Let's here your 2023 goals, and feel free to update daily with your progress. Let's make 2023 a healthy one!

For me:

My main priority is a backpack mule deer hunt. I want to peak around mid August for bow and early rifle in September. I will again be using the Performance First rucking program, with a few different wrinkles. I used it in 2022 for an elk hunt, ended up packing three bulls off the mountain and performed pretty well over 15 or 17 days of hunting. This year I plan to cut a few pounds too.

1/1/23 workout: I am in the downhill side of covid. Was a pretty straight forward cold (stuffy, slight cough, no fever). So my workout today is letting my immune system do its thing.

But when I get back up to speed on Tuesday, I will start doing some speed work and strength training.
Started 2023 with:

Trap Bar Deadlifts 345#s for 2 sets of 5 after 3 warmup sets

T-Bar Rows 2-45’s for 2 sets of 8

Goblet Squats 100# dumbbell for 2 sets of 8

Incline Dumbbell Press 55’s for 2 sets of 8

Seated Dumbbell Curls 37.5’s supinated 2 sets of 8

Tricep Pushdowns 2 sets of 8

TRX rollouts for 2 sets of 8

Goals have changed over the last 35 years. More listening to the body. Avoid injury. Live to lift another day if necessary. Keep the posterior chain strong to keep the lower back bulletproofed. “Own” the weight before moving up

Happy New Year
5 mile loop around the neighborhood.
I'm upping my mileage goal by a whopping one mile, 2023 miles for this year. laugh I've been using a similar "routine" for about decade and plan on continuing (God willing) with it. I hike daily on our local single tracks around here (we've been blessed with a couple of hundred miles single track trails all near town)- 3-5 miles/day and usually one day in the 8-10 mile range. Interspersed throughout the year are several multi-day backpacking trips (Winter included).

For strength training I've been following a modified Wendler 5/3/1 program where I'm lifting twice a week; I combine squats/bench one day and deadlifts/overhead press the other; mix in pull/chin-ups, lunges, dips, core, etc with each.

I have a Dall hunt in the Brooks Range in early August, so will move my weighted hiking up a couple of months earlier than normal. Typically I'll hike with weight three times a week (and 3-4 days w/o), starting at 30 lbs, moving to 45 and then to 60 lbs (probably closer to 10 lbs more than that with the weight of the pack, water, etc). I've found training with no more than 60 lbs of sand on my back cuts down on injuries and have never felt overly handicapped when called to haul 100 lb loads.

Good luck to everyone with the new year!
looking for 1100 plus miles again this year, have 7 in already. Really hoping for a couple of good elk hunts this year. Will also work more on upper body strength. Hiking right now.
Originally Posted by mtwarden
I'm upping my mileage goal by a whopping one mile, 2023 miles for this year. laugh I've been using a similar "routine" for about decade and plan on continuing (God willing) with it. I hike daily on our local single tracks around here (we've been blessed with a couple of hundred miles single track trails all near town)- 3-5 miles/day and usually one day in the 8-10 mile range. Interspersed throughout the year are several multi-day backpacking trips (Winter included).

For strength training I've been following a modified Wendler 5/3/1 program where I'm lifting twice a week; I combine squats/bench one day and deadlifts/overhead press the other; mix in pull/chin-ups, lunges, dips, core, etc with each.

I have a Dall hunt in the Brooks Range in early August, so will move my weighted hiking up a couple of months earlier than normal. Typically I'll hike with weight three times a week (and 3-4 days w/o), starting at 30 lbs, moving to 45 and then to 60 lbs (probably closer to 10 lbs more than that with the weight of the pack, water, etc). I've found training with no more than 60 lbs of sand on my back cuts down on injuries and have never felt overly handicapped when called to haul 100 lb loads.

Good luck to everyone with the new year!

Gotta be pretty exciting to prepare for a dall hunt! Good luck.

Ever do weighted sled pulls? Not sprinting, but just steady pace walking. I made a sled out of a harness from Amazon and a truck tire. I add bumper plates on the tire to up the resistance. It's a primary exercise in that rucking program, and I think it really works. Might be worth a try
Most definitely! smile

I haven't, but do something somewhat similar during the winter (and this past hunting season getting my elk out!) pulling a pulk. It definitely works the legs really well- especially uphill! It's nice going winter camping with my wife as she only has to carry a daypack, everything else in the pulk.

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Goal is very modest:

Reach Timed Simple (Kettlebell workout/standard): 100 one handed swings in 5 mins; rest 1 min; 10 Turkish getups in 10 mins; all with 32kg Kettlebell

I reserve the right to add to this once I reach this goal! wink I generally am way to ambitious with my goal setting and then fail.

Got 100 swings in today with my 20kg bell, but tweaked something in my back, so stopped after 2 TGUs. Doing a 30day pushup challenge and got my 9 sets in. Walked the pooch for 1.5mi.

I've been a sack of poop for way to long. Easing back into setting up a good (for me) routine.
Took it fairly easy in the gym since I'm still kinda stuffy.

Sled drags, walking lunges, leg press, 25min 3mph rucking on the treadmill w/ 25lb pack.
Rear leg elevated Bulgarian Split Squats

Decline Dumbbell Bench

Romanian Deadlifts

Close Grip Pull-Downs

Fat Barbell Curls

Tricep X Presses

TRX rollouts
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Rear leg elevated Bulgarian Split Squats

I'd pay like $40 for a video of Flave doing that.
Originally Posted by kingston
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Rear leg elevated Bulgarian Split Squats

I'd pay like $40 for a video of Flave doing that.

Don’t count on it.
Only those familiar with reverse kneeling are capable
Chest day, flat bench press, incline dumbbell bench press, Flys. Push-ups.

Ran on the treadmill at a light pace for 25mins.

Still trying to kick the last remnants of illness
Do we have to start working out already? It's only Jan 4th !!! Plenty of time left in the year to get into sheep shape. grin
Each of the last two days:

100 2H swings - 20kg
10 TGU - 20kg
30min walk

9 sets of pushups

Working to establish a new habit...
I ended 2022 with 849 miles ran, 21,580 push ups, 5435 pull ups, 8525 sit ups, and 12,300yards in the pool (but I started again end of Nov.). Goals are about the same this year; like to break 1000 miles running, but need to keep focusing on core muscles and weight training as well. Swam competitively as a kid, and am liking how it's feeling today. I'll definitely be adding more time in the pool this year.
Originally Posted by MuskegMan
Do we have to start working out already? It's only Jan 4th !!! Plenty of time left in the year to get into sheep shape. grin

That's the right mindset!!! I think cwh2 always starts around mid-July.

Plus, they gym is always crowded during January, New Years resolutioners. By March they'll all be gone.
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by kingston
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Rear leg elevated Bulgarian Split Squats

I'd pay like $40 for a video of Flave doing that.

Don’t count on it.
Only those familiar with reverse kneeling are capable

Damn, do you have to bring sex into everything?
Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by kingston
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Rear leg elevated Bulgarian Split Squats

I'd pay like $40 for a video of Flave doing that.

Don’t count on it.
Only those familiar with reverse kneeling are capable

Damn, do you have to bring sex into everything?

I would puss-out on the test too if this was my level of understanding


Wide Grip Pull Downs

Belt Squats

Incline Push-Ups

Rack Scrape Barbell Presses Supersetted with Dead Stop Lateral Raises

Hammer Curls

Close-Grip Bench Press

TRX Rollouts

15 minute stretching routine
Good work Gents!

Pretty good start on the first week of 2023 for me. 41 miles, 18 of those on snowshoes. My first snowshoe trip was a 10 mile loop w/ some really tough snow higher (read post hole city!); in addition I had a water bottle leak in my pack and when I ate lunch saw that my windshirt was very damp. I hung it up in a nearby tree while eating lunch to dry a little. That next morning in the comfort of my bed at home, I woke thinking did I grab that jacket. A quick check of my pack in the garage showed- I did not frown.

The next morning early told my wife I need to go back and get it. She decided she'd tag along with me. The good news is I didn't have to do the loop, but instead a 8 mile out & back and less troublesome snow on that stretch too.

Anyways, jacket was right where I left it and dry! laugh

Got both my strength training sessions in too this week.

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Trap Bar Deadlifts 350 for 5 then 375 for 4

T-Bar Rows

Goblet Squats

Incline Dumbbell Bench

Dumbell Curls Supinated

Tricep Push downs

TRX Ab rollouts
Last workout was Friday. I did some various kettle bell lifts, then 20 mins of intervals on the stairmaster....which sucked.

I am intentionally staying away from beer and subsequently cleaned up my diet since the holidays.
^ staying away from the beer- that's a tough one laugh

Had a pretty good week, 39 miles w/ 18 of those being on snowshoes w/ a 30-ish pack- lots of rough snow to boot! Got both my strength workouts in as well.

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Sled drags, walking lunges, goblet squats, .5 mile run for time, 20min stairmaster
Hunting 2023 is already planned. Annual Stone sheep hunt in august, caribou hunt in sept are the big trips.
Training goals are always mostly strength related for injury prevention but also trying to add a few pounds of muscle.
Specific goal this year is to reach a 2.5x body weight deadlift. So far at 140lbs I’m getting a smooth single with 305lbs so still have a ways to go.
I also always train with kettlebells and am now starting to snatch with 62lb KB for sets of 5. Sets of 10 with 62lb is my goal this year.
I’m all set and eager to get some winter camping in with my home made freight toboggan, but here in central B.C. the weather has been extreme on both ends of the spectrum. We had a long period of close to -40 C weather that has quickly changed to above freezing with rainy periods. Everything around here seems to be a solid sheet of ice half the time and is pissing me off.
I've been lax on posting here. Workouts still about the same though Fri-Sun day is hunting from Oct through start of Feb so I get a couple less training sessions in...but a fair amount of exercise going up the mountainsides.

Tuesday's circuit, no rest between exercises, 1 min rest between rounds, several warmup/light rounds, 3 working rounds:

Hang power snatches
1 leg squat
1 leg sldl
Weighted dips
Light easy day. 20mins on the stairmaster at level 8, then some intervals on the treadmill.
OK week- 30 miles (but with a fair bit of ascent, just under 8000'); got both strength trainings in- next week I'll complete the Wendler 4 week cycle and everything gets bumped up smile.

weather has been cooperating which helps a bunch!

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Our weather he has sucked, in the low 30's and WIND, up to 30+ the last three days. I also have company coming for the weekend. I was hoping for hundred miles this month but am afraid I will be short a few. I also cleaned up the bowflex and working on my upper body.
Trap bar deadlifts
T-Bar Rows
Goblet Squats
Incline Dumbbell Press
Supinated Dumbbell Curls
Tricep Pushdowns

Set a PR deadlifting today. 415 for 2. Not bad for an old dude

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]
^ 415 is nothing to sneeze at- congrats!

Pretty good week- 33 miles (146 for the year) and finished up the last week of a four cycle of Wendler (started a new cycle adding weight today). The last two days have been -15 to -20 F windchills, so 8 of those miles were on the dreadmill. Supposed to break by Tuesday- fingers crossed!
Thanks for starting the 2023 thread, Jackson.

I have no particular hunts planned just yet (other than OTC deer and elk) but decided to work on three areas this year.

First, more strength with heavier weights. The past few years I focused on the longevity mindset or whatever it's called now. That seemed to work well from a health standpoint (BP, bloodwork, etc.).

Second, more careful attention to Zone 2 training.

Third is taking up trail running.

Well, I haven't done jack with the trail running just yet for 2023 but strength training is going OK I think. Amazing how even a middle aged body adapts mentally and physically.

I have seen really good progress with Zone 2 though. I think I was overtraining in 2022 trying to build my cardio base for a backpack hunt, but ended up shooting myself in the foot I think. Nothing bad, but I've made more progress in the past three weeks by cutting back and paying closer attention to HR than I did for most of 2022 pushing harder. Counterintuitive and will be interesting to see how it goes when I get back in the coastal mountains instead the gym this year.

As long as I can increase weights, improve times and speeds, and recover quickly that's all that matters to me.
Man I felt whooped today. Maybe from going to one of those trampoline gyms the day before. It was harder on the body than I expected!

Anyway, I decided to do an easy workout today. 90 minutes of Zone 1 this morning. Feeling great now in the evening and ready for a workout tomorrow.
logged 104 hiking miles in Jan. Also still making progress with the weight training.
^ Nice!
Did lower body, squats, lunges, and then some rucking yesterday. Kinda taking it easy as I'm planning a quick trip to NM this weekend for a last second quail hunt.

Hope to log some serious miles and bag a mearns, gambels, and scaled quail.
Yesterday's circuit, no rest between exercises, 1 min rest between rounds, several warmup/light rounds, 4 working rounds:

Hang power snatches
Front squat
DB Incline
Lat pulldowns
Yesterday - 80 minutes Zone 2, light rucksack with optics

Today - leg press; mountain climbers on unpowered treadmill; kettlebell swings; bent barbell rows; lat pulldown machine; 45 minutes of zone 1 - 2
Wide grip pull-downs

Heavy Belt Squats

Incline Push-ups

Military Rack Scrapes supersetted with Lateral Raises

Heavy Hammer Curls

Close-grip Bench Press

TRX an rollouts




Fried Chicken with Garlic Mashers and Asparagus
Just another 11-mile round tripper with 40 pounds. Total elevation gained was near 1500'. A cute little hike....
Yesterday - outside: 47 minutes, zone 2

Today - gym rat: chest dip; barbell shoulder press; 60 minutes, zone 2
Hiked from 7am to 11am. Only found elk, no mearns.

The death March continues tomorrow
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Hiked from 7am to 11am. Only found elk, no mearns.

The death March continues tomorrow

Where are you in NM?
9 mile hike with 30 pounds. 1600' gain and loss. Averaged 2.3MPH. took a route on way back that was sporty. Bushwacked. My forearms are cut to shreds...
Been hiking a fairly steep trail about 4x a week. 25lbs in the pack. Will stop at 30# to avoid unnecessary wear and tear on the body. 30 minute youtube workout with wife in the evenings. Mainly core and bodyweight exercises on no bad addiction. Chick stuff but the scenery is ok. Barbell squats too.
Had a good week 40 miles (~7000' of gain), 9 miles of the 40 on snowshoes. Got both Wendler strength sessions in (start of new 4 week cycle)- chin ups and pull ups going up.

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Awesome stuff. Outdoor workouts in AZ, NM, MT, AK. Cool places. Good motivation for me to get out of the gym and urban outdoor routine!
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Hiked from 7am to 11am. Only found elk, no mearns.

The death March continues tomorrow

Where are you in NM?

Was hiking around the southern side of the San mateo range. Pretty country. Think I'll eventually go back to just hike the apache kid wilderness.
Yesterday's circuit, no rest between exercises, 1 min rest between rounds, several warmup/light rounds, 4 working rounds:

Cleans from boxes at knee height
PL/low-bar squat
Weighted dips
Sled drags, squats, lunges, leg press. 20min ruck w/ 45lb
Hiked yesterday in the lava flows near Parker Az. Quite challenging, not much elevation gain, (900) feet but lots of rock, loose rock, steep rock faces and dry waterfalls to scramble around and over. Managed to make 5.6 miles in less than 4 hours, without harm, stiffer than hell this morning.

