I had my kidney removed 6 days ago and finally got to come home Monday. Well i woke up yesterday in the early morning with EXTREME pain in my right knee. About halfway through the day I couldn't tolerate it anymore and had my sister take me to Dr. I gotta tell u I almost had tears in my eyes it hurt so bad. So he tells me it's a gout flare-up. I;ve never had it in my life. Apparently my newly single kidney isn't doing a good job of filtering the uric acid yet. I cant take ibuprofen or have a torridol shot due to the kidney surgery and it is excruciating. I'm basically couch bound now. Anybody have any tip on how long a flareup usually lasts or any tips on how to reduce the pain. Ice packs help but at night i can't have my wife get up every 30 minutes to give me a new one. If u have gout I feel dreadfully sorry for u this is unreal painful. I mean I am taking percosets for the other surgery and it doesn't even take the edge off. Thanx guys

Last edited by k20350; 10/21/15.