solution is to end all forms of welfare for those who are able to work. Force them to find jobs and take responsiblity for their own lives instead. If we need to find unskilled jobs for these people we can hunt down the illegals and open up millions of jobs for out former welfare dependents.

Here's a question:

Of all the people on welfare, what percent are black? And how does that compare with the overall percent of the population?

And how has it changed over time?


Been posted before.

Here you go -



So, of that 110,489,000 (DAMN, that is a staggering number...), and with those percentages, that means that there are:

43,974,622 blacks
42,869,732 whites
17,346,773 hispanics
2,651,736 asian
3,646,137 other

Let's take a look at that as a function of the percentage of the overall population of each group, shall we?

These numbers are the most recent by the U.S. Census Bureau - https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2015/demo/p25-1143.pdf

There are 198,103,000 non-hispanic whites in the U.S. That means that using the above numbers 21.6% of the white population is on welfare. That's more than 1 out of every five.

There are 50,477,594 hispanics in the U.S. The above numbers indicate that 31.3% of the hispanic population in the U.S. is on welfare; almost one out of every three.

For asians (17,083,000 in the U.S.), 15.5% are on welfare; more than 1 out of every seven.

For blacks, the percentage is 104.6% given the official government statistics. That's right; given the official U.S. government statistics with 39.8% of the 110,489,000 receiving welfare being black (43,974,622), and official black population of 42,039,000 in the U.S. according to the U.S. Census Bureau, you've got more blacks on welfare than you officially have blacks in the country.

If you go by the "black in combination with another race" number of 45,562,000 as the official number, you end up with 96.5% of the black population being on welfare.
at least the chinks are holding up their end of the bargain. love the chinks
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
According to the FBI solved homicide statistics for 2013, the rates of black on black (90.12%) and white on white (83.49%) are pretty close. Since these sample sizes are quite large, I would expect them to be a fairly accurate representation of the universe of violent crime in the U.S.

What are those percentages? 90% + 83% IS OVER 100%.

90.12% of solved BLACK homicides had both a black victim and a black killer.

83.49% of solved WHITE homicides had both a white victim and a white killer.
Dunno 'bout why blacks seem bent on killing each other, it's their deal and I'm not inclined to probe.

As far as the "white man's burden", well lookie here...

Simple message, no? STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.
Originally Posted by nifty-two-fifty
In many areas 90% of the crime is committed by 10% of the population.

When 90% of that 10% are of a particular demographic, it is very hard not to generalize.

Figure that the largest percentage of crime from that 10% is committed by males 15-35, and the percent of the population causing about 50% of major crime is actually 3 or 4 percent or less.
Unorganized crime, wherein when the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, every problem is a nail.

Compare that to organized crime - for example the Mafia or Yakuza. Violence is multiple tools in one drawer of a well-stocked toolbox.

Implied violence. Threatened violence. Applied violence - this one being the most expensive, the least used, and then only very localized.
Jim in Idaho,

Very well written.

What are those percentages? 90% + 83% IS OVER 100%.

Here's the way it works. 84% of all statistics are made up at the time of use.
A better question is why are such a huge proportion of blacks criminals?
Originally Posted by jimy
You are only shorting yourself by judging the masses by the actions of the few.

It's the actions of the masses of blacks that commit crimes and there are a few exceptions. It's not really about race, but culture. The Ghetto Gangster culture consists of millions of people, largely black who chose to not get an education, not work, instead they choose to leech off society on welfare and crime.
KYHillChick spent over a decade working in a program that Cincinnati Children's Hospital founded to combat teen pregnancy. She became a trained sex educator and worked with high schoolers, training them to turn around and conduct classes at the junior high level.

What impressed me the most about this program was the turnaround in the high schoolers, as well as the utter and complete ignorance that arrived with them when the entered the program. If black on black violence is anything like black on black sex, then the problem is not one of race, but rather abject ignorance. The people just do not know the basic mechanics and are completely clueless to the alternatives.

I do not want to go into purient details, but once you teach a young man or woman that there are alternatives to promiscuity, STD's, unwanted pregnancy, etc. and explain exactly how it all works, the rest comes pretty easy. Abstinence comes of its own accord. Attendance at school starts increasing, grades go up, pretty soon the kids are out looking for college scholarships and they get them.

It is easy to look at these folks and say that there is something innately different about them that makes them the way they are. I would answer that this is just as great an ignorance as these people are exhibiting. These people are a reflection of ourselves. These are our children if we did not raise them with proper values, or left them to fend for themselves without proper parents and proper supervision. These folks are ourselves if we were stripped of our civilized culture.

Back in the 50's and 60's Cincinnati rehabilitated the slums of our West End. What was torn down did not have any sanitary facilities, so whoever was living there had no knowledge of such things. I grew up in a building family, and was interested when I got to talk to a fellow who worked for the federal government when they came in and built the new housing.

