Originally Posted by 43Shooter
This was on a preserve that's a big area, 5,000 acres. Four of us were the only ones hunting it yesterday afternoon. Started at one o'clock. Over the afternoon it warmed up considerably with no wind and the birds; pheasant, chukar and quail were spread out. We had two Labs with us and they started ok but they were having to cover a lot of ground. We alternated them but as it got warmer the "heat" was slowing them down.

A friend of the preserve owner who had two Brittanies that he and his wife ran in field trials offered to work his dogs for us. They were something else. It was like watching a video of how good upland hunting can be with great dogs. They didn't need much direction but were attentive when it was given. They found birds, held a point until released / "steady to wing and shot" and retrieved to hand, not releasing the bird until someone took it.

I'll always have a Lab but if I was to get another dog a Brittany would be high on the list.

They say that a hunter will get at least one good bird dog in his life. Mine was a Brittany and anything I end up after I retire will be second best.