I'm picky about triggers, at least on a precision rifle, which pretty much eliminates large swaths of rifledom. smile

I'm trying to think of a time a M700 failed me and I can't. Don't misunderstand- I've had a few that didn't shoot as well as I require. But unless I'm forgetting something, my next M700 failure will be my first. I've put many many thousands of rounds through M700's.

I do understand you guys are breaking bolt handles off willy-nilly out there <g>... but I guess I'm not that tuff.

The rifle I'm building now will be virtually all "custom" in the normal sense that we use that word with rifles. Manners, Bartlien, PTG all over the place, Holland, Timney, and a couple parts I'll make myself. I never even hesitated- it's getting built on a blueprinted M700 action.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two