Riggle gave Leno a ride in this 2,500hp Barracuda at Irwindale Speedway to knock a check off of Leno’s bucket list. Unfortunately, they were at the circle track instead of the drag strip. After doing a killer wheelstand for Jay, he couldn’t get it stopped in time before the bank. He turned to avoid going towards the wall and the car simply couldn’t handle it. The car tipped and rolled a few times. Thankfully, both of these American icons are safe, but the legendary Hemi Under Glass is not looking so good. Check out the video below to watch the carnage unfold.

“This is only the second crash I’ve had in the 50 years of running this car.” – Bob Riggle

God bless Texas-----------------------
Old 300
I will remain what i am until the day I die- A HUNTER......Sitting Bull
Its not how you pick the booger..
but where you put it !!
Roger V Hunter