Wal now, THAT THERE is one thang I ain't never tried to do. But as high as the prices are for shot today, if you have a good supply of lead, and you shoot a shotgun much, it oughta be something worth looking into. Some of the regulars here are out in New Mexico drinking and uhhhhh, I mean, they are attending a shoot out. Maybe summa them ole boys will know about shot makers cause they know all about boiler makers. grin But ya gonna hafta give'm a couple of days to sober, uhhhh, I mean, re-adjust when they get back from the shootout. And sum of'em have a long way to go to get back home, so it may be next week before they get back. And sum of'em are gonna take the "scenic route" back, so it may be awhile before they decide to go home and log on here.

So hang on, sumbody will be along directly and answer yer question. There are a lot of experienced lead casters around here who know what they are talking about.

Last edited by BobWills; 07/14/16.

Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve problems.