I have no dog in this fight, but Leanwolf is 100% right. Bin Laden was in fact targeted, and the green light was requested, more than once.

Bill Clinton would not give the order, in spite of the fact that Bin Laden was known as the mastermind behind a series of bombings and attacks long before 9/11

The embassy in Nairobi Kenya in 1998

The USS COLE suicide attack in which more than a dozen were killed and dozens wounded. (I don't recall the exact numbers) in 2000

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, embassy bombing in 1998

1993 north tower truck bombing

etc, etc.

ALL of these were on Bill Clinton's watch and when it came time to order the killing of the person who masterminded these attacks that left literally HUNDREDS of innocents dead, Clinton did not have the intestinal fortitude to have the scum bag jihadist killed.

The terrorist world was shown that America was weak, under Clinton and it only emboldened them. That is the schit sandwich that Bush inherited.


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