Hey guys, I am looking at upgrading some of my die sets, mostly because I am getting more runout than I would like during the seating operation. I was going to just buy some Redding competition seater dies but for not much more I can get a new set.

I am looking at the Redding's fairly new Premium 2-die sets and Master Hunter die sets. In reading about them, it seems the only difference in the sizing die is that the expander button in the Premium die set is carbide. Are there any other differences?

I'm not sure if the seater dies in the sets are different or not from my reading. The Premium die set refers to adding a micrometer to the seating die but the Master Hunter dies set says that it uses the "competition seater" with a micrometer. Is there a difference in the seating die in the two sets? I thought the competition seater was just the regular seater with a micrometer?

Any information you could give will be appreciated.

