Probably been asked before but it IS Friday night...

Thought of asking for favorite live albums but expanded it to DVD performances or even a live show you've been to.

Some of my fave live albums:

Nine Tonight
Live Bullet -- Bob Seger and the boys

Live in Arnhem--Tina Turner (was a 60-something GRANNY! at the time)

SRV--about all of his shows on DVD. The growth from a little shy to guitar god is amazing and, with the exception of MAYBE Hendrix, I've never seen anyone more at one with his instrument.

Van Morrison's Montreux performance (1980, IIRC)--ol Van might be the one guy who could give Axl a run for his money on mercurial performances but he kicked ass with a great band on this one.

Hendrix--Band of Gypsys album. Killer tone and Jimi at his roots!

Clapton--Unplugged. Pure, true acoustic set. Lord, my buddy and I have played all those songs untold times out live...

Clapton--One More Rider (more on this one later)

Eagles Hell Freezes Over--missing Felder but still kicked ass. Possibly Eagles at their best.

Allman Bros At Fillmore East--dude, come's the Allman Bros!

Queen Live Killers--Freddie and the guys. Certainly one of the most gifted bands--musically.

Springsteen--Live in Dublin--lot of good stuff on this album

I haven't been to a lot of concerts but two of my faves were both at Sun Valley. One with Keb' Mo solo and another with him and Bonnie Raitt. First one I was sitting on the grass about 20' from the stage. For you guitar guys, the second concert he had the best ES-335 Tone I have heard ANYWHERE on any album or live. Tried to see what amp he was using but couldn't make it out.

The one I didn't go to that I'll probably regret till I die is Clapton's One More Car, One More Rider tour. It was in Boise on a weeknight and I should've just tried to get off work and go--the album is awesome!

It ain't what you don't know that makes you an's what you know for certain, that just ain't so...

Most people don't want to believe the truth~they want the truth to be what they believe.

Stupidity has no average...