What he said was that they built into the cost projections 3 complete changes of bathroom fixtures. When a family was given their new apartment, they were shown the bathroom and shown how to use it. Within a month or so, those fixtures had been torn off the wall, and they were using a hole in the floor. New fixtures were put in and the training was repeated. This time, the folks had some idea of what was going on, but they still managed to break the fixtures in the process of use. The third change of fixtures usually stayed put for a normal life span.

If you take this example and blow it out to an entire society, you have some idea of what needs to be done. We need to get past the "soft bigotry of low expectations" that Rush Limbaugh discusses and set this society on a path of leading the disadvantaged out of ignorance. Poverty and deprivation will slowly disappear, but we are still on the first change of fixtures, and the people still think it all goes down the hole in the floor, and if it doesn't you use a broom handle to get it down.

So a little black boy is praying to God...

he asks God, Lord why is my skin black?

and a voice answers him.... " so your skin won't be sunburned in the bright sun light"

and then the little black boy asks God "why are my people such good athletes?

and a voice answers him ... " so you can get away from the lions and tigers that try to catch and eat you..."

and then the little Black boy asks God " why is our hair so curly and nappy"

and the voice answers him.... " so that it will not get caught in the bushes and branches as you are running away from those lions and tigers that want to catch and eat you my son"

Thank you Lord for answering my questions...

and the voices answers...." any time my son... any time"

and then the little black boys thinks of one more question..


" yes my son".. the voice responds...

" if all of that be true, bout my skin, my hair and my athletic ability..... dens why be I'm living in D'troit?"
Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
Assuming the statistics are accurate, that the vast majority of gun violence is "black on black: compared to a much smaller percentage of "white on white."

My family came from England on my dad's side, not sure about my mom, but I have inherited the typical light skinned northern European physical characteristics. Most of the people I know and with whom I associate are like me and speak proper English. Besides having these light skinned European characteristics, we have jobs or own businesses which consume the vast majority of our time each week. We work five or six days a week, maybe seven when necessary to get the job done. Most of us go to church each Sunday, with our children. Most of the families have a mother and father, which in most cases, are the birth parents of the children in the family.

We spend alot of time and money on our children's activities. Most of us like to hunt and fish, and own several firearms. The neighborhoods in which we live are relatively quiet at night, because we are in bed resting, in anticipation of getting up early and going to work. We don't fear walking around amongst others of our kind, but we will make sure the car doors are locked if we stop at a street corner where there are "blacks" congregated.

For the most part, the men with whom I associate wear their trousers or shorts up around their waist and we keep our underwear out of sight in public.I don't know anyone who listens to rap music that calls women "ho's" and glorifies killing cops. I don't know any man who looks like me that goes around in public holding his crotch. I feel no great need to arm myself when I am in controlled situations with people who look like me. However, when I am forced to be in an area with a majority of "blacks" I feel a strong need to arm myself. With "whites" I feel relatively safe and non-threatened. With "blacks" I feel threatened and not safe at all.

It has been my life experience since the early 1960's that American "blacks" have a reputation of drinking, drugs, gambling, carousing, illicit sex, laziness, not working, hanging out in gangs, robbing, stealing, and talking Ebonics, lining up at the welfare office for a government check, and generally being a blight on a civil society.

Add to this picture, rampant gun violence. Is there any reason why a civil society should not fear these people? Why can't the "black" demoncraps see this?

Liberal white democRATS are to thank for that....they have made the black race want to be lazy and unaccountable for their actions.... they are kept that way and on welfare for one reason and one reason only...to vote DemocRAT when the times come...
I hate these threads, because of the things that come out of people's mouths.

Ya wanna talk about intelligence, behavior, test scores and all the rest, so what? How should this affect our laws? Our Constitution? Our Faith or lack thereof?

We should all be equal before the law, as we presume we will be equal before our Maker when we are ultimately called to account for EVERYTHING we have said and done in this life.

I grew up in an all-White society, in Working Class England. I lived around welfare-subsidized White folks behaving badly. (All in all it was about the easiest place to get the crap knocked out of you of anywhere I've ever lived grin)

OTOH one the the SAFEST places I've lived in terms of violent crime from simple assault on up was Ghana, West Africa, a place directly ancestral to many American Blacks. In Ghana the spoken word is considered to have great power, when really angry they actually threatened to insult each other. Paradoxically, living among these people was closer to living among White folks than stereotypical American Blacks. There was no edge, no hostility, and being Black per se weren't an issue.

Ya gotta take folks as you meet 'em, one at a time, end of story.

Nothing wrong with profiling, profiling is just common sense, as long as yer still willing to evaluate folks on their individual merits once you have dealings with 'em..

Heck, this is the way MOST people operate anyway.

'cept for a few, some of whom are prob'ly here among us on the 'Fire frown

Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I hate these threads, because of the things that come out of people's mouths.

