“It’s such a shame that something as simple as the uniform and it’s similarity to the border patrols uniform – in the coloring - could be very threatening to certain segments of the Latino population. So a discussion about that is going to be really tough.” Arce later added.

Arce has joined a coalition of civil rights groups and lawmakers asking President Obama to issue an executive order emphasizing the need for the Department of Interior and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to adopt guiding priorities for a more inclusive approach to National Parks.

Among the coalition’s policy suggestions are:

“Assess the cultural implications of existing agency uniforms, offices, signage, and other facilities. For example, the Park Service law-enforcement vehicles look like those used by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and uniforms have law enforcement connotations, both of which present a significant impediment to engaging all Americans.”

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"