Look what Root sent me via PM.

Hmm, that looks like a threat to me.

Do YOU have the balls to try it ....... NOPE.

Threats from azzwipes here are a dime a dozen. The late NSAQAM was going to take care of me, Bricktop was coming to my home to straighten me out, STX was coming to FL to kill me and the list goes on and on.

Threats from girlie men hiding behind a screen name are far less scary than a rabid skunk.

You don't know me from Adam, nor I you. Really kinda stupid to suggest someone kill me. I printed out your veiled threat and should ANYTHING happen you can look forward to being arrested as an agent provocateur. (ask your attorney)

What grist for the anti-gunners mill ........

He is one sick SOB.

Member: Clan of the Turdlike People.

Courage is Fear that has said its Prayers

�If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.� Ronald Reagan.