Dynamic effort bench w/bands, alternating grips (close/normal/wide) each set. 9 sets of 3 - 30 sec rest

Following that, circuit, no rest between exercises, 1 min rest between rounds, several warmup/light rounds, 4 working rounds:
Snatches from boxes at knee height
Olympic/high-bar squat
Rocking tri's
Adopt this plan if you want to make gains

My hike earlier in the week, did some damage so my miles have been extremely short. Got knee and hip pain, hopefully taking it easy for a few days will help. I am pissed, had a great January.
^ get better soon!

Good week for me- 35 miles (221 for the year), 8 of those miles snowshoeing the Elkhorns with my little buddy Tiny Elvis.

Got both strength training sessions in. I've settled on a modified Wendler 5/3/1. Instead of lifting three days a week, I lift two, but combine squats with bench and deadlifts with overhead press. I've also started adding a 4th set at the end- he call's it "first set last"- you take the weight of the first set (which is the lightest set) and do as as many reps as possible. I think this one additional set has helped me.

In between each of the sets of squats/bench and deadlift/overhead press- I do pullups (chin-ups on deads/press day), mtn lunges on deads/press day and dips on squats/bench day and four sets of various core exercises. So far, so good smile

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Originally Posted by mtwarden
^ get better soon!

Good week for me- 35 miles (221 for the year), 8 of those miles snowshoeing the Elkhorns with my little buddy Tiny Elvis.

Got both strength training sessions in. I've settled on a modified Wendler 5/3/1. Instead of lifting three days a week, I lift two, but combine squats with bench and deadlifts with overhead press. I've also started adding a 4th set at the end- he call's it "first set last"- you take the weight of the first set (which is the lightest set) and do as as many reps as possible. I think this one additional set has helped me.

In between each of the sets of squats/bench and deadlift/overhead press- I do pullups (chin-ups on deads/press day), mtn lunges on deads/press day and dips on squats/bench day and four sets of various core exercises. So far, so good smile

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yup- that's it

concentrates on the big compound lifts; stresses good form over weight; progressive program-starting with lighter weights and keeps building; insures adequate recovery time and suggests a lot of different accessory exercises

there may be a better strength program out there, but this one is solid!
Originally Posted by mtwarden
Originally Posted by rcamuglia


yup- that's it

concentrates on the big compound lifts; stresses good form over weight; progressive program-starting with lighter weights and keeps building; insures adequate recovery time and suggests a lot of different accessory exercises

there may be a better strength program out there, but this one is solid!

It is a good, solid program.

Lifted yesterday with my youngest. Light work for me (and him), really focusing on him learning, increasing range of motion, and making sure his form is perfect.

Front Squat
Milt Press
Lat Pulldown
Squats, deadlift, kettle bell lunges, leg press. Sprint intervals.
Originally Posted by mtwarden

yup- that's it

concentrates on the big compound lifts; stresses good form over weight; progressive program-starting with lighter weights and keeps building; insures adequate recovery time and suggests a lot of different accessory exercises

there may be a better strength program out there, but this one is solid![/quote]

Mr Wendler would not be pleased with your modifications


This applies to any program published on this site, but it especially matters for 5/3/1. You must do the program the way it's written.”

please don't tell him, he'll kick my a$$! laugh
Originally Posted by mtwarden
please don't tell him, he'll kick my a$$! laugh

From reading his article, I don’t doubt it!

Dynamic effort box squat w/bands, 8 sets of 2 with 30 sec rest between sets

Following that, circuit, no rest between exercises, 1 min rest between rounds, several warmup/light rounds, 4 working rounds:
Cleans from boxes at knee height
DB Incline
Glute/ham raise
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
From reading his article, I don’t doubt it!

yeah big dude who doesn't pull any punches laugh
Originally Posted by mtwarden
concentrates on the big compound lifts; stresses good form over weight; progressive program-starting with lighter weights and keeps building; insures adequate recovery time and suggests a lot of different accessory exercises

there may be a better strength program out there, but this one is solid!

Good stuff.

I don't follow any one trainer or program per se, and certainly am not an expert on this topic. However, I have been seeking information and listening to what people in the training field say. Basically researchers, physicians, and trainers with the information based on large sample sizes (test subjects) for the researchers to smaller more personal anecdotal results from the physicians and trainers. Just see what they tend to agree on.

Anyway, they all stress basically what you listed.

1) Good form. I listened to 3 or 4 in a row, who individually said that they rarely if ever see a person in a gym do a back squat correctly. Either learn to do the back squat correctly with less weight, or choose a different exercise. I don't do back squats but thought it was interesting.

2) Don't over train. IIRC, I think two days of rest was not enough for most people. It can take a physical and mental toll on some. Demotivates them.

3) If you want strength, you need to lift heavier weights near failure. Or to failure. But you don't need that for fitness or longevity. Choose the goal.

4) We need to build an aerobic base, at least for things like backpack hunting which can be long endurance events (depending on hunting style). Lifting weights and heavy rucking actually won't do that, if you get into Zone 3 or higher where you burn glycogen. We need to get our bodies efficient at fat burning which is a limitless energy source for most, and you get better performance at lower heart rate. I don't understand all of it, but now I am starting to understand why athletes in certain sports spend 80% of their training at low intensity and only 20% at high intensity. However, most people I know do the opposite which is the "no pain, no gain" mindset!

Cool stuff. Thanks for mentioning it.

I was dealing with some sort of flu/cold/crud last week. Stayed out of the gym and just did my best walking the dog as much as possible. Usually for 45 minutes, Zone 2.

Got back to the gym today and it was great.

Leg press
Squats, double kettlebell
Mountain climber
Bent barbell rows
Lat pulldowns
Kettlebell swings
Zone 2 for 55 minutes on bike, plus 15+15 minutes on foot

I definitely noticed a difference on the bike, so maybe not fully recovered from the flu. To stay in Zone 2, I check heart rate. And I know my simulated ground speed for a given resistance level. I could tell I was working a little harder to maintain speed today, and it showed with elevated heart rate. Before that, I was making 1 MPH gains per week at the same effort level.

Go slower to go faster. I thought I was doing a good job at Zone 2 in 2022 but was actually pushing too hard. Have made more progress so far in 2023 than all of 2022, based on speed, resistance, and HR on the bike. Just took some simple observations and adjustments instead of doing things willy nilly grin
Another day as a gym rat...

I normally go to the gym every other day but the PNW Sportsman's Show is tomorrow so I did tomorrow's workout today.

Chest dips
Upright row
Shoulder press
Zone 2 - 45 minutes, partial trail running; additional 30 minutes on foot
Originally Posted by 4th_point
Originally Posted by mtwarden
concentrates on the big compound lifts; stresses good form over weight; progressive program-starting with lighter weights and keeps building; insures adequate recovery time and suggests a lot of different accessory exercises

there may be a better strength program out there, but this one is solid!

Good stuff.

4) We need to build an aerobic base, at least for things like backpack hunting which can be long endurance events (depending on hunting style). Lifting weights and heavy rucking actually won't do that, if you get into Zone 3 or higher where you burn glycogen. We need to get our bodies efficient at fat burning which is a limitless energy source for most, and you get better performance at lower heart rate. I don't understand all of it, but now I am starting to understand why athletes in certain sports spend 80% of their training at low intensity and only 20% at high intensity. However, most people I know do the opposite which is the "no pain, no gain" mindset!

Cool stuff. Thanks for mentioning it.


Check out Uphill Athelete's site, tons of really good info on there; if you really get the bug- their book Training for the Uphill Athlete is worthy reading

You are correct for endurance "events", which would include most of backpack hunting, you should be building a very solid aerobic base which translates into the vast majority of you hiking/running/biking/etc should be in Zone 2 (basically being able to converse normally at that pace- not a stroll, but not all out either)

HIIT type workouts definitely have their place, but a lot of folks for some reason want to skim over the Zone 2 stuff (not as sexy????)- the literature is saying else wise.
Yeah there's a ton of free info on Zone 2 but I'll check that out, thanks.

I know from my personal experience that my performance has improved by going slower. Measured on the stationary bike (HR, resistance, speed). Performance keeps going up, at similar HR.

Only thing that seems to be debated is duration. Some claim a minimum of 45 minutes. Others say longer. I think six hours per week is still not considered much but anything is better than nothing.

Zone 2 training is supposed to help with resting HR and longevity. Almost like the human body was designed and optimized for it grin
Today is Sunday, which is my day off. On Saturday I did 60 minutes of Zone 2 with the dog to get some bread from a local bakery. My wife made some good stew, so I shagged my ass over there to get the HR up.

Friday was spent at the PNWet Sportsman's Show. It was great talking to industry people. A lot of walking on concrete but not a workout.

I'm a gym rat on M, W, F. On T, Th, Sa I do something outside. I need to get off of my ass and into the woods though. I really appreciate the pictures that some of you guys post.
Had another good week- 36 miles (ranging from 3 miles to 8 miles) with a good dose of ascent- 257 miles for the year. We (Tiny Elvis and I) took a finger ridge up to the top of a small peak vs the trail- I knew we'd get into some rock, but it was brutal! We eventually made it to the top, but crossing that one off my list forever! laugh

Two solid strength sessions, one more workout and I'll be on another cycle- adding weight across the lifts.

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Did 30mins on the bike and intervals for 10mins. No booze still and seem to be dropping LBS.
Just did a 45min 40lb ruck on Friday.

Still no booze. Still dropping lbs.
Snowpocalypse and lingering cold kept me a bit sidelined but still got two days in at the gym and four days outside last week. Did a little more trail running. More like intermittent jogging, keeping track of HR. Good test of balance on snow and ice eek
Finished the week off with a bang yesterday, 11 miles (2000') snowshoeing in really poor snow- lots of post holing, sometimes to my waist!!! 38 miles for the week (294 for the year). I usually lift Thursday/Sunday- lifted Thursday but was in the mountains yesterday, so will get the second lift in just a little.

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Squats, deadlift, goblet squat, sled drags. Sprint intervals and light rucking
Watched a couple of buddies set PR’s today

595 squat
495 for 3 reps squat

I’m injured just spectating

Nice pics warden. Living the dream!
I did a bunch of kettlebell swings, and then sumo squats yesterday. First time doing sumo squats. Holy crap I can feel it in my legs today.
13.2 in 96:37 on the treadmill yesterday and 3100 yards in the pool with the masters swim team.
I am still down with lots of hip, knee and joint pain, dr appointment the end of next week.
Lat pull down, rows, Arnold presses, reverse Flys. 20mins on the torture machine (stairmaster)
Yesterday I did dips then pullups. Machine assisted, as I am still a wimp. Then seated cable rows and standing barbell press. Zone 2 on the bike for 45 minutes and 10 minutes of b-ball.

Today was 45 minutes of Zone 2 with the dog.

I think that I finally cleared that cold/flu/crud out of my system. Back up to my best speed on the bike for my target HR.
Yesterday was a light arm/shoulder lift session and then .5mi at a 4min pace, then 30mins on the stationary bike with the last 10mins being sprint intervals
Skied for 6 hours yesterday.

Today 4 miles on snow shoes. Some KB when done
Solid week 35 miles (a little over 7000' of gain)- 330 for the year. Did a couple of loops that are less traveled and was rewarded with some post holing laugh

Got both strength train workouts in; pulled something in my left ham on my heavy set this afternoon- bagged the last set (lighter set) altogether; didn't feel real bad, so hope I can still hit it next week.

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Another week with three days as a gym rat, three days outside, and one day off.
Got a Cortisone shot in left ball joint yesterday and am good to go again, I am thankful as at my age a serious injury could alter my live forever. Not being able to hunt would devastate me. 4 miles today 180 for the year, which is not bad as I was not walking much for 3 weeks
Hamstring is not 100%, I could feel it on my heavy set doing squats. I'll deadlift again tomorrow, going to be extra cautious- if I feel anything on the lower weight sets, going to shut it down.

The good news is doesn't bother me much hiking- got 35 miles in this week (365 for the year). 4 miles was x-country skiing yesterday (we got a pretty decent 8-10" dump). A rather arduous 10 mile snowshoe trip today in the Elkhorns with a couple of buddies.

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Lower body day with squats (barbell and kettlebell), deadlift, lunges. And 20mins worth of intervals.
Another week with three days as a gym rat, three days outside, and one day off.

Today was my first attempt at split squats and it whooped my legs.

-Split squats
-Kettlebell swings
-Step ups, weighted
-Sled push
-Mountain climbers
-75 minutes of Zone 2
Good week- 35 miles (401 for the year) w/ 4 of the miles x-country skiing; gorgeous weather all week- some clouds, some sun- highs in the mid-30's with nary any wind at all

Strength trained- I've reset my Wendler cycle, left hamstring is still not 100%- I'll have a better idea tomorrow where it stands exactly when I deadlift again

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20mins on the stairmaster today and then some intervals on the treadmill.
Started something this year that I've been looking forward to, lifting with my son. The oldest son didn't/doesn't have an interested - no problem. Youngest is 15, 5'-8", 120lbs and wants to get stronger so we both started Starting Strength in Jan. I had done this in 2017 with good results then had some setbacks & life happens stuff. I'm going to run the LP for another month or two then probably stay at those numbers and incorporate more cardio. Going to let him run the LP as long as he wants. I've got a solo DIY archery elk hunt planned for this fall and am doing a drop camp with both boys next fall so there's the goal.
Originally Posted by Scott
Started something this year that I've been looking forward to, lifting with my son. The oldest son didn't/doesn't have an interested - no problem. Youngest is 15, 5'-8", 120lbs and wants to get stronger so we both started Starting Strength in Jan. I had done this in 2017 with good results then had some setbacks & life happens stuff. I'm going to run the LP for another month or two then probably stay at those numbers and incorporate more cardio. Going to let him run the LP as long as he wants. I've got a solo DIY archery elk hunt planned for this fall and am doing a drop camp with both boys next fall so there's the goal.
That's awesome!! Enjoy! It'll be fun watching is numbers take the express elevator!
the good- 34 miles (w/ ~ 6000' go gain) for the week- 435 miles for the year; got a couple of shots of snow so most of of the miles in 3-6" of snow; also a few short hikes with grandkids smile

the bad- on Monday on my second set of deadlifts, my left hamstring got strained again (I had warmed up extensively too)- obviously wasn't fully healed. Friday I was going in to do squats and bench and knew there was a better than fair chance of straining it further with weighted squats, soooo decided to lay off the weights and did a half "Murph" .5 mile run/150 air squats/100 pushups/50 pullups/.5 mile run

my plan going ahead is to stick with bodyweight stuff for a month and then test the waters

fortunately the strain hasn't really impacted my hiking; I've got a week backpacking trip next week in AZ (Mazatzal Wilderness) that will really test that theory

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Nice on the Mazatzals!
Originally Posted by GregW
Nice on the Mazatzals!

yeah pretty excited- brand new country for me smile our weather window at this juncture looks perfect!
It'll be a best case scenario for water availability too. It simple doesn't get any wetter in that country than it is right this second. Might help your logistics a bit....

Let me know if you find any big elk sheds or see any big bulls....grin...
Originally Posted by GregW
It'll be a best case scenario for water availability too. It simple doesn't get any wetter in that country than it is right this second. Might help your logistics a bit....

Let me know if you find any big elk sheds or see any big bulls....grin...

yeah I'm about as far from a desert rat as could be; we figured early April and the water situation just might help keep a couple of Montana guys alive laugh

looks like we'll have some snow to contend with higher, but we're used to that smile
I'm checking in a day early as I'm flying out this evening to Phoenix. 30 miles this week (4 of those miles snowshoeing) and should be adding 8-12 miles tomorrow depending on what time we get started. Should be a big week next week laugh

Still doing the bodyweight stuff; I'll reassess at the end of April- hoping the hamstring is fully healed by then. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be aggravated while hiking!

See you guys next week.

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I've had a ton of injuries in the last few years, shoulder injury, knee injury, lower back, you name it.

I'm 64 and I did all the dumb things that get you hurt in the Service, except getting shot. It seems like each injury caused compounding injuries.

My wife bought a weight machine last year, and I need to build upper body strength, core, legs and not reinjure. I walk 3 miles per day. Should I add weights in a backpack or a weight vest? Knees are pretty bad due to a lifetime of running, and a bad fall in Iraq.

Can anyone help me how to restart?

A Monday - Friday schedule?

Or point me to a good website?
Originally Posted by 4th_point
Another week with three days as a gym rat, three days outside, and one day off.

Today was my first attempt at split squats and it whooped my legs.

-Split squats
-Kettlebell swings
-Step ups, weighted
-Sled push
-Mountain climbers
-75 minutes of Zone 2

Rinse and repeat for me the past two weeks. I'm sticking with those split squats.
Good luck with the recovery and trip, mtw. I'm curious what you think about that SO pack.
Did some lifting and stairmaster today. Still no booze and feeling great.
Originally Posted by David_Walter
I've had a ton of injuries in the last few years, shoulder injury, knee injury, lower back, you name it.

I'm 64 and I did all the dumb things that get you hurt in the Service, except getting shot. It seems like each injury caused compounding injuries.

My wife bought a weight machine last year, and I need to build upper body strength, core, legs and not reinjure. I walk 3 miles per day. Should I add weights in a backpack or a weight vest? Knees are pretty bad due to a lifetime of running, and a bad fall in Iraq.

Can anyone help me how to restart?

A Monday - Friday schedule?

Or point me to a good website?

David, I am not qualified to give advice on exercise but it sounds like you are already active and have equipment at home. If I were in that situation, I would contact a NASM trainer at least to start. I was able to get consultation just from buying protein powder for my wife (I rarely use the stuff). I don't know that NASM is the end all be all though. Or maybe check with your physician, especially with the knee condition, if they seem well versed on exercise?

On a side note, I've become a big fan of Dr. Gabrielle Lyon's podcast. No specific exercise advice, but she's had various researchers, trainers, and doctors on her show. They've discussed the latest on strength training, health, longevity, etc. Some big studies and not just bro science. She does a lot of work with former military, especially special operations guys.

The one thing that I have taken away from Dr. Lyon is the fact that we need more animal protein as we age. And we need to focus on strength training. I still do a bunch of Zone 2 cardio, but upped my strength training the past several months.

One year ago I ran one mile and was down lame for a week. This week thanks to the help of intermittent fasting greatly improving my health I ran 100 miles in one week. The regiment included running 4 days with every other day off for recovery. At 55 years young I'm feeling amazing. Next stop will be the mogollon rim in Arizona for some 8000 ft elevation training. The training will consist of rucking with an 80 lb pack for 10 miles 4 days a week, push ups, sit ups, pull ups. At the end of that week it's north bound to participate in the Spartan beast competition

Yesterday's work out was High intensity interval training......5 sets of full out sprints, push ups, sit ups, pull ups
Originally Posted by 4th_point
Good luck with the recovery and trip, mtw. I'm curious what you think about that SO pack.

I made it out alive laugh

We found out in the Mazatzal's that other than the AZT trail, the other trails get little or no maintenance. Our section on the AZT went as expected, as soon as we veered off (to complete a loop) it was basically hiking off trail. Occasionally a small sign of a trail, but miles and miles of no sign.

The navigation part was actually fun, busting through dense brush- almost all covered in some sort of thorn- not so much.

We did see some nice country that not many others have. 80 miles (16,000') in 5 days. I'm at 551 miles for the year, so on track for 2023 miles.

The SO Flight I've had for three years, lots of miles with it. It's a great backpack pack with loads up to ~ 50 lbs, so doesn't see any use for hunting, but for the vast majority of backpacking (other than hunting) it usually gets the nod.

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Sounds like my type of trip, minus the thorns! Thanks for the pack info.
Walk a golf course 5 days a week after work. 25 pound golf bag and 6 miles a trip. Not a flat course either. I know it's not a scenic mountain workout, but it gets me in shape. Right now it's nice, but when it gets 105 out, it's a workout. Played division 1 college baseball and try to stay in shape, but the weight room and running quit when I was about 22. Got burned out on that. Chasing grouse and Quail in the fall gets the steps in for November and December whitetails and mulies. I feel I get extreme, but you elk and sheep guys are on another level!
I don't play regular golf but have gotten back into disc golf with my kids. Just bought some kid-specific discs a couple days ago. Extra steps don't hurt.
Pretty decent week for me- 35 miles (585 for the year), the majority in snow (we got a pretty decent dump earlier in the week); got both my bodyweight workouts in- won't lie- missing lifting at the gym. I'm going to give the hamstring a full month, then gently roll into lifting the weights again.

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Gobblet kb squats, sled drags, stairmaster
I just started using the stairmaster again last week. Haven't used it since last year.

Gym today:

Split squats
Zone 2 - 45 minutes on stationary bike, 30 minute walk
I'm going to change things up a bit starting today. Gym days (3x per week) will still be focused on weight lifting, but only one long set to failure (decreasing load as needed). Going to cut the Zone 2 bike time down to 20 minutes, then end with HIIT using Tabata timer.

No change for days outside (3x per week). Shooting for at least 45 minutes at Zone 2.

One day off.

Meat, beer, and ice cream for fuel.
Originally Posted by 4th_point

Meat, beer, and ice cream for fuel.

That's a regular part of my diet...along with pretty much anything else I see. Those are staples though....foundational....
It seems like most here are doing very well. The cortisone shot in my hip has done wonders, but I missed a lot of days. Weight is coming down, ( i have sworn off the chocolate chip cookies). Hit the 300 mile mark a couple of days ago, and still pushing for 1,000 again. I will be 78 in a few months, and want to stay active. Temps here will hit 100 this week and we will be heading back north.
Pretty good week for me; 38 miles (623 for the year)- most of the miles this week in the snow

Still sticking with bodyweight stuff (twice a week), hoping to get this hamstring healed fully- did a half Murph one day and then a 5 rd
30 situps
30 pushups
30 lunges
10 pullups

I said I wouldn't do it again, but a buddy (same buddy I did the trip w/ last year) convinced me to do a 5 day snowshoe trip across the Bob Marshall, we head in Thursday. Last year's trip was a total suffer fest (and suffered a weird ankle area injury that had me limping the entire last day!), hoping the snow is better this time and the blowdown less.

my training buddy- Tiny Elvis

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Friday was a arm/shoulder day and 20mins on the stairmaster plus a mile on the treadmill.

Alas I have fallen off the wagon and drank some beer. I will climb back on the wagon as when I drink, my food choices are awful.

Looking forward to hunting black bears this spring, never done it before. Honestly I just want out of the house.
Mtwarden, are you going to detail your prep /packing list for your sheep hunt?

Testing any gear for it?
Nothing finalized yet (but close smile )


As far as prep- are you talking fitness prep? plan is to keep on as is; June I'll start some weighted rucking a couple of times/week- starting at 30# and building to 60#- will include a couple of hill workouts/week as well- trying to get some serious sidehilling too. Hope to hit the range a fair bit. I have a couple of areas on FS land that should give me an opportunity to play with steep down/up shots too.

I might be testing a few pieces out- possibly a Sitka Mtn Evo jacket; possibly a SG Terminus pack- I've put it out to the powers that be that'll I be up there for ~12 days; so if there is anything they might want to see tested this would be a good chance smile

I do have a new Spartan Precision Davros Pro head I'm going to test for myself- hoping I can both shoot and glass from it comfortably.

After looking at the Terminus 7k Friday, I will be picking up a Terminus 8700 for deer, sheep, and goat hunting. Unbelievably lightweight.

Surprised you're not taking the kimber, sentimental reasons?
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
After looking at the Terminus 7k Friday, I will be picking up a Terminus 8700 for deer, sheep, and goat hunting. Unbelievably lightweight.

Surprised you're not taking the kimber, sentimental reasons?

Yeah the Terminus 8700 has my eye smile

Yes, the Featherweight I inherited from my late father-in-law. He said when he retired we'd be taking a trip to AK to hunt, sadly never made it- he died much too early with a bout of cancer frown

I've got the featherweight into the gunsmith to work the trigger a bit, fit the new bottom metal, new (lighter) recoil pad and bed the action. I pulled the stock off a couple of months ago and Tru Oiled the interior of the stock with three coats (pulled off the recoil pad and grip cap as well)- hoping to make it less apt to be effected by moisture. Also had the action Cerakoted.

I've got an email into Branser, so I may go with Plan B and put a new stock on it laugh
Very cool.
Barbell squats, heavy sled drags, leg press, and 17mins on the treadmill today.
Zoning out....

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Originally Posted by 4th_point
I'm going to change things up a bit starting today. Gym days (3x per week) will still be focused on weight lifting, but only one long set to failure (decreasing load as needed). Going to cut the Zone 2 bike time down to 20 minutes, then end with HIIT using Tabata timer.

First week done but I've been doing 30 minutes on the bike instead of 20 as planned. Plus one set of eight Tabata sprints at the end.

Today's workout:

Leg press
Goblet squat with KB, then sumo squat
KB swing
Split squat

Sled push
Mountain climbers
Stationary bike
far out, i forgot about this thread. got 14,000 steps in today just walking with the kids.

surfed for 45 minutes on the log.. lots of paddling in wind blown junk

6 miles of biking.

and paddled the SUP 5.4 miles

shedding weight only eating twice a day. straight venison. a little bit of carbs, some veg/fruit. 3 cups of coffee.

flight heads to NZ in 32 days. i gotta get back to 1,000 squats a day here soon. my left knee that's been bugging me for a decade hasn't let me get too western yet.
4 years off of lifting. 3 years ago during Covid I walked 20,000 steps 5 X per week. I had problems with resistant high blood pressure when I went heavy. Last year I pulled my MCL tendon and had severe knee pain. No sheep hunting for me. I saw a 39 inch dall ram 600 yards from the road fully legal but I had no tag, and a 458 Winchester Mag with iron sights for Griz in the yard, I also had covid. Yet there they were a 38er and a 39 inch ram right near the road.

I worked on rehabbing and last week I started on an exercise bike for 30 minutes above 70 rpm at highest setting with no problems. I did lat pulldowns, curls, incline presses, light dead lifts, light squats, light bench press. Hopefully I can recover by September when I might take a trip for Dall Sheep. I have a yard moose permit. The big thing is that I have 1 year to go before I retire from teaching and I need a plateau so I can become a mountain creature.

I will do hit in about 1 month. I also do trails. I did buy one of those SG 8700 Terminus bags, I have a Proof Research Elevation with a Leupold Mark 5 HD in 300 Win that I want to break in for this year. I am going to do the Zoleo and I probably will go by myself. Oh I got a ATX 95 with 1.4 multiplier. That should be cool.
Looks like I missed a couple of weeks.

week 4/24-4/30 77 miles smile 65 of those miles on a snowshoe trip across the Bob Marshall

week 5/1- 5/7 32 miles &32 miles for the year); I've also started back at the gym going light- 5x5 @ 70%; I was very nervous deadlifting again, but thankfully the hamstring held up

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Originally Posted by 4th_point
Originally Posted by 4th_point
I'm going to change things up a bit starting today. Gym days (3x per week) will still be focused on weight lifting, but only one long set to failure (decreasing load as needed). Going to cut the Zone 2 bike time down to 20 minutes, then end with HIIT using Tabata timer.

First week done but I've been doing 30 minutes on the bike instead of 20 as planned in the gym. Plus one set of eight Tabata sprints at the end.

This is my third week of doing one set to failure for each weight/machine exercise, plus Tabata sprints on the bike. Good change, at least for now, and I definitely notice some improvements.

Today was supposed to be a lower body day in the gym but I went to check on an old shooting spot in the OR coastrange instead. Most of the snow was gone but still dang treacherous with loose soil and blowdown. Trekking poles were not much help without baskets but that was easiest climb down and back up so far. My legs and lungs would normally be complaining!

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I had dropped 25 pounds since Christmas but hit a plateau about a month ago. I took a couple of weeks off from the diet and working out, hoping to do a reset. I can say that I feel like crap and am back on the program tomorrow. I can't believe how much effect that diet has on things like inflammation, sleep and brain fog.
Hand planted 100 seedlings today. No need for a gym only 3 Aleve.
Yesterday was squats, deadlifts, leg press, and stationary bike
Originally Posted by 4th_point
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Very cool, who's the artist? Two sons who live out of town flew in for Mother's Day so we rented a place up in Estes. Did a few hikes in RMNP using my brand-new lifetime parks pass for "seniors," LOL, a milestone. Or more like a millstone maybe.
Originally Posted by smokepole
Very cool, who's the artist? Two sons who live out of town flew in for Mother's Day so we rented a place up in Estes. Did a few hikes in RMNP using my brand-new lifetime parks pass for "seniors," LOL, a milestone. Or more like a millstone maybe.

We stayed in Estes (late September) several years ago. We got a few nice hikes in at Rocky Mtn, but the biggie was the Pawnee-Buchanan Pass Loop (Indian Peak Wilderness)- 30 miles with a [bleep]-ton of gain/loss - started in headlamps and finished in headlamps laugh

There is a trail in this pic smile

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Originally Posted by mtwarden
Originally Posted by smokepole
Very cool, who's the artist? Two sons who live out of town flew in for Mother's Day so we rented a place up in Estes. Did a few hikes in RMNP using my brand-new lifetime parks pass for "seniors," LOL, a milestone. Or more like a millstone maybe.

We stayed in Estes (late September) several years ago. We got a few nice hikes in at Rocky Mtn, but the biggie was the Pawnee-Buchanan Pass Loop (Indian Peak Wilderness)- 30 miles with a [bleep]-ton of gain/loss - started in headlamps and finished in headlamps laugh

There is a trail in this pic smile

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Oh yeah, I run that loop all the time.
Richard Simmons protege....

