I don't know anything about them, looking at their website, looks like some well known scam BS.

1) No references
2) You can register for "free hunts" - bet you win!
3) They have a ministry
4) No information about ranch
5) Didn't see any names listed

There was an outfit that had websites like this that was in Gonzales county for a long time. It was basically a guy that had 100acres high fenced. He would run the free hog hunt ads on Texas Hunting Forum (and others). Everyone that registered for a free hunt won - then they encouraged their friends to come with them because a paid hunt was so cheap! Once on site, there were charges for everything, poor accomadations, "guides" were lacking. Meals were non existent.

They kept shutting down and re-opening under different names. Scammed quite a few church groups w/ their "ministry ". I would look into it VERY carefully before I spent any money or booked a trip.
