Since I have the "cage" to keep the birds in, and it's on wheels, the light bulb went off. Went to the lumber store and bought a couple 12 foot 2x4 s and 7 eight footers, and framed an 8x12 and 3 sheets of OSB. Laid this down flat, blocked it up so it was level. Then a cheap tarp cover the whole platform. So my method is, put the cage up on the platform with the cage to one side. When the birds make a big enough mess, I roll the cage to the other side, that is "clean". I found a snow shovel works well for scraping off the mess. When they get big, this is a daily thing, they poop like crazy! That can be composted for use later. We get 25 chicks from Murry's at a time, and that's about all I can raise in the 5x5 cage. The butchering starts around 6 to 6 1/2 weeks. I don't do them all at one time, too much work to butcher and process. I'll post my butchering method next.