By using real world prices is how 35 and 75 equals 150. You continue to post stuff about 200 dollar 99s and 75 dollar Stith mounts. Feel free to find any of those in the real world! And no the gun is not mine. The older model scope ups the price away from 35 dollars. Maybe in the happy fantasy land where you do you gun purchasing these things are still falling off the dealer racks, but the rest of us are not nearly so lucky.
<br>As for you second question.... Lets just say that I am more than happy to point things out that others may want. Did I at any point did I say I wanted the gun, Oppenheimer? Go back to you fantasy world and leave your confrontational BS at home.
<br>(I always thought people that were overly confrontational were either covering up latent homosexual tendencies, or overcompensating for sexual inadequacies.)