Originally Posted by burrinho
Originally Posted by Gus
the bottom line is that it's an issue of land ownership. once that hurdle is past, the rest is just installing the pipeline.

this country runs on oil. both sides of the issue know that.


The end game by the tribe and by extension the other tribes is the issues of tribal sovereignty and recognition of valid treaties. This will be a court case that will go on for years, and has the potential to have far reaching impact in multiple states amd cost billions of dollars.

There are multiple cases where on treaty was signed with a tribe, then a few years later when the government unilaterally changed the conditions, or took away land. Maybe in 1880 the tribe couldn't do anything about it. But in a society of rules and laws in 2016 the tribes can contest these things and possibly address past grievances in the court system. A right leaning supreme court is an advantage, in most of these situations.

The racist remarks are interesting, hopefully they are kept to these boards.

Just great, another poster that should have been swallowed.

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"