Ya wanna talk about intelligence, behavior, test scores and all the rest, so what? How should this affect our laws? Our Constitution? Our Faith or lack thereof?
Because if differential average achievement between races isn't the result of the white man keeping the brothers down, but actually only reflects differential average ability, then the whole institutionalization of affirmative action has been, and continues to be, an injustice of massive and unpresidented proportions against white people.
Ah, how should this impact our Constitution and our laws? Easy; only real property owners (i.e., real estate) who are full citizens are allowed to vote or hold office. Senators are appointed by state governors and confirmed by state legislatures, not by direct vote.

In other words, the way the Constitution was written.

This cuts out the "gimme" segment of the population from being a major voting block, has only those with actual skin in the game making the laws, and holds Senators accountable to the states they are supposed to represent.

Any disparate impact due to race or whatever else is mitigated by work and effort, not by freebie programs and governmental slavery.
I remember the old cheeky movie, Starship Troopers, where only people who provided service in the military were considered "citizens" and allowed to vote.

An interesting take on someone that hasn't got "skin in the game" being left out of decision making.
Black on black ratio is simple...limited transportation.
Blacks criminals live in black neighborhoods and black cities. They hunt close to home so they can blend back into thier habitat after an attack.
Originally Posted by shaman
KYHillChick spent over a decade working in a program that Cincinnati Children's Hospital founded to combat teen pregnancy. She became a trained sex educator and worked with high schoolers, training them to turn around and conduct classes at the junior high level.

What impressed me the most about this program was the turnaround in the high schoolers, as well as the utter and complete ignorance that arrived with them when the entered the program. If black on black violence is anything like black on black sex, then the problem is not one of race, but rather abject ignorance. The people just do not know the basic mechanics and are completely clueless to the alternatives.

I do not want to go into purient details, but once you teach a young man or woman that there are alternatives to promiscuity, STD's, unwanted pregnancy, etc. and explain exactly how it all works, the rest comes pretty easy. Abstinence comes of its own accord. Attendance at school starts increasing, grades go up, pretty soon the kids are out looking for college scholarships and they get them.

It is easy to look at these folks and say that there is something innately different about them that makes them the way they are. I would answer that this is just as great an ignorance as these people are exhibiting. These people are a reflection of ourselves. These are our children if we did not raise them with proper values, or left them to fend for themselves without proper parents and proper supervision. These folks are ourselves if we were stripped of our civilized culture.

Back in the 50's and 60's Cincinnati rehabilitated the slums of our West End. What was torn down did not have any sanitary facilities, so whoever was living there had no knowledge of such things. I grew up in a building family, and was interested when I got to talk to a fellow who worked for the federal government when they came in and built the new housing.

What he said was that they built into the cost projections 3 complete changes of bathroom fixtures. When a family was given their new apartment, they were shown the bathroom and shown how to use it. Within a month or so, those fixtures had been torn off the wall, and they were using a hole in the floor. New fixtures were put in and the training was repeated. This time, the folks had some idea of what was going on, but they still managed to break the fixtures in the process of use. The third change of fixtures usually stayed put for a normal life span.

If you take this example and blow it out to an entire society, you have some idea of what needs to be done. We need to get past the "soft bigotry of low expectations" that Rush Limbaugh discusses and set this society on a path of leading the disadvantaged out of ignorance. Poverty and deprivation will slowly disappear, but we are still on the first change of fixtures, and the people still think it all goes down the hole in the floor, and if it doesn't you use a broom handle to get it down.

Great post, I hope more folk read it.
Originally Posted by 4ager
Ah, how should this impact our Constitution and our laws? Easy; only real property owners (i.e., real estate) who are full citizens are allowed to vote or hold office.

You're probably smarter than me but isn't this taxation without representation? One of the major grievances that provided impetus for the founding of our country?
Originally Posted by Franklyfresh
Originally Posted by 4ager
Ah, how should this impact our Constitution and our laws? Easy; only real property owners (i.e., real estate) who are full citizens are allowed to vote or hold office.

You're probably smarter than me but isn't this taxation without representation? One of the major grievances that provided impetus for the founding of our country?

No. Property taxes are, frankly, the only taxes (if any) that are truly Constitutional (aside from excise taxes and tariffs). Income tax is, at best, a means of wealth redistribution. Even if the above quote and Constitutional permissibility were expanded to included those who actually pay income taxes (net, not gross), the metric still does not change nor does the impact.

As for "likely being smarter than you"; doubt it, as there are many measures of "smart".
So property taxes would assessed federally and income taxes, sales taxes, capital gains, ect would all be abolished?
Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by Franklyfresh
Originally Posted by 4ager
Ah, how should this impact our Constitution and our laws? Easy; only real property owners (i.e., real estate) who are full citizens are allowed to vote or hold office.

You're probably smarter than me but isn't this taxation without representation? One of the major grievances that provided impetus for the founding of our country?

No. Property taxes are, frankly, the only taxes (if any) that are truly Constitutional (aside from excise taxes and tariffs). Income tax is, at best, a means of wealth redistribution. Even if the above quote and Constitutional permissibility were expanded to included those who actually pay income taxes (net, not gross), the metric still does not change nor does the impact.

