Originally Posted by isaac
Cruz is as much a POS for not denouncing the photo his related PAC put out there.

Cruz has already got caught lying about these kind of stunts a few times already this primary season. Frequency of occurrence is telling.

Cruz wouldn't denounce the photo so he can take his beating as much as he likes to put them out there, and then deny his involvement.

Funny how his Senate votes on immigration and trade mirror those same tactics.

The immigration votes and trade issues still are swinging doors in explanation.

Likewise, lying seems to be a common trait for both candidates, its just one seems to get a pass.

And if you are going to call that PAC Cruz's you may as well recant your post that the GOP is pimping Cruz with Jeb's endorsement, and say the whole party is Ted's as well, after all - the establishment guy endorsed him.

Ultimately, it's one simple issue, one that a few folks here have met with camaraderie re comments on one's spouse.

IF (a big if) Cruz was responsible for the pic, or failed to 'denounce' the action, you really think grade school retaliation was in any way appropriate?