A view from a simple old fart...

I mourn daily the travesties of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. The small "family" medical office three blocks from work that specializes in abortion helps keep it in my thoughts.

When I think of planned parenthood I often think about the "sacred cow" it has become and why. If they are looked at simply by their funding the status becomes rather obvious.

They receive over a half billion dollars of our money from the fed yearly. They "donate" to various political campaigns all of that plus another 15-20 percent.

Simply stated, the .gov funding of planned parenthood goes straight back into the politicians pockets...thus the "sacred cow".

The first thing to do is to remove the value of planned parenthood to the politicans. To do this we momentarily ignore the brutal killing of children they do daily and concentrate on stopping the money laundering scheme and work ruthlessly in exposing the hundreds of millions of dollars the politicians are taking from us and giving back to themselves.

Once the "sacred cow" status is exposed and removed the incentive to continually back this industry will be severely reduced. Without the .gov protecting a stream of funds to their pockets and as a result protecting the industry we can attack the basis of the industry.

The picture of the amount of innocent bloodshed produced daily, yearly will have a bigger impact without the smokescreen protection of the .gov and then we have a chance of slaying this monster.