Originally Posted by SargeMO
You have about three choices.

You can learn to manage a SA pistol with a safety. Yes, this can be done. The safety stays on unless the pistol raised above 45 degrees, when it comes off. I goes back on when the pistol lowers beyond that point. You practice it util it becomes automatic.

You can learn to manage a short-pull pistol with NO safety. Take the 45 degree procedure above and apply it to 'finger on the trigger'.


You can learn to operate a DA/SA pistol. Master the decocker first, then read everything you find by Ernest Langdon.

Any of these pistols will serve you fine but you should pick one and stick with it. Shoot it until you master it.

Well that's just crazy talk; where's the Holy War in that? We need arguments, fights, name calling...all in the name of; "If you don't choose what I chose, then you're an idiot...because I'm so freaking insecure in my own choice, I must force it upon others!"