When I was in Pa. earlier this year, Grice's in Clearfield must have had 50 used ones in the racks.. I looked them over mostly .270's and 06's.. I have hunted deer there off and on since I retired.. There is always a bunch of used Rem. pumps in Grices..
When I first retired in 1999, After hunting out west for a couple mths. I would head back there for three weeks of deer hunting in Pa. and W. Va. If often thought about picking up a Rem. slide action rifle as their shotguns are my favorite shotgun.. Kind of wish I would have, but now the camp I visited is being sold, and the deer are gone from the area I hunted in W. Va. so I doubt I do much hunting there in the future, but if you are scouting for a used Remington pump, that is the place I would start..

Molon Labe