My mind says I'm too young to be a geezer but my body disagrees. Nearing 63, I've had surgeries on sinuses (twice), eyes (3 times), neck (once), and knee (once; and if cortisone stops working, that knee will have to be replaced). There's a couple of other spots that could probably stand cutting on as well, just haven't gotten bad enough.

My dad made it to nearly 71 and as far as I know the only thing he had done was removal of a German bullet from his leg. He could outwork me right up until a few months before he died. I just ain't as tough as I ought to be.

But I can still beat through the bushes cruising timber for at least a few hours at a time, and get a few things done around the place like cutting up firewood and so on, so although I'm getting to be a geezer at least I've still got a little kick left in me.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.