As for "likely being smarter than you"; doubt it, as there are many measures of "smart".
I guess if you are going to completely restructure taxation as you described, that would make a whole lot of sense. But as it stands today, property requirement to vote would certainly disenfranchise a large portion of tax paying citizens. The "price" for a vote would also become extremely fragmented across the US. I would certainly lose my vote to right and Id be pissed as hell.

Edit* I meant more knowledgeable rather than smart.
Originally Posted by ringworm
So property taxes would assessed federally and income taxes, sales taxes, capital gains, ect would all be abolished?

No; state by state for property taxes. Fed taxes are excise and tariffs. Yes, to the latter, with income being POSSIBLY remaining. If they don't pay, they don't have skin in the game, and they don't vote. Any net "no pay" results in "no vote, no office". A flat tax fixes this, but if the Feds want to play favorites then it comes with a price.
Originally Posted by Franklyfresh
Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by Franklyfresh
Originally Posted by 4ager
Ah, how should this impact our Constitution and our laws? Easy; only real property owners (i.e., real estate) who are full citizens are allowed to vote or hold office.

You're probably smarter than me but isn't this taxation without representation? One of the major grievances that provided impetus for the founding of our country?

No. Property taxes are, frankly, the only taxes (if any) that are truly Constitutional (aside from excise taxes and tariffs). Income tax is, at best, a means of wealth redistribution. Even if the above quote and Constitutional permissibility were expanded to included those who actually pay income taxes (net, not gross), the metric still does not change nor does the impact.

As for "likely being smarter than you"; doubt it, as there are many measures of "smart".
I guess if you are going to completely restructure taxation as you described, that would make a whole lot of sense. But as it stands today, property requirement to vote would certainly disenfranchise a large portion of tax paying citizens. The "price" for a vote would also become extremely fragmented across the US. I would certainly lose my vote to right and Id be pissed as hell.

Edit* I meant more knowledgeable rather than smart.

If folks want to figure out how to fix the entitlement culture and the violence it breeds within blacks, and abide by the Constitution, then they have to begin at the beginning.

Same response as far as "knowledgeable".
Originally Posted by jimy
You are only shorting yourself by judging the masses by the actions of the few.

First off, let me say there are exceptional people of all colors/sizes etc.

But secondly we aren't judging the masses by the actions of a few, we are judging the masses by a significantly larger percentage of their demographic being involved in crime, and in violent crime.
Certainly white people, and brown people can and do commit violent crimes. But the percentage of their demographic doing so is considerably less. Call it cultural, racial, or whatever you chose but a real social problem exists that we are afraid to address directly due to political correctness.
How many white people ripped their first set of indoor bathroom fixtures out because they couldn't figure out how to use them?
"First off, let me say there are exceptional people of all colors/sizes etc."

Yep, every race/creed/color has more than it's fair share of idgits. But some have numbers that are mind boggling. whistle
Using the fire as a representative sample of white dudes, its my opinion that half of us are batshit crazy...
Originally Posted by RWE
Using the fire as a representative sample of white dudes, its my opinion that half of us are batshit crazy...

More than 1/2, likely, but not violent.
Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by RWE
Using the fire as a representative sample of white dudes, its my opinion that half of us are batshit crazy...

More than 1/2, likely, but not violent.

And if there is truth in jest, thats telling considering our preoccupations with the evil gun, here.
Originally Posted by Franklyfresh
Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by Franklyfresh
Originally Posted by 4ager
Ah, how should this impact our Constitution and our laws? Easy; only real property owners (i.e., real estate) who are full citizens are allowed to vote or hold office.

You're probably smarter than me but isn't this taxation without representation? One of the major grievances that provided impetus for the founding of our country?

No. Property taxes are, frankly, the only taxes (if any) that are truly Constitutional (aside from excise taxes and tariffs). Income tax is, at best, a means of wealth redistribution. Even if the above quote and Constitutional permissibility were expanded to included those who actually pay income taxes (net, not gross), the metric still does not change nor does the impact.

I guess if you are going to completely restructure taxation as you described, that would make a whole lot of sense. But as it stands today, property requirement to vote would certainly disenfranchise a large portion of tax paying citizens. The "price" for a vote would also become extremely fragmented across the US. I would certainly lose my vote to right and Id be pissed as hell.

An easy fix.

Instead of allowing only property owners to vote, make it only people who aren't receiving government transfers are allowed to vote. Cut out all the welfare recipients and gov employees. The only gov employee I'd allow to vote, if I were king, would be military.
I came from ancestors who were slaveholders. Now, while I have no desire to own a slave, unless it became lawful to own a Swedish blonde girl, I feel no remorse whatsoever for what my ancestors did. Slavery was legal in Kentucky, and all across the South, and was an accepted way of life. My ancestors were Baptist like me, and I've found old church records which show that some of their slaves attended the same church as did their owners. Actually, that was an accepted practice back then, with religion also accepting slavery.

