Then there was the guy who brought in an Italian Carcano rifle because he had a round jammed in the chamber. "Is that gun loaded, sir?" "Of course not," and pulled the trigger to prove it. After we picked ourselves up off the floor, the idiot got his ass tossed out the door, literally, and the stupid rifle pitched out onto the sidewalk beside him (it clattered out into the street and a couple cars drove over it before he had a chance to retrieve it).

I could also tell you about the old retirement age cop who came in 40-couple years ago looking for someone who could give his service .38 a good cleaning before he turned it back in. The Colt hadn't been out of the holster for years. Decades maybe. There was so much dirt/lint/crap filtered and packed down in there that it was a tug o' war getting it out. The ammo was all corroded in the chambers- so bad that we had to tap a couple of them out with a hammer and dowel. The bore was rusted and filled with lint so bad that there was just a little tunnel of light shining through. The heck of it was, he was a great guy who was a very good cop. He just never had to draw his weapon, and obviously got around re-qualifications somehow. His billy club on the other hand looked very well used...

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty