A lot of good info,however,what has not been said is very early in the season, maybe even starting in archery and muzzle loader or the 1st few days of 1st rifle, most of the elk in those eastern drainages head for the Castleton ranch along Ohio creek and the Ohio creek road.

In 2015, coming out the end of the 2nd rifle season,we stopped counting at 300 head of elk in the hay fields along the road.In 2014,there were over 500 head.

Talking to the CPW guy there,they have had some problems with guys hunting the fence along the west boundary of that ranch. They get there by going in thru the Mill Creek trail head. The CPW claims there is no way they can harass those elk back onto NF land

That is why Tenderfoot Outfitters has had such poor success rates,according to Fred Stinson ,owner of Tenderfoot.

If God wanted you to walk and carry things on your back, He would not have invented stirrups and pack saddles