As I said, I'm not in the least bid ashamed that slavery was a part of family's past. I can't go back and change things, but I can change things that confront me today.....just like Blacks could change their behavior instead of trying to blame everything on the Whites who enslaved them over a 150 years ago. But, maybe they can't change their behavior after all, maybe it's still in their DNA to act as they do.....to murder, rob, rape, live lives of doing nothing constructive. If one has ever read the books written by the early African explorers, as I have, then you will get an insight into why Blacks are as they are today. They found the African people to be much like American Blacks are today.....lazy, shiftless, and leading lives that revolved around such things as murdering other natives, stealing their women, and doing as little as possible.

Do all Blacks act like that today? No, but the problem is that those who don't refuse to condemn those who do.
Originally Posted by shaman
KYHillChick spent over a decade working in a program that Cincinnati Children's Hospital founded to combat teen pregnancy. She became a trained sex educator and worked with high schoolers, training them to turn around and conduct classes at the junior high level.

What impressed me the most about this program was the turnaround in the high schoolers, as well as the utter and complete ignorance that arrived with them when the entered the program. If black on black violence is anything like black on black sex, then the problem is not one of race, but rather abject ignorance. The people just do not know the basic mechanics and are completely clueless to the alternatives.

I do not want to go into purient details, but once you teach a young man or woman that there are alternatives to promiscuity, STD's, unwanted pregnancy, etc. and explain exactly how it all works, the rest comes pretty easy. Abstinence comes of its own accord. Attendance at school starts increasing, grades go up, pretty soon the kids are out looking for college scholarships and they get them.

It is easy to look at these folks and say that there is something innately different about them that makes them the way they are. I would answer that this is just as great an ignorance as these people are exhibiting. These people are a reflection of ourselves. These are our children if we did not raise them with proper values, or left them to fend for themselves without proper parents and proper supervision. These folks are ourselves if we were stripped of our civilized culture.

Back in the 50's and 60's Cincinnati rehabilitated the slums of our West End. What was torn down did not have any sanitary facilities, so whoever was living there had no knowledge of such things. I grew up in a building family, and was interested when I got to talk to a fellow who worked for the federal government when they came in and built the new housing.

What he said was that they built into the cost projections 3 complete changes of bathroom fixtures. When a family was given their new apartment, they were shown the bathroom and shown how to use it. Within a month or so, those fixtures had been torn off the wall, and they were using a hole in the floor. New fixtures were put in and the training was repeated. This time, the folks had some idea of what was going on, but they still managed to break the fixtures in the process of use. The third change of fixtures usually stayed put for a normal life span.

If you take this example and blow it out to an entire society, you have some idea of what needs to be done. We need to get past the "soft bigotry of low expectations" that Rush Limbaugh discusses and set this society on a path of leading the disadvantaged out of ignorance. Poverty and deprivation will slowly disappear, but we are still on the first change of fixtures, and the people still think it all goes down the hole in the floor, and if it doesn't you use a broom handle to get it down.

One of my former neighbors taught in what passes for an inter-city high school, Omaha North HS, and he has told me that a lot of his students were interrelated, due to feral breeding over several generations. North Omaha, a geographic area that is largely black and poor, has the City's high rate of crime, teen births, single mother births, gang activity, and cases of gonorrhea. Is this due to culture, race, poverity, some other factor, or a combination of all factors?
Originally Posted by BarryC
Originally Posted by Franklyfresh
Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by Franklyfresh
Originally Posted by 4ager
Ah, how should this impact our Constitution and our laws? Easy; only real property owners (i.e., real estate) who are full citizens are allowed to vote or hold office.

You're probably smarter than me but isn't this taxation without representation? One of the major grievances that provided impetus for the founding of our country?

No. Property taxes are, frankly, the only taxes (if any) that are truly Constitutional (aside from excise taxes and tariffs). Income tax is, at best, a means of wealth redistribution. Even if the above quote and Constitutional permissibility were expanded to included those who actually pay income taxes (net, not gross), the metric still does not change nor does the impact.

I guess if you are going to completely restructure taxation as you described, that would make a whole lot of sense. But as it stands today, property requirement to vote would certainly disenfranchise a large portion of tax paying citizens. The "price" for a vote would also become extremely fragmented across the US. I would certainly lose my vote to right and Id be pissed as hell.

An easy fix.

Instead of allowing only property owners to vote, make it only people who aren't receiving government transfers are allowed to vote. Cut out all the welfare recipients and gov employees. The only gov employee I'd allow to vote, if I were king, would be military.

I think an easy fix is an overstatement. Government employees still pay taxes as well as welfare recipients. It'd sure be nice to find a clean & easy way to exclude those who truly do not deserve a vote but such broad prerequisites will without a doubt disenfranchise deserving individuals, which is arguably one of the most essential rights within a social contract that the US is built upon.

The hard part is creating a segmentation that will not affect the suffrage of citizens who do have a stake in the country while eliminating those who do not.
They may pay taxes, but they don't pay taxes in net.
Gov salary - taxes = net. It would be impossible for them to be paying more than they are getting.

