Sportingspecialist: I do not know who wrote your posted article but they are right on - albeit about 6 or 7 years to late!
I have been espousing (here and in many other places!) for 7+ years that barrack hussein obama and many other top officials in his regime ARE America hating, racists, deceitful, dishonest, divisive, anti-capitalist, pro-socialists and pro-Muslim - to the great detriment for our country.
I can NOT wait for the last minute of this evil bastards days in office!
barrack hussein obamas whole life has been based on deceit, distortion, dishonesty and race baiting - I DO NOT expect that to ever change.
He and his chumpchimp woman will leave the Whitehouse with even bigger chips on their shoulders than they arrived with!
Sad that.
Hold into the wind