Its scary to think that in todays society there are people who defy all logic and reason and follow philosophy such as this. How does one begin to try to reach such a person? For there are truly none so blind as those the refuse to see.
<br>"Guns have no place in the home - period. The Second
<br>Amendment did not mean you could have a gun in your
<br>home. It meant that you could join the militia and fight
<br>the British."
<br>--Ann Tyner Gleason, 62-year-old "Green Party" candidate
<br> for Attorney General of New Mexico
<br> (Albuquerque Tribune, October 30, 2002)
<br>People who actually study issues before they talk about
<br>them in the media might be surprised to discover that the Bill of Rights was ratified years after the Brits had already surrendered.
<br>The Albuquerque Tribune informs that "in a
<br>campaign-finance report filed earlier this month, [Gleason] listed $2,922 in expenses and $350 in contributions." But they printed her illogical fantasies just the same, in an article all about her.
<br>Whatever you do, don't read her party's platform on the
<br>"Green Party" website. Their "Economic Bill of Rights"
<br>and their "Progressive and Ecological Taxes" make a
<br>red communist look conservative:

America is (supposed to be) a Republic, NOT a democracy. Learn the difference, help end the lie. Fear a government that fears your guns.