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Yesterday was squats, deadlifts, leg press, and stationary bike
Originally Posted by smokepole
Very cool, who's the artist? Two sons who live out of town flew in for Mother's Day so we rented a place up in Estes. Did a few hikes in RMNP using my brand-new lifetime parks pass for "seniors," LOL, a milestone. Or more like a millstone maybe.

That was actually taken with my phone! The lighting was weird and I think that it messed with the camera auto settings.

It was late afternoon and I had just completed my hike. I was thinking that elk should be up and moving in that area but hadn't seen any until I rounded a bend and there they were. The other side of the ridge has active logging.
I'm still doing M,W,F in the gym, T, Th, Sa outside, and Sundays off. Unless there's some special trip, and I swap days around. Today will be my off day, and Sunday will be outside doing something strenuous.

I recently listened to some sports physicians and trainers talk about joint wear and back injuries. One said that he has patients that think they got back injuries from sports activities but they actually did the damage gradually with dead lifts. The other said that heavy weights and numerous sets has been the standard for building muscle but is the most damaging for joints, which seems obvious when pointed out.

It sounds like research is moving towards ways to build muscle with the least damage possible to other structures. Listening to those guys has made me reconsider some of my gym exercises. I'm not looking to build big mass, but maintain overall fitness and improve longevity.

Some suggest exercises that focus more on muscle stretch under load than just heavy weights. And getting muscles to failure quickly instead of spending hours in the gym with long rest periods.

It's interesting stuff.
Did about 20mins on the bike and arm/shoulder workout today
Let's see 5/8-14 43 miles w/ 3 days bear hunting, no bears sighted despite a lot of leg and glass work- that's the way it goes sometimes

5/15- 5/21 34 miles (809 miles for the year). Still on track to hit my goal of 2023 miles, God willing smile I'm preparing for my 9th Bob Marshall Wilderness Open this coming weekend, route appears to be just over 100 miles. Our snowpack is depleting quickly so may be one of the rare years I'm not on snowshoes much. While we always deal with high water at the end of May, looks like even more than normal this year. With three major rivers to ford (one has a stock bridge, the other two- no bridges whatsoever) it's a crap shoot if we'll be able to finish. The two years I didn't finish were due to high water- fingers crossed!

I've continued lifting twice a week- same 5x5 @ 70% of 1RM routine, so far so good- hamstring hasn't squawked.

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Originally Posted by mtwarden
Let's see 5/8-14 43 miles w/ 3 days bear hunting, no bears sighted despite a lot of leg and glass work- that's the way it goes sometimes.

The best "workout"!
20mins of stairmaster then another 35mins on the treadmill rucking with 45lbs.

Back off the booze until hunting season
Originally Posted by 4th_point
Originally Posted by mtwarden
Let's see 5/8-14 43 miles w/ 3 days bear hunting, no bears sighted despite a lot of leg and glass work- that's the way it goes sometimes.

The best "workout"!

Agreed- if a guy could hunt year round in the mountains, you'd be in shape year round laugh
Did a 20 mile bike ride along the Firth of Forth, very scenic.
Did a hike in the Highlands near Glencoe, really nice trails here.
Heading out tomorrow up the Swan Range for the Saturday morning start of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Open; this will be my ninth year running I've toes the line. Creeks and rivers are swollen, so we'll see how we can get. Our route chosen route is ~ 110 miles- river crossings will be the crux, as they are most years.

See you guys next week!
Bet you have the arms of Michelle Obama.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Did about 20mins on the bike and arm/shoulder workout today
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Bet you have the arms of Michelle Obama.

Feel free to act like a retard in the elk forum
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Bet you have the arms of Michelle Obama.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Did about 20mins on the bike and arm/shoulder workout today

And I bet you're as buff as Barak.
If you cannot spell Barack…..just use Hussein.

Burns is gonna be ticked you moved on to Jack Handle so quickly.

I predict it’s just a rebound!

Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Bet you have the arms of Michelle Obama.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Did about 20mins on the bike and arm/shoulder workout today

And I bet you're as buff as Barak.
LOL, whatever O'Tool.
Walked up to the Old Man of Storrr today.
Did the loop at the Fairy pools today, then visited the place where Talisker is made.
Yea.......I just walk some of my own property.

Originally Posted by smokepole
Did the loop at the Fairy pools today, then visited the place where Talisker is made.
Hit the 400 mile mark last week, still trying to catch up on my loss, when I hurt my hip. I need more weight work.
Originally Posted by mtwarden
Heading out tomorrow up the Swan Range for the Saturday morning start of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Open; this will be my ninth year running I've toes the line. Creeks and rivers are swollen, so we'll see how we can get. Our route chosen route is ~ 110 miles- river crossings will be the crux, as they are most years.

See you guys next week!

I'm out and safe, but very sore. Well we got rained on hard day 1 which furthered swelled the already swollen streams; I got swept on one of the fords in the afternoon- wet up to my neck- not fun! We made 32 miles that day, hiking until near midnight. It rained most of that night, but thankfully quit just as we were getting up. The South Fork of the Flathead was rolling hard, but we had a stock bridge that we could take advantage of- no way to cross on foot without this bridge.

We would have needed to ford two more major rivers to complete the route, but not bridges to assist us. It pained us, but the writing was on the wall- we weren't getting across the next two rivers. We bailed at Meadow Creek in the afternoon, with another 20 miles under our belts.

Looks like we have a dry stretch of weather in the forecast, so I'm seriously contemplating going back and finishing the second half of the route.

74 miles for the week, closing in on 900 miles for the year.

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Discretion is the better part of valor. One reason we didn’t finish NM was a bridge was out over a very swollen river we’d need to cross. That, plus all the swampy meadows and thigh-deep postholing into wet snow… yuck. It’s a messy spring in the high country. smile
Squats, deadlifts, sled drags. Bike then run.
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Discretion is the better part of valor. One reason we didn’t finish NM was a bridge was out over a very swollen river we’d need to cross. That, plus all the swampy meadows and thigh-deep postholing into wet snow… yuck. It’s a messy spring in the high country. smile

Yup- it's the country that keeps going back; finishing is just a cherry on top laugh
Lunges, kettlebell squats, heavy sled drags. Ran a mile or so..
Decent week for me- 25 miles on the trails; took 2-3 days to get over the soreness from the Open. Definitely going to lose one toenail for sure, a second could also happen.

Couldn't get one day due to day long rain (not complaining, we'll take it) and went to the gym and did a half Murph 1/2 mile run 150 squats/100 pushups/50 pullups 1/2 mile run. I also got two strength training sessions in. Still not lifting over 70% of a 1RM. I think next week going to play around with things and try 75-80%.

few more pics from the Open

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45lb rucking and 30mins on the bike doing intervals.
Even liberal inbreds can work out.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
45lb rucking and 30mins on the bike doing intervals.
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Even liberal inbreds can work out.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
45lb rucking and 30mins on the bike doing intervals.

Mr. Weaner, you are out of your lane. Go back to the tard forum.
Jack LaLanne's juicer.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Even liberal inbreds can work out.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
45lb rucking and 30mins on the bike doing intervals.

Mr. Weaner, you are out of your lane. Go back to the tard forum.
Most important detail......did you escape Hannibal Lecter?

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Lunges, kettlebell squats, heavy sled drags. Ran a mile or so..
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Most important detail......did you escape Hannibal Lecter?

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Lunges, kettlebell squats, heavy sled drags. Ran a mile or so..

Mr. Weaner, yet again your ramblings are not making any sense.

Today I believe I will do a chest today. Bench, incline dumbells, push-ups, and then cardio probably some interval work.
Denise Austin would be proud. Richard Simmons would just have lust in his eye.

Good work.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Today I believe I will do a chest today. Bench, incline dumbells, push-ups, and then cardio probably some interval work.
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Denise Austin would be proud. Richard Simmons would just have lust in his eye.

What is "things boomers say" for 1000.

Ps I do more physical activity before 7am than you do in a week old timer.
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Denise Austin would be proud. Richard Simmons would just have lust in his eye.

What is "things boomers say" for 1000.

Ps I do more physical activity before 7am than you do in a week old timer.
are you left or right handed eh pussy?
Originally Posted by purri
are you left or right handed eh pussy?

Feel free to share your hunting goals for 2023 and the fitness path you choose to take.

No workout today for me, all day training and range work.
Dead lifts 325 for sets of 6

T Bar rows sets of 8

100# Goblet Squats sets of 8

Incline Dumbbells sets of 8

Supinated Dumbbell curls

Tricep Pushdowns

TRX Ab rollouts


Burns would be impressed!


Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Dead lifts 325 for sets of 6

T Bar rows sets of 8

100# Goblet Squats sets of 8

Incline Dumbbells sets of 8

Supinated Dumbbell curls

Tricep Pushdowns

TRX Ab rollouts

Lat pull downs, seated rows, deadlift, 30mins of low intensity cardio
Rainbow workout complete.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Lat pull downs, seated rows, deadlift, 30mins of low intensity cardio
Sled drags, arm circuit, low intensity cardio
Decent week- 30 miles (940 for the year), about half those miles with a 35# pack. Starting a every other day weighted ruck, August is getting close laugh

My wife and I dusted off the mountain bikes (it's been a looooong time for me!) and got two rides in, about 20 miles.

Got both my strength training sessions I'm; knock on wood my hamstring hasn't flared up, but I'm keeping the weight no higher than 75% of my 1RM. I'm going to keep it that way until after my sheep hunt, can't risk an injury now.
Yesterday was a total body resistance day, deadlift, kettlebell squats, lat pulls, Arnold press, push-ups. Sprint intervals and stairmaster.
Yesterday was a hike in full kit (plates, rifle, comms, pistol, ammo, etc..luckilyno helmet lol) About 5 miles. Cross country, mountainous terrain. It sucked.
Threw on an 11kg weighted vest & hiked to the top of a nearby ridge between rain storms. I’ve managed a daily 10k of hard hiking 7 of the last 10 days so I’m consistently getting a few miles in even though I’ve been working a lot. Coming off of a recent annoying injury, walking with a bit of extra weight through some hills is a good easy recovery exercise.

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I drew another top tier elk tag, time to not only train for the sheep hunt next year but the elk tags this year.

I'm going to utilize the Performance First rucking program for my summer conditioning program.
Pretty good week- 47 miles (987 miles for the year), probably 15-ish of those miles with a 35# pack. Did a quick overnight/peak bag in the Elkhorns and racked up just under 20 miles (with 4000') of gain.

Both strength train sessions in, still not going above 75% of my 1RM. I'm also pretty much turning them into HIIT workout by doing 3-5 rds/5-10 reps (60 second rest between rds)- squats/bench/pullups one day, deadlifts/overhead press/chinups the other day.

Going to bump the pack weight up to 40 lbs this week, shooting for 3-4 weighted hikes.

Threw the little tarp (5x5') in at the last second as it showed a very favorable forecast, good thing I did as it started raining at 3 in the morning and never quit after that.

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Back squats 5x5, leg press, sled drags, stairmaster & 45lb ruck
Originally Posted by mtwarden
Pretty good week- 47 miles (987 miles for the year), probably 15-ish of those miles with a 35# pack. Did a quick overnight/peak bag in the Elkhorns and racked up just under 20 miles (with 4000') of gain.

Both strength train sessions in, still not going above 75% of my 1RM. I'm also pretty much turning them into HIIT workout by doing 3-5 rds/5-10 reps (60 second rest between rds)- squats/bench/pullups one day, deadlifts/overhead press/chinups the other day.

Going to bump the pack weight up to 40 lbs this week, shooting for 3-4 weighted hikes.

Threw the little tarp (5x5') in at the last second as it showed a very favorable forecast, good thing I did as it started raining at 3 in the morning and never quit after that.

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Bench, incline, push-ups, more running and rucking.

Planning a 4 or 5 day hike about in the beartooths for the 4th of july...should be fun.
^ you'll enjoy that, great country! smile
Originally Posted by mtwarden
^ you'll enjoy that, great country! smile

Hope so, hoping the snow level isn't bad up high still
Normally snow would likely be an issue, but not this year. We went from normal to slightly above normal snowpack to no snowpack the quickest I've ever seen. Snotel sites at Fisher Ck and Whitemill are showing no snow, typically there would be a couple of feet.

I think you'll be golden smile
Lat pull downs, seated rows, pull-ups, dB rows, sprint intervals and 30mins on the stationary bike
Pretty good week- 36 miles (1023 for the year). Strength trained both days (squats/bench one day, deadlifts/overhead presses the other) 5 x 10 reps, still not exceeding 75% of my 1RM.
KB squats leg press and rucking for 35mins.

Tapering the workouts this week as the plan is to cover as much country as possible this weekend
You headed to the Beartooth's this weekend?
Originally Posted by mtwarden
You headed to the Beartooth's this weekend?

That's the plan
Have fun and post some pics smile

Hard to believe, but I actually got paid to work a bunch of that country laugh
I am in training for the 2024 Marche De L'Armee. It will be back to back 40 KM (about 25 miles each) marches on a saturday and sunday in late May in Europe. My SIL will be doing it with some of his Air Force buddies, with 35 lb ruck and ACU's, in formation, doing the cadences and the whole bit. I will trail behind, not being a super-fit 20 something. I will train for the ruck, but will do the march ruck or no ruck depending on if I feel I can keep up with his group. I figure this training will be good preparation for both this and next years hunting season.


Just started training about a couple months ago with brisk walks and pushups (About 2 hours per day, 4-5 days a week), in GI type boots, with a small ruck, hydration pack and some modest other kit about 15 lbs total. Right now its mostly about endurance, but I just bought a weight bench and will soon add weight training and expand the calisthenics.

Wondering if how best to address the shoulder chafing issue with the rucks, other than just tough it out, if anyone has ideas.
^ looks like fun smile

Shoulders definitely need a little time breaking in with a pack. Sometimes though chafing issues are pack fitment, so you might mess around with that and see if there is an improvement. As the weight goes up, pack fitment becomes more and more important.

Anti-chafe cream can provide some relief too (it's good to have a small tube on hand as shoulders aren't the only thing that can chafe smile )

I think you're on the right track, build up your aerobic base with shorter, not overly taxing hikes- volume is king to build the base.
A good week- 37 miles (1060 for the year), 23 of those miles with a 40# pack, Monday was a 9 miler with the pack and over 2500' of gain.

Got both strength sessions in as well.

Will bump up the pack weight to 45# this coming week.
Looks like you're planning well for that Brooks Range hunt mtwarden.

Q though: When doing your hikes, are you scrambling up and down scree slopes at all? I'd suggest you incorporate that into your routine. Not only because it'll increase resistance like running in sand will (and thus enhance your workout) but because I'd give you a 90% chance of having to cross scree at some point on your hunt, if not multiple times daily.
Originally Posted by T_Inman
Looks like you're planning well for that Brooks Range hunt mtwarden.

