Originally Posted by CCCC
Originally Posted by eyeball
Sorry, but im thinking baseball and football are more mental considerations and require players with more diverse skill sets to address more facets of those games for success.
I would agree about baseball being mental, particularly with regard to calculating the possibilities associated with each pitch and reacting correctly. But, that thinking mainly applies to one position - the one you are playing - and not every pitch brings a needed reaction for that position. Yes, a good all-around baseball player must have high and somewhat diverse physical skills - but they don't need to have stamina over a sustained period with no breaks.

In football, the player is given specific plans/orders to execute during any given play (most are not required to reason or know much) and the action time is very brief. Then, a rest, and you get some more specific orders. Lots of specialization. Physical strength/speed required? - yes. Brainpower essential? - not much for most. Stamina required? - not a major issue.

When a person is playing soccer well, the entire game can be a very individual reactive and decisive process - for each individual player - and those decisions/reactions are expected to take place immediately - and effectively - on your own. Specific and detailed orders are rare. The on-field thinking is conceptual/analytical and reactive - difficult to know what is coming next but one is expected to react well, without prompting.

Right - not for everyone and some never can see themselves becoming a soccer fan. That takes nothing away from the interesting and unique characteristics of the sport. Fun thread.

A great justification for triathelons and marathons being the greatest sports. wink

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants.

If being stupid allows me to believe in Him, I'd wish to be a retard. Eisenhower and G Washington should be good company.