If you really believe what you said, send me $100 and I'll send you $50 back. Just think, $50 FREE! Helluva deal, right?
That is how politics works these days.

Donors send a politician X amount of their dollars and the politician legislates to send someone else's money to the donor. A lot of times the donor is a gov employee getting a salary or grant. Win/win, right?
Originally Posted by BarryC
They may pay taxes, but they don't pay taxes in net.
Gov salary - taxes = net. It would be impossible for them to be paying more than they are getting.

If you really believe what you said, send me $100 and I'll send you $50 back. Just think, $50 FREE! Helluva deal, right?

I was trying to imply that there are more taxes than just income tax.

So the issue of taxation w/o representation is still present in that scenario.

So the issue of taxation w/o representation is still present in that scenario.

No, it's not.
What gov worker do you know or have even heard of that pays even 101% of their earnings in taxes of all sorts combined?
Originally Posted by 4ager
Ah, how should this impact our Constitution and our laws? Easy; only real property owners (i.e., real estate) who are full citizens are allowed to vote or hold office. Senators are appointed by state governors and confirmed by state legislatures, not by direct vote.

In other words, the way the Constitution was written.

This cuts out the "gimme" segment of the population from being a major voting block, has only those with actual skin in the game making the laws, and holds Senators accountable to the states they are supposed to represent.

Any disparate impact due to race or whatever else is mitigated by work and effort, not by freebie programs and governmental slavery.

Agree again! wink
I would like to say its the breakdown of the black family unit in America. Honestly though what country are blacks thriving in? The answer may simply be a tribal mentality?

If one has ever read the books written by the early African explorers, as I have, then you will get an insight into why Blacks are as they are today. They found the African people to be much like American Blacks are today.....lazy, shiftless, and leading lives that revolved around such things as murdering other natives, stealing their women, and doing as little as possible.

As recently as thirty years ago a friend of mine went to Africa. While there he wanted to get me some sort of gift. He decided on a spear. After he chose the spear the craftsman asked,
"Would you like to break it in so it will be a good gift?"
"How do we do that?" he asked.
"We sneak into a neighboring village and kill someone," the craftsman offered
"Nevermind," he said.
I am from the South and a lot of the things I have read in this thread really hit home, I have never felt any guilt about things that happened 150 years ago. It is what it is.
I just get tired of blacks always blaming someone else especially whites for all their problems. It has always amazed me about the United States. We have formally been a country for only 250 years, but look how far technically and
other ways we have come. Africans have a few years on us in that respect and they still can not even feed themselves over there. That is just my opinion. I have quite a bit of American Indian, namely Choctaw in my DNA, and Indians have been screwed over quite a bit in America's past. But, you don't see them blaming the white man for every problem they have.You have to do what you can and not depend on someone else for everything like some do.
This article explains a lot:


Snippets from article:

The truth is usually a tough thing to accept, so I understand if this is flagged. It would be a cowardly thing to do, but I understand it. Some people just ignore unpleasant truths. However, if you think ignoring the problem, or trying to censor the truth, will help our black children improve, you’re dreaming. This is important, so I’m happy to repost – indefinitely if necessary. I find it interesting that NO ONE has had the intellect to refute anything in the essay. They can only attempt to censor it, as if doing so somehow makes it invalid. Weak minds, weak minds.

Until recently I taught at a predominantly black high school in a southeastern state.

The mainstream press gives a hint of what conditions are like in black schools, but only a hint. Expressions journalists use like “chaotic” or “poor learning environment” or “lack of discipline” do not capture what really happens. There is nothing like the day-to-day experience of teaching black children and that is what I will try to convey.

At some level, my students understand the same thing. One day I asked the bored, black faces staring back at me. “What would happen if all the white people in America disappeared tomorrow?”

“We screwed,” a young, pitch-black boy screamed back. The rest of the blacks laughed.

I have had children tell me to my face as they struggled with an assignment. “I cain’t do dis,” Mr. Jackson. “I black.”

The point is that human beings are not always rational. It is in the black man’s interest to have whites in Zimbabwe but he drives them out and starves. Most whites do not think black Americans could ever do anything so irrational. They see blacks on television smiling, fighting evil whites, embodying white values. But the real black is not on television, and you pull your purse closer when you see him, and you lock the car doors when he swaggers by with his pants hanging down almost to his knees.

For those of you with children, better a smaller house in a white district than a fancy one near a black school.

I have been in parent-teacher conferences that broke my heart: the child pleading with his parents to take him out of school; the parents convinced their child’s fears are groundless. If you love your child, show her you care — not by giving her fancy vacations or a car, but making her innocent years safe and happy. Give her the gift of a not-heavily black school.

Originally Posted by Jesse Jackson

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

you'd think black parents would wretch their hearts out seeing how poorly their children do in school.. how they don't like to even have to think to accomplish a task...

they can give a thousand reasons why they can't do something before they can come up with one reason why they can succeed..

you'd think that would bother black parents...but as one high school teacher told me... the kids he sees daily and think they are a social disaster... totally changes his mind, when he sees the parents that come to pick up these kids when they have been kicked out of school for something...

he wonders how well these kids actually are turned out so far, if the people picking them up are an example of their home environments....