Q though: When doing your hikes, are you scrambling up and down scree slopes at all? I'd suggest you incorporate that into your routine. Not only because it'll increase resistance like running in sand will (and thus enhance your workout) but because I'd give you a 90% chance of having to cross scree at some point on your hunt, if not multiple times daily.

yeah I'm trying to hit some rock and also trying to get some sidehilling in as well on my routes
Originally Posted by T_Inman
e. Not only because it'll increase resistance like running in sand will (and thus enhance your workout)....

Running in sand helps? Seems intuitive, but can you elaborate a bit? (I got beach here)
Made it out of the beartooths. Gorgeous country. Didn't see any unicorns, but found some sign. I think we did around 20-30 miles.

I hate Boulder fields. But was a fun trip even if the weather didn't cooperate
Lots of boulders in the Beartooths laugh
Originally Posted by mtwarden
Lots of boulders in the Beartooths laugh

Sometimes I thought that's all there was....thank God for trekking poles and mountaineering boots.
There’s some really good fishing lakes in the BT’s that are off trail, but some require a mile or two of almost straight Boulder hopping. Not only very fatiguing physically, but does a number on you mentally- knowing that a slip up could mean a broken limb!
I'm still plugging along... three days in the gym, three days outside, and one day off per week. I think that the Tabata sprints 1-2x per week have been beneficial. Still doing a bunch of Zone 2 too. I also switched from heavy weights, long rest periods, deadlifts, etc. to simply getting muscles to failure quickly.

For July I have some trips planned for bear scouting with my kids in the coastrange. Plus casual hikes, and outdoor activities while they are on summer break.
Sled drags, squats, deadlift, leg press. 30mins on the bike
Good, but average week. 35 miles (1095 miles for the year). I think 15 miles with weight on my back; have relatives visiting so quit wearing the pack later in the week.

Got both strength workouts in too.
20mins on the stairmaster and 30mins on the stationary bike
Do you EVER plan to gain employment?

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
20mins on the stairmaster and 30mins on the stationary bike
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Do you EVER plan to gain employment?

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
20mins on the stairmaster and 30mins on the stationary bike

I get to workout on the clock. I literally get paid to pt......once again Mr werner, you are out of your lane.

That is my polite response. You see I try to keep my demeanor in the backpacking sub-forum polite and cordial, although sometimes I do fail.
Dynamic Effort Box Squats w/bands - multiple warmup sets, 10 working sets of 2 reps, 30 sec rest (stretching) between sets
Circuit, 1 min rest (stretch) between rounds, multiple warmup rounds, 3 working rounds:
Weighted dips
Glute-ham raise

Thai bag work, 10x3 min rounds, 1 min on elliptical between rounds

Max Effort Floor Press, work up to 1 rep max, 1 min rest between sets
Circuit, 1 min rest (stretch) between rounds, multiple warmup rounds, 3 working rounds:
Front Squat
Underhand grip 90 deg rows
Nose breakers

Thai bag work alternating with double end bag work every other round, 10x3 min rounds, 1 min on elliptical between rounds

Today will be:
Clean/Jerk - low reps
Hang Snatch - low reps
Circuit: 1 min rest (stretch) between rounds, multiple warmup rounds, 3 working rounds:
Calf raises
Reverse Hypers
Didn't post last week (7/10-7/16) 30 miles, half of those with a 45# pack; one strength session in and then a 4 day/ 3 night canoe trip on the Smith River. We were expecting a rather relaxing paddle, that's not what we got- got thrown out of the canoe on day 1, got thrown out of the canoe (and a rather long swim chasing the canoe) on day 2, almost got thrown out a couple of times on day 3, but day 4 was even worse- three sets of tough rapids (we pulled the canoe around on one them). The last two miles the river braided badly and there was a ton of dangerous strainers laying in wait- lots of portaging on the last stretch! So much for a relaxing paddle laugh

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Ya... I enjoy paddling down a river, but dang... Often times I've come around a bend and found myself heading right for something or someplace I didn't want to be! Big rapids, logs, whatever...

Had some health issues last year and earlier this year that kept me from doing as much hiking as I would have liked, but I'm back at it strong now. Really enjoying my 3 - 10 mile hikes a couple of times a week. Dog likes 'em too. smile

Incline and flat bench dumbell press and push-ups. Then high intensity intervals on the stairmaster and 45lb rucking.
Week ending 7/23 35 miles, all miles with a 55# pack. After nearly a two week hiatus, got back to the gym on Sunday. Keeping weights lower, reps higher. T minus two weeks laugh
Originally Posted by mtwarden
Week ending 7/23 35 miles, all miles with a 55# pack. After nearly a two week hiatus, got back to the gym on Sunday. Keeping weights lower, reps higher. T minus two weeks laugh

Excited for you, should be an epic adventure.
Thanks! It always seemed so far off, I booked the hunt ~ 2.5 years ago and now it’s around the corner smile
Originally Posted by mtwarden
Thanks! It always seemed so far off, I booked the hunt ~ 2.5 years ago and now it’s around the corner smile

Do your best to live in the moment and soak it all up, epic hunts always seem to go by in a flash.
35 miles last week and ~ 6000’ of gain, all with a 55# pack; got both strength training workouts in
Been fighting a sinus infection this week. Only been doing light cardio (ie walking at a brisk pace) and stretching.

September is around the corner, almost time to start chasing birds and bugling bulls
Good luck on your grand adventure Warden! Stay safe and enjoy.
Back in the saddle. Sled drags, back squats, split squats, leg press, 20mins of hiit intervals in the bike.
Did 20mins on the stairmaster and a couple mile run
This is my current Human maintenance schedule. (5-Days/Wk)

Run course - 04:30-05:00A

Gym/Court - 07:00-09:00A (30 min. travel time)

Home - 09:00-09:10A

EXERCISE: (~ 2 Hrs./Day)
EMOM = Every Minute On the Minute

2.5 mi. Run Course: (22-45 min.)
- Boot Hike
- 2.0 mi. run/recover/0.5 mi. run for time

Gym/Court: (~ 1.5 hrs.)
Mat: 4 x 20 reps (Circuit)
- Body wt. Squat + Jump
- Push-up
- Windshield Wiper (Hip mobility)
- Sit-up + Garhammer Crunch

Bar: Sets x Reps (EMOM) = 20
- Pull-up
- Bar-dip

Weights: (dumbbell) - 2 x 10 reps (EMOM)
- Bent Over Double Row, Toe and ankle - (single dumbbell L/R)
- Incline Curl + Press - (Dbl. dumbbell)
- Decline Flyaway - (Dbl. dumbbell)
- Vertical Clean + Press - (single dumbbell L/R)

Court: 4-wall Handball

Weights: (dumbbell) - 1 x 10 reps (EMOM)
- Inside Heavy Club Swing - (single dumbbell L/R)
- Outside Heavy Club Swing - (single dumbbell L/R)
- Shield/Cast Heavy Club Swing - (single dumbbell L/R)

Home: (10 min.)
- Hail Caesar 2 x 20
- Halo 2 x 10 (L/R)

Heavy Club: 2 x 10 (L/R)
- Inside Mill
- Outside Mill

Half mile run, quarter mile in heavy vest, quarter mile in heavy vest and gas mask while carrying 25lbs in each hand, 50 air squats in heavy vest, 50 push-ups, 50 burpees. 25 minutes.

The burpees were an azz kicker
Originally Posted by mtwarden
35 miles last week and ~ 6000’ of gain, all with a 55# pack; got both strength training workouts in

Thanks for the well wishes!

Lets see- 128 miles the following four weeks, better than half in the Brooks Range. Great trip, exceeded my expectations and they were high laugh

My fitness was pretty good going in, but I was humbled a bit by the tundra- most of it relatively flat and thought I'd cruise, BUT sinking in with each and every step was tough- almost like postholing in the snow. Had to negotiate a lot of sketchy rock when we climbed, w/ a pretty heavy pack too (and even heavier w/ meat & head). But all in all, I was happy with my fitness level.

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Originally Posted by mtwarden
Originally Posted by mtwarden
35 miles last week and ~ 6000’ of gain, all with a 55# pack; got both strength training workouts in

Thanks for the well wishes!

Lets see- 128 miles the following four weeks, better than half in the Brooks Range. Great trip, exceeded my expectations and they were high laugh

My fitness was pretty good going in, but I was humbled a bit by the tundra- most of it relatively flat and thought I'd cruise, BUT sinking in with each and every step was tough- almost like postholing in the snow. Had to negotiate a lot of sketchy rock when we climbed, w/ a pretty heavy pack too (and even heavier w/ meat & head). But all in all, I was happy with my fitness level.

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Frick yeah man!!!
Originally Posted by GregW
Originally Posted by mtwarden
Originally Posted by mtwarden
35 miles last week and ~ 6000’ of gain, all with a 55# pack; got both strength training workouts in

Thanks for the well wishes!

Lets see- 128 miles the following four weeks, better than half in the Brooks Range. Great trip, exceeded my expectations and they were high laugh

My fitness was pretty good going in, but I was humbled a bit by the tundra- most of it relatively flat and thought I'd cruise, BUT sinking in with each and every step was tough- almost like postholing in the snow. Had to negotiate a lot of sketchy rock when we climbed, w/ a pretty heavy pack too (and even heavier w/ meat & head). But all in all, I was happy with my fitness level.

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Frick yeah man!!!

What Greg said!
Well done! We need details........... <G>
Thanks Guys!

Cliff Note version of my Brooks hunt.

We started pack rafting (after getting dropped off by a float plane). We covered a lot of ground on day one- it's an effective to look into a lot more drainages than you ever would by foot. Saw young rams and ewes and lambs. Camped on a gravel bar to wake to really bad smoke (there was really bad smoke in Fairbanks two days earlier). We ended burning three total days stuck on that gravel bar due to smoke. I won't lie, I was getting very worried about this situation.

The smoke finally cleared the next morning. We rafted across the river and then portaged the rafts across two lakes to get into a drainage the guide has had luck w/ in the past. Hours of glassing and no sheep, so we loaded up the pack rafts and paddled down to the next drainage. We hiked until night fall (night fall being 11:00 PM-ish!). Next morning we were up early and continued up the drainage, glassing as went. Late afternoon we spotted three rams, two appeared legal. We ditched all of our camp stuff and several days of food and then headed up to make a play on the rams. We spent several hours of sidehilling, climbing, descending and climbing again to get above them on very sketchy (loose) rock/scree- very slow going. When we finally made it to the ridgeline we low crawled to the edge only to find the rams were no longer there. We retreated, moved down the ridge and repeated this several times before finally spying them in the very bottom of the basin feeding their way up the opposite side. The guide ranged the rams (said they were both good and a toss up) at 420 yards. Further than I was hoping to shoot, the 2-7X scope had the rams looking mighty small! I had my bipod on and a rear rest, so it was pretty solid. When the ram finally stopped long enough, I squeezed the trigger- I was able to see the ram go down and quickly racked in another round, the guide tapped me on the shoulder and said "no need". To say I was ecstatic is an understatement. A lot of work and sweat (and $!) went into prepping for this trip, but it paid off laugh

There was more bad rock to negotiate and it took another hour to get to the ram. We took some photos and then got to caping and boning meat. By the time we were done it was after 11:00 PM. The guide thought our best course was to spend the night on the mountain instead of trying to negiotate the steep and sketchy rock back w/ loaded packs- I concurred.

I had planned for this contingency- I had a puffy jacket, puffy pants, warm hat along with a bivy and a cut down (40") Z Lite pad. The guide had not- he had a warm jacket and pants, but no pad. He did use the sheep cape to provide a little insulation from the ground. I didn't sleep great (it was cold), but got a little sleep- the guide I don't think got a wink.

At first light (~ 5:00 AM) we loaded the packs and headed out. It was slow and tedious getting back to our camp stuff. Loading that up on top of the meat, head and cape- made for heavy packs. We still had 6 miles to get to our pack rafts and the lake where the outfitter should pick us up the next day. We didn't make it back at nearly 11:00 PM- a very long day to say the least.

We got a big fire going (it started raining hard about a mile shy of the lake), shelters setup and ate a late supper. Not satisfied, we broke the tenderloins out. The guide got a green, sharpened willow stick and w/ no seasonings or oil, cooked thinly sliced loins in the coals. Oh boy, were they good!

The next morning we had to paddle to the upper part of the lake to have a more favorable spot for the float plane. We got back to the lodge ate a late lunch and took a hot shower. That evening we cooked the ribs outside on a fire (very slowly cooked with the ribs dripping hot fat into the coals). We salivated while drinking cold beers (stored in a permafrost "refrigerator"- 55 gallon barrel buried in in the ground). Sheep ribs might be the single best thing that have crossed my lips in the 65 years I've been around!

Anyways, great hunt that exceeded my expectations!

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Very cool. Thanks for sharing and congratulations again!

In other news, post sheep hunt mileage has been 33, 37 and 36 miles/week. Still on track for 2023 miles this year.

My strength training took a hit, almost a month off frown. I’ve hit the last two weeks with twice a week lifting. Had to lower my 1RM by a fair bit, but am confident I can can bump it up a bit- well until rifle season starts anyways laugh
OUTSTANDING write up and hunt. Beautiful country and great pictures, congratulations on a fine ram you earned it.
No workouts lately. Been hiking my arse off in the mountains. Back to regroup and head back out at the end of the week. Hoping the weather change will finally kick something off. Have seen a bunch of elk, some nice bulls, but not rutting
@elkman1 Thanks!

Had a good week- 59 miles, 40 of it on backpacking trip into the Scapegoat. Got both if my strength trainings in as well.

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Went over 800 miles so far this year and over 3,000 feet elevation so far this week.
Man, I wish I had the time to do that many miles. I have got around 400 miles in with a 60 lb pack. Around a 1000 feet of gain in those 400 miles. Not much oportunity in West Georgia and costal Virginia for elevation gain.
Back in the gym. Squats, deadlifts, leg press, 20mins on the stairmaster at level 10.
A couple of weeks behind; week ending 9/23 35 miles, week ending today 44 miles- 1408 miles for the year. Missed one strength workout, but have a good excuse- spent a couple of days walking my rifle in one of our early rifle backcountry seasons. Going to hit it again this upcoming week as well.

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Last week's workout

Fasted for 20 hours than ran 12 miles in 1 hour 23 minutes
Fasted for 16 more than ran 12 miles in 1 hour 31 minutes
Refeed day
Run 12 miles in zone 2.......2 hours
Two refeed days
Run 36 miles in zone 2 refeed every 12 miles ......5 hours 42 minutes

55 and alive

Sled drags, goblet squats, 22mins of rucking. Just biding time for killing season. The fun begins this weekend
Been working on the weights , as well as my hiking. Focusing on uphill hiking with a weighted pack, have a week before the real test, Elk season starts a week from today. 868 miles for the year.
Pretty decent week- 44 miles (1580 for the year), 19 of those miles in the Bob Marshall for their early backcountry season. Kind of a [bleep] show trip- 30 minutes out realized I forgot my phone (my gps), figured that's OK I know this area pretty well. Get to the trailhead and discover I've also forgotten my trekking poles. This is very steep country and knew it was going to suck w/o the poles; if I got lucky enough to harvest something- going to really suck! About a mile of climbing and it started a light rain, another 1/2 mile and I'm in the clouds- maybe 50' visibility. The basin I want to hunt is higher and there is a single finger ridge that can take me into that basin safely, everything is near cliff. Now that phone/gps would be handy!

Somehow I manage to find the finger ridge (after looking off cliffs several times prior) and the clouds are lifting a little. Find a spot to camp and glass; get the tent setup as it's still drizzling. Oh yeah, the shelter requires a trekking pole laugh I use the tripod and looks like it's going to work.

Drizzle turns to rain and I'm stuck in the tent for a couple of hours before it lets up and finally stops. Get a couple of hours of glassing in before dark, don't see anything. Plan the next day is to get up early, pack camp and get to the ridge that separates this basin from an adjacent one.

Wind blows hard that night and then it starts to sleet/snow, by morning thankfully there is no snow accumulation and no precip. Eat breakfast in the dark, pack up camp and head up to the ridge- hoping I can glass both basins. Start glassing the new basin, catch movement- young mule deer buck, more movement and I pick up a pretty good buck. In a matter of a minute, the clouds rolled and I couldn't see but 50'. I waited about an hour and half for the clouds to lift, but they didn't. It did start to rain again though! Slip and slided as I climbed up to the main ridge, started down for the truck. Was in dense clouds almost the entire way. Finally broke out of the clouds (about 6000') and glassed for about a couple of hours- nothing.

The silver lining is I saw a pretty good buck, if I don't get back in this year, he'll be even a better buck next year smile
Been on the mountain since Thurs. Shot a small 6pt yesterday evening and got it all packed off with a hunting partner by 11pm.

Never felt better in the mountains.
Congratulations on your harvest. Hope it eats well, I am headed out the day after tomorrow for elk in Wyoming.
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Been on the mountain since Thurs. Shot a small 6pt yesterday evening and got it all packed off with a hunting partner by 11pm.

Never felt better in the mountains.


GORUCK Ballistic Trainers - are on sale, and available in a few schemes at their affiliate ROUGE Fitness for $99/pair + free shipping.

[Linked Image from goruck.com]

Decent week- 40 miles (1620 for the year) w/ quite a bit of elevation gain/loss; both strength sessions in (squats/bench & deadlifts/overhead press). If the weather holds hope to chase some high country mulies at the end of the week.
Good week for me- got both weigh training sessions in and a 3 day mule deer- 53 miles for the week (1673 for the year).

* no animals were hurt in the making of this trip laugh

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Squats, deadlift, sled drags, and rucking
Originally Posted by mtwarden
Good week for me- got both weigh training sessions in and a 3 day mule deer- 53 miles for the week (1673 for the year).

* no animals were hurt in the making of this trip laugh

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That is some gorgeous country.
Went over 900 miles last week, this week lots of rain, wiil have to hit the treadmill again. I hate the treadmill.
Getting caught up- week ending 10/30 33 miles, both strength sessions in; week ending 11/5 58 miles (courtesy of a few days of elk hunting), 1764 miles for the year- should make 2023 if all goes well. Missed one weight session, that happens during elk season laugh

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A pretty good week for mileage- 47 miles (1811 for the year), about half those miles elk hunting. Only one strength session in. Elk hunting has been tough; most of the snow is gone, what snow is left is crunchy. Forecast is not good- warmer, no precip frown

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Legs today, leg press, kettle bell squats, rucking.

Heading out Thurs to try one last time to fill a Cow tag, taking it easy in the gym
Just finished up my second elk hunt of the year, and passed the 1,000 mile mark. Had a tough pack out earlier in the week, 7 mile round trip and just over 2,000 feet elevation gain. With 60+ pounds on my back it was hard on an old man. Thank god we packed out down hill. Done for the season, and headed south in a few weeks.
Workout this week

Running.......96 miles
Push ups......4 sets of 70 and 80 for the 5th set
Three days
Pull ups.........sets of 10 thruout the day! Working on an old lat injury

Implemented intermittent fasting for the health benefits

Just a 55 year old man who is trying to get into shape for an ultra beast spartan competition.

I think it’s elk roughly 12 0 for me laugh

54 miles (1865 for the year) most miles walking my rifle. Both strength training sessions squeezed in.

One week left of elk season.
After a two year hiatus because of resistant high blood pressure I am back. I have been lifting for two months. No blood pressure problems. Strength is coming back. I can do up to 10 circuits. I figure I am about four months from being at primo. My bench is back up to 345lbs and that is workable for 55 yo. Cardio four times per week. I also get about 12,000 steps per day.
Sled drags, squats, lunges, 20mins stairmaster
Well last week of the season went like the previous weeks; lots of hiking and climbing and no bull to show for it- not the first time.

52 miles (1917 for the year); didn't get either strength session in this last week- will get back to it this week.

Worse places to spend the day(s)

[Linked Image from imgur.com]
Yesterday was lowerbody. Squats, leg press, lunges, the 20mins on the stairmaster at level 8.
Thats BEAUTIFUL country, lovely and a great picture . I am at 1,059 miles for the year. My goal was to not overdo and break 1,000 so L made my objective early. Right arm and shoulder are still acting up, so the weights are out. I will continue hikeing as weather permits.
Pretty low mile week for me - 26 miles, got both my strength workouts in though. 1941 miles for the year, so plenty on track to hit my goal of 2023. My low weekend miles were directly related to driving over to Missoula to watch the second round of the FCS playoffs Saturday night. I'm afraid the Blue Hens will not have a very fond memory of Montana- a full, raucous stadium; driving snow the entire game and the Grizzlies were on top of their game resulting in a 49 -19 win. Worth the white knuckle drive home laugh

[Linked Image from imgur.com]
migrated to Arizona last week and have been busy unpacking "stuff" but managed to get in a couple of hikes. My goal for this year was a thousand miles, and as of yesterday I was at 1,100 miles and change. Looking for options to streets and sidewalks as they eventually bring a fair amount of pain to my lower back.
^ Congrats!

Decent week for me (considering big game season is over) 36 miles (1979 for the year), both strength training sessions in. Didn’t brave the roads for the game last weekend- nail biter, but the Griz pulled it out in overtime laugh
Another pretty good week 36 miles (2015 for the year- 8 miles and I'll have hit my goal smile Got both my strength training sessions in as well.

in other news, the Grizzlies are going to Frisco Texas for the FCS Championship, after surviving two overtimes against NDSU- Go Griz!

[Linked Image from imgur.com]
Yesterday, deadlift, leg press, stairmaster doing intervals for 20mins.
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas!

Last Monday I was sitting at 2020 miles, just 3 shy of my goal, so Tuesday I thought I'd forego my local single track trails for something a bit more challenging. I settled on bagging Casey Peak in the Elkhorns- 12 mile out & back w/ 3500'+ of climbing. I also decided not to bring snowshoes, a first for a December summit, but we're experience abnormally low snow this season. I ended having to posthole the last half mile or so, but didn't miss or need the snowshoes. There is part of an old lookout that provides a little reprieve from the weather, someone replaced the broken out window w/ a little plastic- gives a pretty decent view when inside.

40 miles for the week (2055 for the year); got both strength training sessions in.

[Linked Image from imgur.com]

[Linked Image from imgur.com]
Finished the week w/ 27 miles, several shorter hikes with my grandkids- finished the year with 2083 miles, Tiny Elvis with 1225 miles. Biggest month was November (our hunting season) with 216 miles, biggest week 74 miles in May, biggest day 32 miles (also May).

Got both strength sessions in.

Lots to look forward to in 24! smile
130lb sled drags, squats, leg press and 20mins on the stairmaster to finish out the year
Yearly summary, had a birthday my 78th, got a nice young bull elk and hiked 1,168 miles. Not my best mileage ever, but I was shooting for 1,000 and over achieved. I hope the new year brings health and prosperity to you all.
^ congrats man- well done!
Thank you sir.
Compression sleeves....

Seems as if they have become standard equipment for the pro athletes and the CrossFit elite....Who has used them along with opinion?
I had to look them up so going to be of no help, but couldn't help but notice the plethora of offerings- elbow, full arm, knees, etc

Possibly somewhat related- my wife bought some compression tights for skiing, she thinks it helps a little on reducing knee soreness???
Which is their reason… supposedly by increasing blood flow to either a worked or strained muscle. Little doubt those who are serious athletes think they serve a purpose. Especially for post onset muscle soreness.
People will wear compression sleeves for extra stablization of points like elbows, wrists, knees.

About 6 months ago, I started from scratch after a 2 year layoff due to resistant hypertension. I have been working out four days per week. I follow a pretty regular routine. I am 5'10" 235lbs and 55 years old.

Sundays- 40 minutes- indoor cycling at 70+ rpm. Flat bench 5-8 sets - pyramid up with middle set being pretty heavy for overload. Lat pull downs 5-8 sets. Leg extension 5 sets. Curls and tricep extensions 5 sets of each. Incline bench for 5 sets. 5 Sets of Kettle Bell(61lbs) lifts to overhead X 30 reps.

Tuesdays- 40 minutes- indoor cycling at 70+ RPM. 5 sets of Rows. 5 sets of rear shoulder rows. 5 sets of deadlifts( pyramid up) 5 sets of dumb bell incline presses.

Wednesday-40 minutes of elliptical- flat bench 5-8 sets. lat pull down 5-8 sets. Leg extension 5 sets. Curls and tricep extensions 5 sets of each. Incline bench for 5 sets. 5 sets of kettlebell lifts.

Thursday- 30 minutes of C2 Rower(sub 2min) pace. 5 sets of lat pulldowns(bicep). 5 sets of squats for hypertrophy-not max lbs. 5 sets of tricep extensions. 5 sets of dumbbell rows.

I am getting stronger. My max bench is up to 420lbs for 1 rep. I generally will go for 315 lbs on incline bench for 4 or 5 reps. I am working to cut belly fat but I feel good and my bp is in normal range. I just work out myself but I have been noticing that the kids here at school are videoing me lifting. I will start carrying a pack with weights as I get done with mock trial and my other school commitments. I have 1 sheep hunt and 1 moose hunt planned for this year.
Originally Posted by battue
Compression sleeves....

Seems as if they have become standard equipment for the pro athletes and the CrossFit elite....Who has used them along with opinion?

Long ago, and far away...when I was in grad school working in a biomechanics lab, we did a study on compression shirts effects on proprioception. Sorry, I don't remember the outcome of that study but a quick google makes it appear that they can be helpful for proprioception to reduce injury. I didn't read up on it though...
Originally Posted by kaboku68
I am getting stronger. My max bench is up to 420lbs for 1 rep. I generally will go for 315 lbs on incline bench for 4 or 5 reps. I am working to cut belly fat but I feel good and my bp is in normal range. I just work out myself but I have been noticing that the kids here at school are videoing me lifting.

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]
^ grin
At my peak I am into the 500lbs. If you know me then you know me. I am not the type of guy that bullshits. You can ask anybody that knows me irl. You are not going to find a lot of people who go where I go and pack out a sheep or goat in a 1 trip affair. Its not that flat land Brooks range either.
[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]
Originally Posted by kaboku68
At my peak I am into the 500lbs. If you know me then you know me. I am not the type of guy that bullshits. You can ask anybody that knows me irl. You are not going to find a lot of people who go where I go and pack out a sheep or goat in a 1 trip affair. Its not that flat land Brooks range either.
[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

Go ahead and post a video of your 55 year old ass benching 420. That would be cool
My god that is such beautiful country, absolutely amazing.
When kaboku68's legs get fatigued, he continues the pack out walking on his hands. Impressive bench numbers!
Would kabuko68 exaggerate? No way! Anyone in decent shape should be able to tread water for three hours with a moose quarter on their back. That and other tall tales may be found here:
Originally Posted by kaboku68
I am getting stronger. My max bench is up to 420lbs for 1 rep. I generally will go for 315 lbs on incline bench for 4 or 5 reps. I am working to cut belly fat but I feel good and my bp is in normal range. I just work out myself but I have been noticing that the kids here at school are videoing me lifting. I will start carrying a pack with weights as I get done with mock trial and my other school commitments. I have 1 sheep hunt and 1 moose hunt planned for this year.

Quite a long post for answering a question about braces.

Maybe you could ask one of those kids who have been videotaping you to forward a copy over here.
Originally Posted by prairie_goat
Would kabuko68 exaggerate? No way! Anyone in decent shape should be able to tread water for three hours with a moose quarter on their back. That and other tall tales may be found here:

Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by prairie_goat
Would kabuko68 exaggerate? No way! Anyone in decent shape should be able to tread water for three hours with a moose quarter on their back. That and other tall tales may be found here:


That ranks right up there with Formid's spike elk expedition a couple of years ago.
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by prairie_goat
Would kabuko68 exaggerate? No way! Anyone in decent shape should be able to tread water for three hours with a moose quarter on their back. That and other tall tales may be found here:


That ranks right up there with Formid's spike elk expedition a couple of years ago.

Says the feller from Midland....known for it's rugged steep terrain...
Update on compression sleeves. Received a couple pairs of the ankle to knee variety the basketball players wear. Didn’t take long to realize my legs felt better, noticeably better and less fatigued. Have worn them at the gym and during the day. Had to take a six hour car ride, so tried them on that. Legs never felt cramped and no ankle swelling. Which often happens if I sit too long.

Takes a day or so for them to become comfortable, but then you kind of forget you’re wearing them.

Did BP at the gym with them on. Did a one time PB of 180. I suspect as my body adapts to regular compression, 450 is not far away. Gym doesn’t allow any pictures. Fortunately!!!!🤣
4 days????….Slacker!!!!
Originally Posted by battue
Update on compression sleeves. Received a couple pairs of the ankle to knee variety the basketball players wear. Didn’t take long to realize my legs felt better, noticeably better and less fatigued. Have worn them at the gym and during the day. Had to take a six hour car ride, so tried them on that. Legs never felt cramped and no ankle swelling. Which often happens if I sit too long.

Takes a day or so for them to become comfortable, but then you kind of forget you’re wearing them.

Did BP at the gym with them on. Did a one time PB of 180. I suspect as my body adapts to regular compression, 450 is not far away. Gym doesn’t allow any pictures. Fortunately!!!!🤣

A young man like you?? 500 should be your goal, minimum.
Originally Posted by prairie_goat
Would kabuko68 exaggerate? No way! Anyone in decent shape should be able to tread water for three hours with a moose quarter on their back. That and other tall tales may be found here:

In any one given moment myself and at least 2 dozen Alaskans could confirm anything that kobuko68 shares stories of. He's one of the most hardest working, authentic and honest Alaskans I've ever met.

He's a quirky old man but he works hard at everything. For decades, he's always worked 2 jobs or more. The man wakes up at 4 am and puts in 12-18 hours days, 6-7 days a week.

