A crossbow is very inefficient compared to a traditional or a compund bow. And this includes compound crossbows.

I didn't know this until I looked up crossbows on the web. The site where I found it dealt with modern crossbows.

I think it's because the draw length is so short, but never-the-less, there it is. A short draw gives a very shallow force-draw curve.

The medieval crossbows were designed to penetrate plate armor, and they were probably 300-400# pull. It took forever to load one.

I've only shot one crossbow in my life...I'm not a fan of them...but I was amazed at how weak it was and also how inaccurate it was. I know there are very accurate ones, and the inaccuracy was possibly my fault, but it was about a 90# bow and my 50# 21st Century longbow seemed to shoot faster.

Not many problems you can't fix
With a 1911 and a 30-06