This was an observation is a Predominantly White School...

can't imagine how much worse it has to be in an interurban black school...

many black folks in the south weren't like this, from my memories as a kid.. it all changed with the 1964 Civil Rights Act....

take a look at a black teen or 20 something's obit when they are killed... as they list all of their brothers, sisters, the 8 or 9 kids they have fathered, how many "step fathers" they have.. try and keep track of all the different last names of just brother and sisters...

yet when it comes to grand parents, people who were adult blacks before 1964, most often, they have two sets of married black grandparents.. who have been married 50 plus years...

before 1964, blacks had a strong concept of family, and accomplishment and understood opportunity... the 1964 Civil Rights Act, championed by LBJ robbed black america of that...even Johnson summed up the real reason for it...

" we'll have them N*^gers voting DemocRAT for the next 200 years..."

problem number one with Black America is not the responsibility of the Afro Community, the stage was set by White Liberals who didn't have a damned thing in mind for benefiting Black America...
Originally Posted by ConradCA
. . . “What would happen if all the white people in America disappeared tomorrow?”

“We screwed,” a young, pitch-black boy screamed back. The rest of the blacks laughed.

It is in the black man’s interest to have whites in Zimbabwe but he drives them out and starves. . . . But the real black is not on television, and you pull your purse closer when you see him, and you lock the car doors when he swaggers by with his pants hanging down almost to his knees.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Originally Posted by Seafire

before 1964, blacks had a strong concept of family, and accomplishment and understood opportunity... the 1964 Civil Rights Act, championed by LBJ robbed black america of that...even Johnson summed up the real reason for it...

" we'll have them N*^gers voting DemocRAT for the next 200 years..."

I think it was LBJ's war on the poor that was responsible for the creation of the Ghetto Gangster culture. Ending LBJ's war on the poor is required to cure this disaster. Force those who are able bodied and on welfare to find jobs and they will start to take responsibility for their lives. In addition, we need to implement 3 strikes and your out in order to throw repeat felons in prison permanently so they can't serve as roll models.
Originally Posted by ConradCA
Originally Posted by Seafire

before 1964, blacks had a strong concept of family, and accomplishment and understood opportunity... the 1964 Civil Rights Act, championed by LBJ robbed black america of that...even Johnson summed up the real reason for it...

" we'll have them N*^gers voting DemocRAT for the next 200 years..."

I think it was LBJ's war on the poor that was responsible for the creation of the Ghetto Gangster culture. Ending LBJ's war on the poor is required to cure this disaster. Force those who are able bodied and on welfare to find jobs and they will start to take responsibility for their lives. In addition, we need to implement 3 strikes and your out in order to throw repeat felons in prison permanently so they can't serve as roll models.

Believe me, LBJ didn't have "a war on the poor" at all...

All he did was anything and everything to get votes for the DemocRATS..... he saw an opportunity to accomplish that by catering to the minorities and the poor...and using other people's money to do so.. the American Tax Payer....

"Never let a tragedy to to waste"... sound familiar...

Just for symbolism... they need to dig up LBJ's body, hang it upside down from a lamp post and shoot him...then cremate him and flush him down the toilet where he belongs...
he wonders how well these kids actually are turned out so far, if the people picking them up are an example of their home environments....

I expect I'm more urban than most folks, living and working for 30 years now in that environment.

I get to teach the bright kids, in honors classes, of the sort that earn college credit in high school.

95% of the time, when you meet the parents you understand the kid. Many of my honor student's parents I'm in awe of, as in how did they raise such a smart and well-adjusted kid? This holds true for every ethnicity.

On the other extreme one time there was a late-teens maybe 20yo pair of gang-bangers waiting in front of the school, a shaved-headed guy and a girl, each with their respective prob'ly out-of-wedlock toddlers, maybe two years old.

The two little boys were swinging wildly at each other, laughing in the way that stressed-out kids do when they're about to cry.

The parents were egging on their respective kid.... "F$ck him up, go on, f$ck him up!"

I can predict how those little kids will be when they're 14 or 15, all the light gone out of their faces frown

What gov worker do you know or have even heard of that pays even 101% of their earnings in taxes of all sorts combined?

You got to explain this one to me. How does anyone pay 101% of their earnings in taxes? Where do they get that extra 1%? What do they live on even paying 100% of earnings in taxes? confused miles
Our forefathers should have picked their own cotton.
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I hate these threads, because of the things that come out of people's mouths.

Ya wanna talk about intelligence, behavior, test scores and all the rest, so what? How should this affect our laws? Our Constitution? Our Faith or lack thereof?

We should all be equal before the law, as we presume we will be equal before our Maker when we are ultimately called to account for EVERYTHING we have said and done in this life.

