Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
The way I look at it is I am going to be able to load up on great companies at bargain prices. The market goes up more than it declines.

It's a "players/speculators" market.
because of them, stocks go "up and down" for no "rhyme or reason"
The Mrs. took 6 months to make about 40k and gave most of that and then some back in a few "bad" weeks... Is s l o w l y making a comeback after the sell-off... (Vanguard mutual funds thru Fidelity) (paper profit - paper loss ...unless you take profits off the table and don't get too greedy)

In my opinion get just a few "eggs" in your basket...and then watch 'em like a hawk ! If you get a sizeable profit...then take it "off the table" cause you know the "players/speculators are going to do it...causing your eggs to plummet in value... You have to think like they do.

Of course you need to do this with a great "Charting service" like StockChartsdotcom... Diversifying is for fools. Pick one or two stocks or mutual funds (no load) then watching your Daily/Weekly/Monthly Stochastics - Buy the troughs and Sell the peaks.
And "listen" to the news. When the "experts" are saying "BUY"...you had better be looking for the Exit !
And sometimes when you don't know - sitting in "cash" is not a bad aaaalternative.
And when a stock or index is just screaming at you "it can't go any higher"...you're probably right...it won't !
And don't be buying stocks on their way down... cause if you think they can't go any lower... They will !

Good investing boys and girls, may all your 401k's grow to Super Lotto size!

It was Jerry "Mad Dog" Shriver (SFC E-7)who said:
"No, no, I've got them right where I want them -- surrounded from the inside."
