Regarding the axle ratio, things aren't the same as they used to be. Note: I'm not talking about horsepower, torque, tire diameter or vehicle weight etc.

Back in the day, output shafts from transmissions in high gear were 1:1. With that standard one could just look at the axle ratio and determine the ability to pull in high gear and then further look at lower gears for further pulling abilities.

The transmission gears in the Tundra are each taller from 1 through 6 than on the F-250 transmission. The overdrive on T is .588 and the F. is .67. I'd look at the T and the F at very near parity for final drive ratios at T being 4.30 and F being 3.73.

My F-250 with stock tires and 3.73 gears runs about 1550 rpm at 60 mph.

For discussion and comparison, does anyone have rpm numbers for a stock Tundra at 60 mph?