This sounds like it was written by the same enviro nazis whom promote global warming. His science is just about as convincing.

Sure, a rig parked in the Phoenix sun during late July does not really need much warming before hitting the open road.

The one parked overnight at minus 20 degrees is a different story. All those dissimilar metals in the engine have different expansion coefficients.

The rods and caps fit the crank journals properly at operating temp. At minus 20, not so much. Main bearings, cam journals, valve tolerances, are all temp sensitive.

Thanks, but I will baby my engine for at least the time it takes for the windows to defrost. Fortunately, in my situation, the rig is pretty well warmed up by the time I get to the first paved road. The tach does not see two grand untill I am a mile from the house. Then I have another four mile at 35 mph.

The rig is warmed thoroughly by the time I hit I84 and 80 mph.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.