He is a fkn gorilla of a man. And the kindest of men I've ever met.
He's also full of schit.
Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by battue
Update on compression sleeves. Received a couple pairs of the ankle to knee variety the basketball players wear. Didn’t take long to realize my legs felt better, noticeably better and less fatigued. Have worn them at the gym and during the day. Had to take a six hour car ride, so tried them on that. Legs never felt cramped and no ankle swelling. Which often happens if I sit too long.

Takes a day or so for them to become comfortable, but then you kind of forget you’re wearing them.

Did BP at the gym with them on. Did a one time PB of 180. I suspect as my body adapts to regular compression, 450 is not far away. Gym doesn’t allow any pictures. Fortunately!!!!🤣

A young man like you?? 500 should be your goal, minimum.

You know how it is around here….you have to tone it down, or some old fart will either call you out, or up the number. Next there will be those T adds. One of them with their head photoshopped onto Josh Bridges. And finally a great forum will turn into the riflescope forum.
Remember when we argued years ago with the poster re protein vs carbohydrates.....
Have you hit 500 on the BP yet?
Presently in a de-load phase....May take awhile.... laugh No need to rush when I have youth on my side....
Originally Posted by smokepole
Have you hit 500 on the BP yet?

Never. Most I benched was 325, many moons ago. Never was a big bench press guy....long arms and all. Hell the most I ever squatted was 520 and I felt pretty good about that....many years ago.

Last week I felt froggy and decided to do a couple of 5 rep sets at 275 on squat. My body afterwards did not feel like it was a good idea....37 ain't 25 apparently.

Longevity and mobility are my primary concern now but lifting is a part of that.
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Hell the most I ever squatted was 520 and I felt pretty good about that....many years ago.

The BS is sooo deep around here, a member needs hip waders….
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
The BS is sooo deep around here, a member needs hip waders….

Well I might as well get it out of the way, I used to deadlift 700 lbs- not bad for only weighing 180.

Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Hell the most I ever squatted was 520 and I felt pretty good about that....many years ago.

The BS is sooo deep around here, a member needs hip waders….

Bs? That's a pretty average squat max, even for a D3 football player (which I was). I have no reason to lie. That was also 60lbs of body weight ago too.

Just because you've been a little bìtch your entire life doesn't mean we all have hahahaha
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Hell the most I ever squatted was 520 and I felt pretty good about that....many years ago.

The BS is sooo deep around here, a member needs hip waders….

Bs? That's a pretty average squat max, even for a D3 football player (which I was). I have no reason to lie. That was also 60lbs of body weight ago too.

Just because you've been a little bìtch your entire life doesn't mean we all have hahahaha

Right, “brah”

For those here who aren’t sure what 520 pounds looks like on an Olympic bar, including jackyhandjob…

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

A friend here is a competitive power lifter, on every pharmaceutical known, and hasn’t squatted 600
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
....37 ain't 25 apparently.

LOL, 37!!
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Hell the most I ever squatted was 520 and I felt pretty good about that....many years ago.

The BS is sooo deep around here, a member needs hip waders….

Bs? That's a pretty average squat max, even for a D3 football player (which I was). I have no reason to lie. That was also 60lbs of body weight ago too.

Just because you've been a little bìtch your entire life doesn't mean we all have hahahaha

Right, “brah”

For those here who aren’t sure what 520 pounds looks like on an Olympic bar, including jackyhandjob…

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

A friend here is a competitive power lifter, on every pharmaceutical known, and hasn’t squatted 600

Also, before some smartass just has to nitpick, the bar has 515 pounds on it.

I didn’t feel like grabbing two 2 1/2 pound plates to add

Perhaps we should call in Anatoli to settle this….

Originally Posted by battue
Perhaps we should call in Anatoli to settle this….


Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Hell the most I ever squatted was 520 and I felt pretty good about that....many years ago.

The BS is sooo deep around here, a member needs hip waders….

Bs? That's a pretty average squat max, even for a D3 football player (which I was). I have no reason to lie. That was also 60lbs of body weight ago too.

Just because you've been a little bìtch your entire life doesn't mean we all have hahahaha

Right, “brah”

For those here who aren’t sure what 520 pounds looks like on an Olympic bar, including jackyhandjob…

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

A friend here is a competitive power lifter, on every pharmaceutical known, and hasn’t squatted 600

Also, before some smartass just has to nitpick, the bar has 515 pounds on it.

I didn’t feel like grabbing two 2 1/2 pound plates to add


I don't know what to tell you. I lifted against people in high-school powerlifting that were putting up more weight than your bro (and me). (With wraps and suit)

520 was a pretty average squat at my college (no knee wraps or lifting suit). It's hilarious you find it to be unreasonable, goes to show how big of a bìtch you've been your whole life.
Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
....37 ain't 25 apparently.

LOL, 37!!

Ya I was sore for a whole day....getting old sucks.
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
I don't know what to tell you.

If course you don’t


If you’re 37 and were able to squat 520 and bench 325 years ago, you’d still be jacked

Post a pic of yourself

It’ll be fun since nobody on the site has ever put a face to the handle
Rick, don't know about the last part. Guy who owns the gym I go is a trainer that has jacked and trimmed more than a few. About 10 of them have their pic on the wall....5-10% body fat guys and girls. Recently I asked him how many stayed that way after reaching the goal. He said not many have the long haul discipline after they reach their goal. Pointed out one girl who was finger burning hot to touch....He said now she can hardly get thru the door.

I know him well and watch his own routines. He seldom puts a lot of weight on his back. It is mostly all sequences of going from one lift to another with a time goal....Repeat, repeat as many sets a possible within the time limit. When he is done, he normally on the floor gasping. The guy is like a hard rock....In his middle 40's.

In addition: Some guys are in there that look like crap. And then they pile on the plates and pound out reps. Book by the cover applies....
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
I don't know what to tell you.

If course you don’t


If you’re 37 and were able to squat 520 and bench 325 years ago, you’d still be jacked

Post a pic of yourself

It’ll be fun since nobody on the site has ever put a face to the handle

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

Those are numbers from a region in Texas high-school powerlifting . I'm sorry your friend is slacking hahaha.

I've never claimed to be "jacked". Nor do you have to be to put up measly numbers as I. I'm sorry you've never been even mediocre in the weightroom....too bad really.

When I quit playing football my junior year of college I started road cycling. Went from 265-70 to 190. I try to stay below 220 these days. I lift 4-5 times a week and do cardio at least that much. But I'm no atlas, just a normal dude.
The pics of your 520 pound squatting machine aren’t loading.

Try again
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
The pics of your 520 pound squatting machine aren’t loading.

Try again

Sorry no pics from 2008. I don't squat that heavy anymore, no reason to. As I said I lift now for health and longevity. Although in reminiscing about days gone by I might try 315 this week for reps. Want a video, fàg? Lol....not that I would ever video or take pics of myself in the gym (I'm not homo)

BTW is your powerlifting friend not that cool anymore knowing HS kids out lift him hahahaha
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
I might try 315 this week for reps. Want a video, fàg?


The board would be relieved if you aren’t a lying [bleep]

Ya you would like that wouldn't you hahaha
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Ya you would like that wouldn't you hahaha

Put up or be a liar.

Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Ya you would like that wouldn't you hahaha

Put up or be a liar.


Oh I apologize if I've given you the impression I give a fùck about your opinion of anything lol

Shouldn't you be riding your favorite drunk's coat tails?
A little more perspective for the board.

I saw a friend at the gym an hour ago. He’s strong as fuqk. He was doing sraight legged deadlifts with 405 for reps.

Talked to him and said how frigging ridiculous that was and that he was an animal

He has been competing in Powerlifting. He won the World Championship in Alabama in the deadlift for his weight and age group with a pull of 675.

He always wins our State title every year easily

I asked what his max on the squat rack is and it is 500 pounds
In what weight class? 115lbs? Lol

I literally just provided you a screenshot from the Texas hs powerlifting association's website. 500lb squat is not some unobtainable thing (which is how you're making it seem). It's actually quite attainable, maybe not for little ricky and his manlet friends

I don't give a fùck. I don't believe your long range bullshìt (or reallyyour alleged prowessat everything) , you don't believe me. I don't care. This is why you're going to die alone ricky, because you're a miserable prick. Is that why you're so insufferable? Because you have nobody in your life that actually cares about you or even likes you?
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
In what weight class? 115lbs? Lol

I literally just provided you a screenshot from the Texas hs powerlifting association's website. 500lb squat is not some unobtainable thing (which is how you're making it seem). It's actually quite attainable, maybe not for little ricky and his manlet friends

I don't give a fùck. I don't believe your long range bullshìt (or reallyyour alleged prowessat everything) , you don't believe me. I don't care. This is why you're going to die alone ricky, because you're a miserable prick. Is that why you're so insufferable? Because you have nobody in your life that actually cares about you or even likes you?

Keep lying on the internet jackie

That’s all you’ve got

Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
In what weight class? 115lbs? Lol

I literally just provided you a screenshot from the Texas hs powerlifting association's website. 500lb squat is not some unobtainable thing (which is how you're making it seem). It's actually quite attainable, maybe not for little ricky and his manlet friends

I don't give a fùck. I don't believe your long range bullshìt (or reallyyour alleged prowessat everything) , you don't believe me. I don't care. This is why you're going to die alone ricky, because you're a miserable prick. Is that why you're so insufferable? Because you have nobody in your life that actually cares about you or even likes you?

Keep lying on the internet jackie

That’s all you’ve got


No. I have a family, that I love and that love me. You have nobody. Fùcking weak little bìtch loser lol....no wonder you suck up to burns...two losers in a pod.
This thread is really, really epic. Almost as epic as some of the optics forum threads.
Good for you to jump in Smokepole. Just got back from Anchorage where I was coaching my mock trial team this last week. Just curious if you ever wondered who cut the trails that you used with Tanner on your backcountry sheep hunt in the Chugach?. You know from where you guys parked and then went on some atv trails and then went up the side of the mountains on that switch back trail. I wonder who cut that out in the 1980s? Did you ever think about that? Its an ATV trail now but much of that was because I worked with Norris Nims to open up the WAMCATS trail out of high school.

I won't begrudge you. You earn your sheep when you go in there. I can tell you that I have never hunted whitetail deer or Elk. I remember that several of you guys went to me about Steve Johnson and I told you he was legit. It is sad that he died of a heart attack this year. He did a lot to take a lot of hunters in there.

I will figure somebody to video me. It is a bit strange for me and I appreciate Manzo defending me. I really could care less. I know what I lift and what I do. I don't need your approval. I do know that I am not a skinny little endurance athlete. Never have been. I can also tell you that my friends and people know me and I don't have to qualify myself to anybody. I have taken 5 dall rams with the biggest being 39 7/8ths. I do not have the time that folks in other careers do. It is just the way it is. I will have more time now. I wish you all well. and I will do some video for you even if I think its a bit strange.
Originally Posted by kaboku68
Good for you to jump in Smokepole. Just got back from Anchorage where I was coaching my mock trial team this last week. Just curious if you ever wondered who cut the trails that you used with Tanner on your backcountry sheep hunt in the Chugach?. You know from where you guys parked and then went on some atv trails and then went up the side of the mountains on that switch back trail. I wonder who cut that out in the 1980s? Did you ever think about that? Its an ATV trail now but much of that was because I worked with Norris Nims to open up the WAMCATS trail out of high school.

I won't begrudge you. You earn your sheep when you go in there. I can tell you that I have never hunted whitetail deer or Elk. I remember that several of you guys went to me about Steve Johnson and I told you he was legit. It is sad that he died of a heart attack this year. He did a lot to take a lot of hunters in there.

I will figure somebody to video me. It is a bit strange for me and I appreciate Manzo defending me. I really could care less. I know what I lift and what I do. I don't need your approval. I do know that I am not a skinny little endurance athlete. Never have been. I can also tell you that my friends and people know me and I don't have to qualify myself to anybody. I have taken 5 dall rams with the biggest being 39 7/8ths. I do not have the time that folks in other careers do. It is just the way it is. I will have more time now. I wish you all well. and I will do some video for you even if I think its a bit strange.

Ahh, a couple things. First, not sure why you're replying to me because I never questioned what you said you did, or what Jackson Handy says he did. Or what formidilosus said he did on the thread that was brought up. Maybe you took my remarks to Battue as being directed at you? They were not. I've been in the gym and seen guys lift truly impressive amounts of weight, including guys who didn't appear to be abnormally strong, and weren't that big. I saw my sheep guide who weighed 145 soaking wet put on a pack that was well over 100 and go straight up the hill 3,000 vertical and leave me in the dust. I am comfortable with the concept that there are guys out there who can do things I could never dream of. It doesn't bother me and I don't question it because either: 1) they can do what they say, or 2) they can't do what they say and if they can't, I don't feel the need to challenge them on it because it's not important to me.

Second, you assume a lot about my one sheep hunt, and you got almost all of it wrong. I didn't hunt with Tanner, and I didn't walk in on any trails, particularly ATV trails. My guide and I hiked in from the river on the other side of the TCU area and if you cut the "trails" we were hiked in on you need to go back to trail-building school because the "trails" were non-existent. And I don't believe I asked you about Steve Johnson, I just asked Tanner. Sorry to hear hear he had a heart attack, I liked the guy.

Last, my comment about the thread being epic had nothing to do with any reports that you or anybody else made on your accomplishments. My comment was about the pissing contest this thread turned out to be. Which is a shame because the backpacking forum used to be devoid of that kind of bullsh*t.
Very interesting, you guys went in from that side. There are trails in that goes up the Urantina, up the Haley and up Fox Creek that cut across that side. You have to get up on that ridge from Haley and run the lip. Did you guys find the hobbit house(built by a prospector that still has an old rusted Remington Rolling block rifle in it) that is south of the Urantina Ridgeline or did you just gut it up Cirque Creek and be done with it.

Guy George cut horse trails up those creeks. He was guiding in that area in the 1950s and 1960s. You need to find pine trees that are planted up the hanging valleys and then hang on the right side of each valley. You can still find those old horse trails if you look.
We didn't see the Hobbit house and didn't go up the Uranatina or Haley Creek, we went straight up the ridge between the two. There was sort of a path the guides had gone up a few times but it was faint enough that we had trouble staying on it and it was bushwacking through devils club and other thick stuff until we broke out above it.
Originally Posted by smokepole
This thread is really, really epic. Almost as epic as some of the optics forum threads.

This thread was great all of 2023. 2024 it fell apart.

I will say I went into 2023 hunting season in great shape. Had zero issues on the mountain.

2024 will be the same, although this year I'm focusing on deer (unless I draw another good bull tag). Was looking forward to trying the unlimiteds (took a scouting trip last summer), but my hunting partner fell through for that one.
Originally Posted by smokepole
Last, my comment about the thread being epic had nothing to do with any reports that you or anybody else made on your accomplishments. My comment was about the pissing contest this thread turned out to be. Which is a shame because the backpacking forum used to be devoid of that kind of bullsh*t.

