We shot from here to the mountain in the distance. Both were one shot kills. Jeff shot first, his buck cartwheeled down the mountain to the bottom of a rock slide. Mine got hung up on a spruce tree until I liberated it. I couldn't hang on and it ended up at the bottom of the rock slide (about 100 feet). Boned and hiked to closest road. Arrived at 1:00 AM. Saw bears driving out!

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We were quite a ways back in and the younger deer obviously didn't consider us a threat. This one and its partner walked up on us while were were hiking. We veered away and sat down to glass. They walked closer and bedded down 75 yards away. This one fell asleep. I got up and moved to a new spot about 100 yards away. I looked over and saw that she was standing up and very nervous. I whistled to her, waved to her and she laid back down- apparently satisfied that I was still a good guy! She was there for about an hour!

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Last edited by dennisinaz; 09/17/16.

NRA Benefactor Member

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.