Is about shooting actually.

Over time I've acquired several rifles which use tools for loading, forming bullets and so forth. The accoutrements have, from appearances, multiplied within their domain, becoming a confusing landscape of "which goes where?".

Having a few spare moments on hand I set about organizing the population by rifle and task. Wound up with 7 boxes for 6 rifles and one to go. The one below is the most petite of the bunch. Others run up to 10.5" x 7" x 2.5". They stack nicely. I am appalled by the vast emptiness on the shelves and puzzle about what I need to restore rampant disorder to my life.

[Linked Image]

3/16" red cedar is tedious to work with on this scale. Trust me.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain