If you've never killed deer with a bow before, Take your binos and go where you can study them at length. Learn to see the muscles bunch in the front legs and he angles of the humerus/shoulder as Bambi loads the muscles to move quickly.

A relaxed deer is easy to kill at 30-35 yards. A deer that's loaded up will be closer to the ground and the shoulders are easy to see the loading. Shooting a deer ready to depart is very risky with a bow and even a very quiet bow is still going to be a problem. I couldn't hear my No-Cam HTR at 50 yards I am certain. I am also certain Bambi could hear it. With 50-60 FPS speed difference between the Matrix 330 and the No-Cam, shooting at an alert deer at 30-35 yards probably will have less perfect results with the No-Cam. At 20 yards I am dubious that a deer, even an alert deer has enough time to turn a good shot into a bad one with the Matrix. Maybe one all set to go could, but those deer are unmistakable and you just do not shoot them with a bow. At 20 yards a relaxed deer needs time to hear the bow, recognize it as a threat, recognize where it came from, start to load the muscles and begin to move BEFORE it can affect a good shot.

Just because a deer smells you doesn't mean it's alerted and ready to go. Almost nowhere are the deer unfamiliar with people. Even heavily hunted deer are quite used to just sitting still and letting you walk by. Pay attention to deer doing this and you'll soon learn the noise issue is just another small thing.