I grew up in an all-White society, in Working Class England. I lived around welfare-subsidized White folks behaving badly. (All in all it was about the easiest place to get the crap knocked out of you of anywhere I've ever lived grin)

OTOH one the the SAFEST places I've lived in terms of violent crime from simple assault on up was Ghana, West Africa, a place directly ancestral to many American Blacks. In Ghana the spoken word is considered to have great power, when really angry they actually threatened to insult each other. Paradoxically, living among these people was closer to living among White folks than stereotypical American Blacks. There was no edge, no hostility, and being Black per se weren't an issue.

Ya gotta take folks as you meet 'em, one at a time, end of story.

Nothing wrong with profiling, profiling is just common sense, as long as yer still willing to evaluate folks on their individual merits once you have dealings with 'em..

Heck, this is the way MOST people operate anyway.

'cept for a few, some of whom are prob'ly here among us on the 'Fire frown


The real problem with these threads is that they focus on race and imply that blacks are inferior. That's not true.

The real problem is culture. It is the ghetto gangster culture which is the problem. Millions of able bodied men and women who could work but choose not to get an education, work and take care of their families. They take the lazy man's way out and leech off society on welfare and commit over half of the crime in the USA despite being less than 12% of the population.
Originally Posted by ConradCA
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I hate these threads, because of the things that come out of people's mouths.

Ya wanna talk about intelligence, behavior, test scores and all the rest, so what? How should this affect our laws? Our Constitution? Our Faith or lack thereof?

We should all be equal before the law, as we presume we will be equal before our Maker when we are ultimately called to account for EVERYTHING we have said and done in this life.

I grew up in an all-White society, in Working Class England. I lived around welfare-subsidized White folks behaving badly. (All in all it was about the easiest place to get the crap knocked out of you of anywhere I've ever lived grin)

OTOH one the the SAFEST places I've lived in terms of violent crime from simple assault on up was Ghana, West Africa, a place directly ancestral to many American Blacks. In Ghana the spoken word is considered to have great power, when really angry they actually threatened to insult each other. Paradoxically, living among these people was closer to living among White folks than stereotypical American Blacks. There was no edge, no hostility, and being Black per se weren't an issue.

Ya gotta take folks as you meet 'em, one at a time, end of story.

Nothing wrong with profiling, profiling is just common sense, as long as yer still willing to evaluate folks on their individual merits once you have dealings with 'em..

Heck, this is the way MOST people operate anyway.

'cept for a few, some of whom are prob'ly here among us on the 'Fire frown


The real problem with these threads is that they focus on race and imply that blacks are inferior. That's not true.

The real problem is culture. It is the ghetto gangster culture which is the problem. Millions of able bodied men and women who could work but choose not to get an education, work and take care of their families. They take the lazy man's way out and leech off society on welfare and commit over half of the crime in the USA despite being less than 12% of the population.
It is my opinion that while somebody may or may not be inherently inferior, if they act like they are, it is the same result. They are responsible for their actions in a civilized society,even if they are below average. They simply must follow the laws of that society.
Throughout my youth I was very much in touch and involved with black people - they were called "colored" at the time - and constituted at least half of the students in our high school. Quite a number were wonderful friends and partners in sports/music/scholarly activities and, beyond school, we spent a lot of time together in our respective homes and churches. We also had at least 20 "melting-pot" immigrant ethnic groups in our community/schools. It was normal - and rich in experience. Although age has us now dropping like fleas, many of us are still friends and in touch.

All of us - black, white, whatever - knew, and know, the differences between self-reliant and productive people and low-life jerks. In those days, an Obama amongst us would have been known by all as a jive-talking, low achieving parasitic opportunist - a jerk.

In the 1960s and as in other industrial type cities, our hometown was sacked and burned out by rioters - the jerks. Self-reliant and self-respecting people moved out and the place never has recovered. Our school district - most excellent and highly respected when we were there - became so degraded that the state had to step in and take it over.

Our class reunions (60th upcoming) now have a sad component because of the degradation of what we once knew as excellence - social and scholarly excellence - a gift in our youth that has been valuable throughout our lives. Sadly, that gift no longer exists for many students in many such cities. We know why.

We know that when we were young the difference in skin color did not divide us and that students of all colors went on to become learned, positive, productive citizens and excellent parents. During the same time, some very politically clever people without good social sense and devoid of conscience enabled and encouraged the jerks. The fowl they bred have come home to roost. Fools, and tools, spawned by the "Great Society".

Never underestimate the negative power of government controlled by selfish jerks and influenced by myopic one-world "do-gooders".
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I hate these threads, because of the things that come out of people's mouths.

Ya wanna talk about intelligence, behavior, test scores and all the rest, so what? How should this affect our laws? Our Constitution? Our Faith or lack thereof?
Because if differential average achievement between races isn't the result of the white man keeping the brothers down, but actually only reflects differential average ability, then the whole institutionalization of affirmative action has been, and continues to be, an injustice of massive and unpresidented proportions against white people.

finally some picked up on what i posted

they aint the fugging same type of human as the rest of the human race on the fugging planet
proven by science and medicine
do some research
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