Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by jackmountain
Rick, honest question...
As a competition shooter, do you receive anything from Leupold? Discounts, free/cheap gear, sponsorship etc....in return for promotion? Don't take that as an attack, just wondering in the interest of full disclosure.... I'm a Leupold fan by the way. I shoot clays so I know you were sponsored by Browning at one time.

As a competition shooter I receive not a single discount. I don't do any promotion for Leupold whatsoever.

I speak good about them simply from my first hand experience using the product. I have them on every one of my rifles; Competition and Hunting. I've won and placed well at major rifles matches and killed quite a few animals at long range with Leupold scopes.

It's more the Indian than the Arrow; I'm sure that if I had any other scope on my rifles the results would be the same. To me it's just funny to read posts here about how Leupold sucks and will prevent a shooter from hitting what they aim at when I've found just the contrary in reality.

Now as for being sponsored by Browning, the same goes. I was sponsored by Beretta at the beginning before I switched and I'm sure I would have done just as well with their product as Browning's. I switched because of the Browning Gold that I had won and had been shooting really well. The Gold is what propelled me to National Wins. I speak well of Browning products as well and to do so, even being sponsored, you have to believe in the product. To believe in the product, you have to have first hand experience using it and be happy with your results.

I'm happy with my results with Leupold and will tell everyone, even though I'm not sponsored by them and if I was, it wouldn't change.

Thanks for the reply. Couldnt help but wonder if there was motivation. I started with a gold, had ftf's religiously, had it back and forth to my dealer more times than I care to remember. Switched to citori's (525's 30" & 32")and my scores went up quick. Actually shooting a Zoli now and can't imagine using another gun now. Saw something on the Browning site that said you no longer shoot clays competitively.... Sorry to hear that.