moose, I thought about what you said about a hunt.. I have thought of that over the years, but the price of a good hunt just keeps climbing.. Faster than I can catch up.. I would get the gun, you can enjoy it everyday..

I don't make the hunts I used to.. We have always had lots to hunt here, usually I have several deer and antelope tags, at least one elk tag, plus varmints, birds and small game.. For years I used to hunt 6-8 weeks in Pa. and W. Va. after I was done here.. Then we have hogs in Tex.. Lots to do and not much money spent.. Time is often more of a problem.. Now I usually spend much of my fall here and hunt birds, deer and antelope.. Have a safe full of guns and love each one.. Instead of selling, I plan to pass them on to folks I know will appreciate them.. Kind of a nice way to be remembered!!

Molon Labe