If you include used rifles, there are a bunch of really nice ones in that price range, including FNs, M70s, and the Sakos of course. The long actions will seem a bit heavy by modern standards, but the quality is unquestionable. All but the Sakos will be a bit long for the .308 family and feature blocked magazines for the shorter rounds.

If you're only interested in new rifles, consider the Montana Rifle Company and also the higher grade Kimbers, some of which have really nice wood. The Kimber Longmaster .308 I bought in 2005 had very nice, apparently French walnut, and was the most accurate centerfire I've ever owned and maybe that I ever shot. New ones may or may not be the same. Both Kimber and MRC use modern manufacturing methods such as investment casting and MIM for some parts if that's an issue for you. The Kimbers, even the long actions, are quite light. The last one I handled was a select grade stainless .30/06 and was a stunner.

Take your time and get your hands on a few of the finalists before you put your money down. Good luck.

What fresh Hell is this?