I really don’t like being lied to. I won’t tolerate it and I don’t care which forum it’s on.

If someone makes claims like have been posted here that competitive powerlifters would be proud of, and someone questions them, they better be able to back it up with evidence or just accept the fact that the BS flag will fly.

If they back it up, I’ll be the first to congratulate them!
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by smokepole
Last, my comment about the thread being epic had nothing to do with any reports that you or anybody else made on your accomplishments. My comment was about the pissing contest this thread turned out to be. Which is a shame because the backpacking forum used to be devoid of that kind of bullsh*t.

I really don’t like being lied to. I won’t tolerate it and I don’t care which forum it’s on.

If someone makes claims like have been posted here that competitive powerlifters would be proud of, and someone questions them, they better be able to back it up with evidence or just accept the fact that the BS flag will fly.

If they back it up, I’ll be the first to congratulate them!

You are fùcking clueless if you think a 500lb squat is something "competitive powerlifters would be proud of". It's not that big of a deal.

In fact I asked a buddy I went to college with who is now a teacher/coach (football and powerlifting) in texas how many kids he has had squat 500 or more in his 7yrs of coaching (4a, 3a, and 2a high schools), he's had NINE high school boys squat over 500 and ONE squat over 600. Just because you are clueless doesn't mean something is impossible.

I played football college (albeit a D3 university, but very competitive) as an offensive lineman (ie a large human). Just about all of us were squatting over 500 and benching over 300. Hang clean was a weak lift for me at 275, due to lack of flexibility in my ankles. My numbers were EXTREMELY average. Nothing to brag about

(Ps I repped out 315 today in the squat rack....be outraged lol)
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by smokepole
Last, my comment about the thread being epic had nothing to do with any reports that you or anybody else made on your accomplishments. My comment was about the pissing contest this thread turned out to be. Which is a shame because the backpacking forum used to be devoid of that kind of bullsh*t.

I really don’t like being lied to. I won’t tolerate it and I don’t care which forum it’s on.

If someone makes claims like have been posted here that competitive powerlifters would be proud of, and someone questions them, they better be able to back it up with evidence or just accept the fact that the BS flag will fly.

If they back it up, I’ll be the first to congratulate them!

You'd be the first to congratulate them??

I'm sure they'd be thrilled beyond belief.
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by smokepole
Last, my comment about the thread being epic had nothing to do with any reports that you or anybody else made on your accomplishments. My comment was about the pissing contest this thread turned out to be. Which is a shame because the backpacking forum used to be devoid of that kind of bullsh*t.

I really don’t like being lied to. I won’t tolerate it and I don’t care which forum it’s on.

If someone makes claims like have been posted here that competitive powerlifters would be proud of, and someone questions them, they better be able to back it up with evidence or just accept the fact that the BS flag will fly.

If they back it up, I’ll be the first to congratulate them!

You are fùcking clueless if you think a 500lb squat is something "competitive powerlifters would be proud of". It's not that big of a deal.

In fact I asked a buddy I went to college with who is now a teacher/coach (football and powerlifting) in texas how many kids he has had squat 500 or more in his 7yrs of coaching (4a, 3a, and 2a high schools), he's had NINE high school boys squat over 500 and ONE squat over 600. Just because you are clueless doesn't mean something is impossible.

I played football college (albeit a D3 university, but very competitive) as an offensive lineman (ie a large human). Just about all of us were squatting over 500 and benching over 300. Hang clean was a weak lift for me at 275, due to lack of flexibility in my ankles. My numbers were EXTREMELY average. Nothing to brag about

It’s probably average for high school and college athletes who are complete roid freaks.

No way that’s happening natural.
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by smokepole
Last, my comment about the thread being epic had nothing to do with any reports that you or anybody else made on your accomplishments. My comment was about the pissing contest this thread turned out to be. Which is a shame because the backpacking forum used to be devoid of that kind of bullsh*t.

I really don’t like being lied to. I won’t tolerate it and I don’t care which forum it’s on.

If someone makes claims like have been posted here that competitive powerlifters would be proud of, and someone questions them, they better be able to back it up with evidence or just accept the fact that the BS flag will fly.

If they back it up, I’ll be the first to congratulate them!

You are fùcking clueless if you think a 500lb squat is something "competitive powerlifters would be proud of". It's not that big of a deal.

In fact I asked a buddy I went to college with who is now a teacher/coach (football and powerlifting) in texas how many kids he has had squat 500 or more in his 7yrs of coaching (4a, 3a, and 2a high schools), he's had NINE high school boys squat over 500 and ONE squat over 600. Just because you are clueless doesn't mean something is impossible.

I played football college (albeit a D3 university, but very competitive) as an offensive lineman (ie a large human). Just about all of us were squatting over 500 and benching over 300. Hang clean was a weak lift for me at 275, due to lack of flexibility in my ankles. My numbers were EXTREMELY average. Nothing to brag about

It’s probably average for high school and college athletes who are complete roid freaks.

No way that’s happening natural.

You are clueless and it shows.
These numbers land you in the top 1% of humanity
For a natural lifter

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

Certainly not average
The United States Natural powerlifting bench press record was set in 2017 in the 24 year old age and up to 220 pound weight class by Robert Sisma from OH and is 439 pounds
I understand you've been a beta male your entire life, some of us haven't.

I literally provided you actual real life data from a current powerlifting coach.

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

Just admit you are in over your head. (I know you can't because you are weak egomaniac/narcissist)
The United States natural powerlifting squat record in the 16-17 year old division up to 220 pounds was set by Nick Cataldi from PA and is 509 pounds
High school BTW
Keep digging
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
I understand you've been a beta male your entire life, some of us haven't.

I literally provided you actual real life data from a current powerlifting coach.

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

Just admit you are in over your head. (I know you can't because you are weak egomaniac/narcissist)

You are a beta male. It's OK. One day you might get to put 4 whole plates on each side of the bar lol (that's 405...since you've never had to know that)

(I tried to be nice, but you're such a little rat fùck I cant anymore)
Originally Posted by smokepole
This thread is really, really epic. Almost as epic as some of the optics forum threads.

Told you!!
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
You are a beta male. It's OK. One day you might get to put 4 whole plates on each side of the bar lol (that's 405...since you've never had to know that)

(I tried to be nice, but you're such a little rat fùck I cant anymore)

Cool. Which one of your lifts are you using 405?
You know beta Rick I heard a stat that less than 3% of men can bench press 225lbs. That's all men. What kinda bìtch can't bench 225? (Besides ricky).

Jeez maybe I should live like ricky and exclaim I'm exceptional lol

(Ps I meant once in your life get to put 405 on a bar...I've lived that life and have no need anymore. But now that you mention it, maybe I should try 405 next week haha)
Originally Posted by battue
Originally Posted by smokepole
This thread is really, really epic. Almost as epic as some of the optics forum threads.

Told you!!

LOL, " OK boomer."

PS, I still say you should come out and experience an elk rut in the Rockies. I'll be bowhunting this year so chances are really really good you wouldn't have to help pack one out. grin Maybe just some big cutthroats.
These threads always remind me that when I grow up I want to be like battue and smokepole!

In regard to the "extremely strong" numbers in the chart...it's all in regard to what it's compared to.

Using the numbers in that chart for a 100 kg lifter, they have a total (3 lifts combined) of 1250 lbs or ~566 kg. That's about ~385 lbs short of the qualifying total (740 kg/1635 lbs) to compete in USAPL's 100 kg men's open raw.


There a substantial difference between top 1% of humanity and the top 10% of strength athletes.
Originally Posted by JCMCUBIC
There a substantial difference between top 1% of humanity and the top 10% of strength athletes.

And there’s a substantial difference between the top 1% of humanity and the those who claim to be in that strength category on this thread


A 1200 pound combined lift total is something that 95% of serious natural lifters will never achieve.
Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by battue
Originally Posted by smokepole
This thread is really, really epic. Almost as epic as some of the optics forum threads.

Told you!!

LOL, " OK boomer."

PS, I still say you should come out and experience an elk rut in the Rockies. I'll be bowhunting this year so chances are really really good you wouldn't have to help pack one out. grin Maybe just some big cutthroats.

Well....I thank both of you. And I'm sure it would be a fun trip...And if you put one on the ground, someway we would get it done. However, SD Pheasants have already whispered in my ear and they have blocked off the back end of October and two weeks into November. Then Michigan or Minnesota Grouse have a week in early October.

Then there is that thing called work....amazing right. They still want me to show up a couple days a week. Can't figure it out myself.

All fun aside....I do appreciate the offer. smile
Dang man, I thought you'd retired Some kids never grow up; others never retire
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by JCMCUBIC
There a substantial difference between top 1% of humanity and the top 10% of strength athletes.

And there’s a substantial difference between the top 1% of humanity and the those who claim to be in that strength category on this thread


A 1200 pound combined lift total is something that 95% of serious natural lifters will never achieve.

Little ricky bigly mad
Originally Posted by smokepole
Dang man, I thought you'd retired Some kids never grow up; others never retire

For years thought about it....Then most of my old friends are either gone or do little. Those no good millennials invite me to go out for a burger, beer and pizza. I take them sporting clay shooting. We do 10K's together....and they are willing to mostly make it a walk. Socially and mentally it is a plus, and they work around my needed free time. It's a great gig!!!!

Pics or it never happened..... laugh
[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]
I'll sidetrack the topic.....

Monday was:
Dynamic Effort Bench (bands), 9x3, 30 sec rest between sets
Circuit, 2 warmup rounds, 3 working rounds, 1 min rest between rounds, no rest between different lifts:
Hang Snatch
Sumo DL

5 min alternating direction every 30 sec on elliptical
10, 3 min rounds, alternating rounds between thai bag and de bag
1 min (closer to 50 secs) between rounds on elliptical..30 seconds forward/30 sec backwards between rounds

Today was:
Max Effort Lower - Front Squats to box w/pause, working up to heavy singles. 1 min rest between sets.
Circuit, 2 warmup rounds, 3 working rounds, 1 min rest between rounds, no rest between different lifts:
Hang Clean
DB Incline
Hamstring curls (single leg/alternating)
I logged my 304th mile for the year yesterday, still on track with daily hikes, but the Arizona heat is coming, fast.
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by smokepole
Last, my comment about the thread being epic had nothing to do with any reports that you or anybody else made on your accomplishments. My comment was about the pissing contest this thread turned out to be. Which is a shame because the backpacking forum used to be devoid of that kind of bullsh*t.

I really don’t like being lied to. I won’t tolerate it and I don’t care which forum it’s on.

If someone makes claims like have been posted here that competitive powerlifters would be proud of, and someone questions them, they better be able to back it up with evidence or just accept the fact that the BS flag will fly.

If they back it up, I’ll be the first to congratulate them!

You are fùcking clueless if you think a 500lb squat is something "competitive powerlifters would be proud of". It's not that big of a deal.

In fact I asked a buddy I went to college with who is now a teacher/coach (football and powerlifting) in texas how many kids he has had squat 500 or more in his 7yrs of coaching (4a, 3a, and 2a high schools), he's had NINE high school boys squat over 500 and ONE squat over 600. Just because you are clueless doesn't mean something is impossible.

I played football college (albeit a D3 university, but very competitive) as an offensive lineman (ie a large human). Just about all of us were squatting over 500 and benching over 300. Hang clean was a weak lift for me at 275, due to lack of flexibility in my ankles. My numbers were EXTREMELY average. Nothing to brag about

(Ps I repped out 315 today in the squat rack....be outraged lol)

This forum used to be the best on the site. Then some azzholes decided they needed to be "gatekeepers" and the result is the same poltroons that screw up the other forums are polluting this area.

You girls need to meet up in person and arm wrestle.

mike r
Originally Posted by lvmiker
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by smokepole
Last, my comment about the thread being epic had nothing to do with any reports that you or anybody else made on your accomplishments. My comment was about the pissing contest this thread turned out to be. Which is a shame because the backpacking forum used to be devoid of that kind of bullsh*t.

I really don’t like being lied to. I won’t tolerate it and I don’t care which forum it’s on.

If someone makes claims like have been posted here that competitive powerlifters would be proud of, and someone questions them, they better be able to back it up with evidence or just accept the fact that the BS flag will fly.

If they back it up, I’ll be the first to congratulate them!

You are fùcking clueless if you think a 500lb squat is something "competitive powerlifters would be proud of". It's not that big of a deal.

In fact I asked a buddy I went to college with who is now a teacher/coach (football and powerlifting) in texas how many kids he has had squat 500 or more in his 7yrs of coaching (4a, 3a, and 2a high schools), he's had NINE high school boys squat over 500 and ONE squat over 600. Just because you are clueless doesn't mean something is impossible.

I played football college (albeit a D3 university, but very competitive) as an offensive lineman (ie a large human). Just about all of us were squatting over 500 and benching over 300. Hang clean was a weak lift for me at 275, due to lack of flexibility in my ankles. My numbers were EXTREMELY average. Nothing to brag about

(Ps I repped out 315 today in the squat rack....be outraged lol)

This forum used to be the best on the site. Then some azzholes decided they needed to be "gatekeepers" and the result is the same poltroons that screw up the other forums are polluting this area.

You girls need to meet up in person and arm wrestle.

mike r

I started the thread that had hundreds of positive posts. That little bìtch from NM is who you have beef with. Just because I won't put up with his şhit doesn't make me the bad guy.

I worked fùcking hard to achieve mediocrity, I'll be damned if some bìtch calls me a liar.
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
I worked fùcking hard to achieve mediocrity

You’ll get no argument there.

Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
I worked fùcking hard to achieve mediocrity

You’ll get no argument there.


A level you will never make little ricky lol

I mean per you it's nearly impossible for a mere mortal lol clueless little bìtch
If I had a "beef" it would be with any members who attempt to control the narrative around here. It has become a popular pastime with the more insecure folks.

"flave would straighten out the lightweights PDQ.grin

Cue the boomer alerts!


mike r
The current go round was compared to the rifle scope forum, and rightfully so. Since theirs mostly involve middle age disagreement.

If you want to cue in the boomers, then it is the Campfire Forum. Comprised of many old farts who can make up a conspiracy theory based on what kind of Dog another may own. In addition the Campfire Forum go rounds usually include a few key word identifiers…[bleep], cock, homo, fugtard, etc
Going to the gym shortly…. Not sure what I’m going to do….only guarantee is tomorrow my back and legs are going to remind of where I was.
As of today have have walked/hiked 357 miles. Weather here in AZ is warming up, so it's going to be harder, getting those miles in. Sun and heat are not my friends.
Originally Posted by battue
Going to the gym shortly….

Going to the gym "shortly?"

I'm going to the gym bigly. When those young women realize I'm there, it's gonna be huuuge.
Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by battue
Going to the gym shortly….

Going to the gym "shortly?"

I'm going to the gym bigly. When those young women realize I'm there, it's gonna be huuuge.

Stay away for a few days….

I see the glute master is still on their A game. Nice to see the old guys still hanging in. I can only hope when the time arrives….
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